1544 poze   223625 vizite
Midnight Blue!
Midnight Blue!
Xavier de Fraisinette
Xavier de Fraisinette
Prince Jardinier
Prince Jardinier
Jeanne Moreau
Jeanne Moreau
Ebb Tide. (Tufa); Mauve or mauve blend Floribunda.
Registration name: WEKsmopur
Exhibition name: Ebb Tide ™
Bred by Tom Carruth (United States, 2001).
Introduced in United States by Weeks Wholesale Rose Grower, Inc. in
Ebb Tide. (Tufa)
Simsalabim (Tufa)
Simsalabim (Tufa)
Purple Tiger (Tufa)
Purple Tiger (Tufa)
Orange and Lemons (Tufa); Bred by Samuel Darragh McGredy IV.  Mild, fruity fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height (75 to 305 cm).  Width (up to 60 cm).
Orange and Lemons (Tufa)
Orange and Lemons (Tufa); Bred by Samuel Darragh McGredy IV. Mild, fruity fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Height (75 to 305 cm). Width (up to 60 cm).
Orange and Lemons (Tufa)
Orange and Lemons (Tufa)
Orange and Lemons (Tufa)
Camille Pissaro (Tufa); Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
Yellow blend Floribunda.
Registration name: DELstricol
Bred by G. Delbard (France, 1996).
Introduced in United States by Certified Roses in 2020 as 'Camille Pissarro
Camille Pissaro (Tufa)
Nigrette (Tufa)
Nigrette (Tufa)

Comentarii album • 2
CELLA1963 16 iunie 2020  
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