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00x keep the calm before the storm

membru din 11 decembrie 2017

00x keep the calm before the storm

                  「 www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBU21PqjqmE 」.
            ’’I hear the words i wish you could say, i see the place where we could be
            and i saw the night when you gone away, in front of my fears, all night long.
            You, if you tell the words i need, you could ask me the truth, beause i am
            waiting for you, i am waiting for love. I know some times you’re scared of my
            love, you stay outside, i know what’s inside, you care for me and i care for you.
            I don t give up cause i’ve no regrets, in front of my tears, all night long.’’

8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ JamieMiller.; — Main character: played by Maria.
8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ JamieMiller.
8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ KarolSevilla.; — Main character: played by Maria.
8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ KarolSevilla.
8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ BillSkarsgard.; — Main character: played by Elena.
8thStory✧5Jul2018▐ BillSkarsgard.
11stStory✧11Feb2019▐ DavinaClaire.; — Main character: played by Elena.
11stStory✧11Feb2019▐ DavinaClaire.
11stStory✧13Sep2018▐ MattDaddario.; — Main character: played by Maria.
11stStory✧13Sep2018▐ MattDaddario.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ JoSkriver.; — Main character: played by Elena.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ JoSkriver.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ JonKorta.; — Main character: played by Maria.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ JonKorta.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ GigiHadid.; — Main character: played by Elena.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ GigiHadid.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ SerkanCayoglu.; — Main character: played by Maria.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ SerkanCayoglu.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ HandeErcel.; — Main character: played by Maria.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ HandeErcel.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ WilsonBethel.; — Main character: played by Elena.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ WilsonBethel.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ SelenaGomez.; — Main character: played by Maria.
FreeChar✧25Mar2018▐ SelenaGomez.

Comentarii album • 4
stripthatdown 25 iunie 2018  
perfecțiune de băiat b-)
nu știi tu ..
stripthatdown 6 iunie 2018  
Offf, nu încă =)) nu știe Renan =))
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