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ALEXANDRU SIR ETEANU creator actor si director de imagine DPde origine romana nascut in ROMANIAALEXANDRU SIRETEANU creator Director de imagine DP cinemathographer cameramanALEXANDRU SIRETEANU- actorBerea caramelizataBISERICA DE LEMN DIN ADINCATA - SUCEAVAION DRAGOS SIRETEANU   CEAPA CU RATZA publicatie DA DA ista   ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU -CAJON SINTETIZAT -PERCUTIE -melotron blues- voice transformer - filter      APA IN CONTEXT         DE JUCARIE- free jazz de ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU      CIND ZACEAM BEAT - blues      CU DORUL IN PIEPT - formetta blues rock si Ion Dragos Sireteanu      DRACULATU de Ion Dragos Sireteanu         CIOCA BOCA - Ion Dragos Sireteanu         MUNTELE GAINA - cumbia gaitas columbia - FORMETA si ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU         GAZA - versuri de Ion Dragos Sireteanu         OZANA- cea frumos si limpede curgatoare - lirica - ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU- cintec         DUHUL AURULUI - docu drama -muzica de film - de Ion Dragos Sireteanu         Bogdan GHIȚULESCU- actor - producator eurovizion         VREU SA BEU - de Ion Dragos Sireteanu si FORMETTA BLUES BAND         LA CRISMA LA BUCURESTI- ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU si FORMETTA BLUES BAND         BALADA LUI CORBEA HAIDUCUL -      GREEN de ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU      ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU - cinta la muzicuta - harmonica - -sintetizatoare- EMO BLUES         ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU -FORMETTA BLUES BAND         DRAGOSTE PAR ESCHIVA         GIN TONIC - cu rima la capac- FORMETTA BLUES BAND - ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU         KISS THE CAT - FORMETTA BLUES BAND _ ION DRAGOS SirEteanu         LEA TICLETE - noi nu suntem rude de singe - dar putem cinta BLUES la singe         MA IUBEAI MA LEGANAI-         PLOAIE- FORMETTA BLUES BAND _ ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU         ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU COVID 19 -VERSURI IN LUCRU _ si imagini dintr-un rehab din MONTREAL 2022         Imagine din Montreal - luna plină - ca in profetiile lui NOSTRADAMUS         O sticluta de canadian club refacere dupa covit 19         SINGUR versuri - de ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU pt un cintec dupa G BACOVIA         Supe sau ciorbe cum se prezinta         MUZICUTA - HARMONICA - PARERI         SEVER VOINESCU         RESPONSABIL PROPUNERE DE LEGE - legea - Sireteanu         TATIANA SIRETEANU      PETER panaskiotis chitara solo      TANGO - DE CRACIUN - 2022 - Ion Dragos Sireteanu      TOT CU GINDU LA MOLDOVA- FORMETTA BLUES BAND      Viata la tara - ion dragos sireteanu   MAYA MATUCHA - cintec Ion Dragos SireteanuION DRAGOS SIRETEANU - unu mai muncitorescION DRAGOS SIRETEANU -film- director de imagine - cameramanION DRAGOS SIRETEANU IATC universitatea de teatru film tv fost elev LICEUL 39 si BUCURESTI imi caut   DESENE   liceul jean monnetION DRAGOS SIRETEANU poze photo fotografiiION DRAGOS SIRETEANU si FORMETTA BLUES BAND   IUBITA MEGA URICIOASA FORMETTA BLUES BAND      FORMETTA BLUES BAND-         TURBAT FORMETA ROCK GRUP         OH CRISTINA -FORMETTA BLUES BAND si Ion Dragos Sireteanu      IDEI CADOU         La OGLINDA - idee de cintec -de ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU- CAUTAM SOLIST VOCAL         DIAMANT ROZ - orange -ilustratie - pentru ANDREEA BOSTANICA         LOC DE MUNCA- DANS EXOTIC SPOUSE -cinti si dansezi cu ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU si grupul FORMETTA         jucausa dupa usa         my babe         MARICICA 2023 - MEDITERANIAN TOUR - ion dragos sireteanu         urma la chilot - cintec in lucru         MAM BOCEA- FORMETTA si ION DRAGOS SIRETEANU         MODEL DE ROCHIE DE SEARA concept nou si economic video clip sexy         PAPAIA OH FORMETTA BLUES BANDMonky pox FURUNCULOZAPACEPAGINI ROMANESTI - un ziar din MONTREAL - de limba romanaPrajitura cu babarule FORMETTA ROCK GRUP e o budinca pe cinsteROCK CLUB BORSA MARAMURES TRANSILVANIA ROMANIAURBAN TRASH - gen muzical

membru din 21 noiembrie 2020

o propunere de solista vocala

tks - bun venit - vrei sa cinti cu noi - scrie aici si te voi suna
planuim un tur in ENGLAND - 200 lire pe show

I can see what;s wrong with me
It;s in my head
I can see what&s gonna be
As I lie in my bed
Man is not my brotherhood
I am of the dead
I died as I lived as I loved and was born
On some distant hill
The reasons to hide were the reasons I cried
Fools pass laughing still
There can be bad blood in all I can see
It's in my brain
You don&;t know the pain I feel
As I must live again
Rocks and stones can;t bruise my soul but
Tears will leave a stain
They smile to themselves as they lay down my head
On some distant hill
The blind and the child sweep a tear from their eye
Fools smile as they kill
I got my own way to go and now I want
To take your minds
I believe if you could see
The blood between the lines
I believe that you could be
A better kind
Please lead the way so the unborn can play
On some greener hill
Laugh as the flames eat their burning remains
Fools die laughing still


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