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Justin Bieber Up

Its a big big world
Its easy to get lost in it
You've always been my girl
And i'm not ready to call it quits

We can make the sun shine in the moonlight
We can make the gray clouds into blue skies
I know it's hard
But baby believe me

That we can go
Nowhere but up
From here
My dear
Baby we can go nowhere but up
Tell me what we got to fear
We can take it to the sky past the moon through the galaxy
As long as you're with me baby
Honestly (honestly) with the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up

Its a big big world
And I'm gonna show you all of it
I'm gonna lish you with pearls
From every ocean
That we're swimmin in

We can make the sun shine in the moonlight
We can make the gray clouds into blue skies
I know it's hard
But baby believe me

That we can go
Nowhere but up
From here
My dear
Baby we can go nowhere but up
Tell me what got to fear
We can take it to the sky past the moon through the galaxy
As long as you're with me
Honestly (honestly) with the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up

Baby we were underground
We are on the surface now
We are gonna make it girl
I promise
If you believe in love
And you believe in us
We can go nowhere but up

Baby we can go
Nowhere but up
From here
My dear
Baby we can go nowhere but up
Tell me what we got to fear
We can take it to the sky past the moon through the galaxy
As long as you're with me
Honestly (honestly) wïth the strength of our love
We can go nowhere but up

Nowhere but up
Nowhere but up
Nowhere but up

Albumul selectat nu contine nici o poza.

Comentarii album • 3
zuziktha 1 februarie 2011  
LoveJustin:x` 17 iulie 2010  
Este Melodia mea preferata` o Ador...
te iubesk Justinnnn`:X:X:X
LoveJustinBieber4ever 28 martie 2010  
coool =P~
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