- 1:49
Nominalizeaza si elimina
La 9-12 nominalizari incep eliminarile
⚠ Daca ai ajuns in finala , nu mai poti elimina!
La 4-5 eliminari schimb runda
╰┈➤ Best character from The Vampire Diaries - Bonnie Bennett nom. by #solivagant.
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Murder House - Tate Langdon nom. by #Haxan
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Asylum - Sister Jude Martin nom. by #solivagant
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Coven - Cordelia Goode nom. by #iMysticFalls
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Freak Show - Elsa Mars nom. by #iMysticFalls
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Hotel - Sally McKenna nom. by #crawlingback2me
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Roanoke - Shelby Miller nom. by #crawlingback2me
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Cult - Ally M. Richards nom. by #Haxan
╰┈➤ Best character from American Horror Story : Apocalypse - Michael Langdon nom. by #iMysticFalls .
╰┈➤ Best Disney Channel tv show - "..." nom. by "..."
╰┈➤ Best Christmas movie!
Nevăstuică rock chiar era un serial
Im in the band in engleză
Parca asa se num
Bafta Charlie
NOMINALIZATI cel mai bun serial Disney Channel (12 locuri)
- The title of the best character from AHS: Apocalypse (S8) goes to Michael Langdon. Also nominated by → #iMysticFalls.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: 1984"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 9th one!
Here is a list of a few of the characters to help you out <3 ↓
• Xavier Plympton
• Montana Duke
• Chet Clancy
• Brooke Thompson
• Ray Powell
• Trevor Kirchner
• Nurse Rita
• Donna Chambers
• Margaret Booth
• Richard Ramirez
• Jonas Shevoore etc
(Gasiti mai multe pe google)
pentru cei care n au vazut serialul/sezonul
Good Luck <3
- iMysticFalls & Haxan nu mai pot elimina.
Intre timp va puteti pregati un personaj din sezonul 9: 1984 pentru runda viitoare <3
incepem cu evie ca nu-mi aduc aminte cn e, nimeni important oricum
(Dau startul mai devreme)
- The title of the best character from AHS: Cult (S7) goes to Ally M. Richards. Also nominated by → #Haxan.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: Apocalypse"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 8th one!
Here is a list of a few of the characters to help you out <3 ↓
• Wilhemina Venable
• Mr. Gallant
• Dinah Stevens
• Mallory
• Coco St. Pierre
• Michael Langdon
• Miriam Mead
• John Henry Moore
(Gasiti mai multe pe google)
pentru cei care n au vazut serialul/sezonul
Good Luck <3
- Haxan
- The title of the best character from AHS: Roanoke (S6) goes to Shelby Miller. Also nominated by → #crawlingback2me.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from "American Horror Story: Cult"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 7th one!
Here is a list of a few of the characters to help you out <3 ↓
⭒Winter Anderson
⭒Rudy Vincent
⭒Kai Anderson
⭒Oz. Mayfair-Richard
⭒Jack Samuels
⭒Harrison Wilton
⭒Sally Kefler
(Gasiti mai multe pe google)
pentru cei care n au vazut serialul/sezonul
Good Luck <3
- Haxan
- also , @iMysticFalls & @crawlingback2me can't eliminate !
Cate eliminari pentru ea morr
Lee Harris in My Roanoke Nightmare'
Nush care e numele
ps: abia aștept să pui 1984
Daa, dar mai sunt 2-3 runde pana la 1984 , mergem repede oricum
Imi place de shelby miller, good character <3
- The title of the best character from AHS: Hotel (S5) goes to"Sare McDonald's (Sally McKenna)" Also nominated by → #crawlingback2me.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from "American Horror Story: Roanoke"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 6th one!
Here is a list of a few of the characters to help you out <3 ↓
⭒Mama Polk
⭒Elias Cunningham
⭒Diana Cross
⭒Edward P. Mott
⭒The Butcher
⭒Miranda & Bridget Jane
⭒Lot Polk
⭒Shelby Miller
⭒Matt Miller
(Gasiti mai multe pe google)
+ pentru cei care n au vazut serialul/sezonul
Good Luck <3
- also @Haxan & @crawlingback2me can't eliminate.
il prefer pe dandy
si ma socheaza ca nu l-a luat nimeni pe donovan
Liz sa fie
Det. John Lowe
Spart cu jocul asta e doar cu AHS și eu nu am văzut nimic din el mor
- The title of the best character from AHS: Freak Show (S4) goes to Elsa Marș Also nominated by → iMysticFalls.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: Hotel"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 5th one!
Here is a list of a few of the characters to help you out <3 ↓
⭒Tristan Duffy
⭒Sally McKenna
⭒James March
⭒Ramona Royale
⭒Will Drake
(Gasiti mai multe pe google)
+ pentru cei care n au vazut serialul/sezonul
Good Luck <3
- @iMysticFalls & @WildFeelings can't eliminate, Good Luck
Sa continui ca e misto serialul
Elsa marș
Dandy mort și gloria moț
- The title of the best character from American Horror Story: Coven (S3) goes to Cordelia Goode. Also nominalized by → iMysticFalls.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: Freak Show"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 4th one!
Here is a list of almost all of them to help you out <3 ↓
・Bette Tattler
・Ethel Darling
・Dell Toledo
・Dandy Mott
・Desiree Dupree
・Elsa Mars
・Maggie Esmerelda
・Jimmy Darling
・Gloria Mott (pentru cei care n-au vazut serialul)
(Nu sunt atat de multe personaje, poate facem 9-10 nominalizari)
Good Luck <3
(Devine mai greu acum)
always been zoe team
sincer e greu acum :(
deci myrtle
- The title of the best character from American Horror Story: Asylum (S2) goes to Sister Jude Martin. Also nominalized by → solivagant.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: Coven"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 3rd one!
Here is a list of almost all of them to help you out <3 ↓
・Zoe Benson
・Madison Montgomery
・Kyle Spencer
・Misty Day
・Fiona Goode
・Cordelia Goode
・Delphine LaLaurie
・Luke Ramsey
・Myrtle Snow
・Marie Laveau
・Anna Leigh Leighton
・Alicia Spencer (pentru cei care nu au vazut serialul)
Good luck
- also iMysticFalls and solivagant can't eliminate.
Johnny Morgan
pepper :o3
- The title of the best character from American Horror Story: Murder House (S1) goes to Tate Langdon. Also nominated by → Haxan.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story: Asylum"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 2nd one!
Here is a list of almost all of them to help you out <3 ↓
・Kit Walker
・Lana Winters
・Dr. Oliver Thredson
・Sister Mary Eunice McKee
・Monsignor Timothy Howard
・Grace Bertrand
・Dr. Arthur Arden
・Sister Jude Martin
・Teresa Morrinson
・Alma Walker
・Frank McCann
・Leo Morinson
・Leigh Emerson
・Pepper (pentru cei care nu au vazut serialul)
anyways, stiu ca e lung mesajul dar succes
-start nominalizari-
Constance t,t
- Also @iMysticFalls & @Haxan can't eliminate.
- The title of the best character from Vampire Diaries goes to Bonnie Bennett. Also nominated by → solivagant.
❦ Now it's time for a new round
"Best character from American Horror Story SEASON 1"
⚠ The character you nominate can't be from another season except the 1st one!
Here is a list of all of them to help you out <3 ↓
・Vivian Harmon
・Violet Harmon
・Ben Harmon
・Constance Langdon
・Tate Langdon
・Adelaide "Addie" Langdon
・Moira O'Hara
・Hayden McClaine
・Nora Montogomory
etc... (Google)
- Start nominalizari -
Acum este finala intre Bonnie si Damon
- @iMysticFalls & @solivagant nu pot elimina.
Au mai ramas trei: Bonnie, Damon sau Stefan
he does not deserve this.
Dar fiind Klaus din TVD , nu cel din The Originals de s a schimbat acolo, aici era villain, o sa spun Klaus.
(Melodia pe care i-o dedica Klaus lu Caroline) :))
Sheriff F
Maxim 12 nominalizari