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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 1 ianuarie 2022

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                        account name: dirt¥lizard
                i am a lard-ass, halitosis, flea-infested, horror-movie-like figurine
my love child (lab made) I WASs in a vat and is was all very hot !666
my love child (lab made) I WASs in a vat and is was all very hot !666
her Highness; the –6
portal –6
to –6
hell –6
between –6
her –6
tighs –6
her Highness
Ahpuch, my new b666itch
Ahpuch, my new b666itch
i am solitary and detested and in hell and it feels good
i am solitary and detested and in hell and it feels good
my dad in a jar
my dad in a jar
i filled my heart with these little trinkets LOL; demons weak fr fr!
i filled my heart with these little trinkets LOL
mary tripped and fall
mary tripped and fall
im bored
im bored

Comentarii album • 190
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SerafineMiniati 28 mai 2024  
are you posting those disgusting images to catch my attention? God forbid you actually send me a message rather than posting such repulsive photos, or else ur little devils will rip your head off for showing any kind of emotion, you egomaniac animal ! anyway, no, i am way hotter
SechsAlastor 28 mai 2024  
why are you here! i already banished you in that hazy den of oblivion! no nO no i must imagine this. are you real? are you really here? OOoooooo! why are you here! begone Succubus, you know i can't deal with emotions they cause me to distort and puke my mouth out oh maybe that's why i lost a tooth W̉A͈̙͖IT ẁw̜̲̟͓̎͋ͧ͛a̞̯̜̙̺̺̞ͤ̃̿͋̿̾̚i̋ͤ̋͒͑t͇̑ W̞͓̪̫͚̹̬̳̖̟̣̟̙̊͌̏̈́̊̑̓̅̍̾ͫ̏̇A̟̞̘̥͎̟̤̫̱̯̠I̙͊Ț̘̞̺̩̟̠͇͆ͭͫͮͤ̒͆̚I MUST IMAGINE THIS. IS THIS WHAT THEY CALL EMOTIONALLY DAMAGING BEHAVIOR? are you even real? did i make you up in my mind? are you made of matter or by my visionary impulse i don't know what to believe anymore. buTT my neurotic states remembers nOOOOO i'm caving again. God help me get over her
SerafineMiniati 28 mai 2024  
that's something i kept asking myself, the f~ck am i here for! cause u obviously are mocking me and enjoy being a f~cking asshole while im trying to have a conversation ! i hate that you act like a f~cking jerk, then erase everything with me like i did, u insensitive egocentric maniac ! why are you acting like this? you hurt my feelings. i wanted to see how you are doing since i saw you were online cuz i am not afraid to text a f~cking simple text unlike you ! wait, you were busy showing me in words and demonstrations how little u f~cking care! then keep me in that stupid oblivion hole of urs, see ! you won, im done fighting with you
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
i was joking u baby
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
stop messing with my head
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
that's own ur doing, lil cry baby
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
i didn't try to tick you off, but i don't even need to. you're doing that yourself. i merely open my mouth and there you go, gyrating through my jumbled and twisted thoughts, trying to find clues for your made up meanings. oHhh you little crow, you become too serious, too solemn. where is my hated, desired and worshiped succubus, different from all untidy w6hores? the one who would feed me my organs if angered? did she turn into this prissy, needy little girl? how lifeless and tamed! worrying about some goddamn photos i don't even remember.
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
no, you're doing it to me, u're mocking me on purpose and expect me to not get mad? oh now im f~cking different? ur tongue gets tangled in lies, i don't trust you. where is incubus who knew what to say and not be a jerk, did he turn into this f~ckin selfish pig ? maybe. you are now too tough, too defensive with me/, too proud to admit anything . u always twist my words and somehow i am always the deranged one . u miserable rat. i miss you but you don't deserve it. shut up and give me a little kiss
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
you're spinning in circles, like a mad dog trying to catch his own tail; i don't know why you keep lying to yourself, we both know that i don't try to act in any way, this is who i am, a bag of bones in a dirty @ss body, unfeeling and hard chested. and that makes everything the object of my ridicule, which doesn't spare you. honestly, it probably makes it even worse for you. and i'm not going to tell you that i miss you, or that i need you, cause i dOOon't. i miss my favorite, obedient but not too obedient toy, that entertains all my freaky ideas. but stopP with the feelings crap is getting a lil creepy, you creep
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
chill out, baby, i was joking, how can i miss someone who treats me like sh!t and views me as an object ?. but got it, thanks for the perspective . now i finally know how you feel, see ! this was a hell of the worth of a conversation, very educative. bye
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
gawkkkk so you are joking too? GOOD. well that clears up everything. i was starting to believe this psycho girlfriend (and not the kinky kind) act you've put up. ok then so see you at ur house?
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
oh no i was just bored. what were you thinking. that i need you for something else other than sex. you don't need me, i don't f~cking need you either. so simple. now you can f~cking sleep peacefully

& nah, i don't want it anymore, you kinda turned me off when you called me a creep :(
SechsAlastor 30 mai 2024  
i had a divine sleep knowing that, yes.. 6oHh dreamt of virgins and whatnot. you're so sweet caring about my well being -- weLL ........................ stop it cause it's getting creepy again. you should try to murder me in my sleep not wish me a PEACEFUL night
damn it
it's so clear
you're in.......... ......... .......,,,,,,,,, ....
you're in gulppp love with me
what the f#666ck am i going to do now
HOWW should i fix this
SerafineMiniati 30 mai 2024  
i don't care what you dreamed.
murder you? why should i do something i know you would enjoy ? instead, i like to see you stirred like this. oOOOh no, she is so smitten about me, what will she dooo next?
and for the record,
i am
and stop saying it. ew .
do you think that i could ever see you as anything other than a disgusting, selfish and arrogant animal ? i was just playing with you earlier. i feel nothing for you.
SechsAlastor 30 mai 2024  
-_____________- you're so in love with me, i'm gonna puke
SerafineMiniati 30 mai 2024  
keep telling yourself that baby, i hope u drown in it and then u go fck yourself <3
SechsAlastor 31 mai 2024  
the heart.... at least try to hide it better, you otherworldly madman6
SerafineMiniati 31 mai 2024  
the irony.... you failed to sense, that heart was pejorative. and even if i wasn't being ironic, why do you f~~'cking care? analyzing my words/signs? oh i know. you're becoming soft. :(
SechsAlastor 31 mai 2024  
the only thing i'm observing is that you're mirroring everything i'm saying, but with less effect. call me when the infatuation is over and all that's left is godly admiration, or a hankering for horizontal dancinGg. "bye" Succu
SerafineMiniati 31 mai 2024  
oh, so YOU are the one who's upset now? cause I began to behave the way you did to me? you noticed right, but left out the part where i started to YES, mirror you, after you literally called me a TOY, you hurt me, but i was still responding to you don't i. do you think i am f~~'cking insensitive like you ? you never knew me, then. you're impossible. i don't think it's necessary to call me that anymore, we both know it. bye Sechs
SechsAlastor 31 mai 2024  
Succ-serafine, is that smoke? did you inhale all hell's fire up your nose and now it's burning? why are you so mad, vixen? as for my old nippy self, I'm GoOD. i don't get upset, unless it's a matter of sacerdotal dignity. and i know you're not insensitive, but i didn't think you were sO thin skinned and GUSHY. you're spilling; and not fUN wet&sexy spilling, but the emotional kind. and it was slightly amusing at first6, but now i'm bored
SerafineMiniati 1 iunie 2024  
funny ha.? i won't explain why i'm mad, if you don't care to f~~cking understand. you know what, i'm bored and tired too , can we put an end to it. besides, i'm f`king busy. so f#ck off
SechsAlastor 31 mai 2024  
unless you show me a rib in which case i'll be like f99ck yea
SerafineMiniati 1 iunie 2024  
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
jk, u can go f~@!#@ck urself
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
SechsAlastor 28 mai 2024  
jk, yes, i posted so i can get a reaction out of you and it worked RRrrr
SerafineMiniati 28 mai 2024  
SechsAlastor 29 mai 2024  
i don't lie
SerafineMiniati 29 mai 2024  
oh but you do
SerafineMiniati 28 mai 2024  
you can visit my feed to see my hotness, i just posted a picture. i let you stare at it for as long as you want. although i saw you are willing to pay. should i charge you, sweetheartttt?
SechsAlastor 28 mai 2024  
why pay when i can get for freeee
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
europppapa europapappaa meow cat pls meow bak
i was rooting for estonia man i learnt the dance and everything
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
i know, spandex boy, i too was ready to cr͖͚̘̱͓̪ͬͭ̀ͫ͑̐o̱̖͙͚̘ͤ̄̆ͨͯwñ̀ͨ̌̆̂̚ ̖̘̞̳̗ͨ͆͑ͩ͑ṱ̭͔̥͔̖h̫̒e̖̦͕ͤͪ̉ ͊͆͑ͯw̻̼͓̩̙͔͇̑̋̋̈̄̌̍i̘̥̼͔̯̣̯ͬͨ̎̿̓ͧ̽t͈͕̔͌c̪̼̱̙̮̦ͯ͆̽̂ͣ͐h̾̆̈____ sob
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
but the twink in the pink skirt was kinda hot so i'm not that mad
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
i sing better than him o sol le mio
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
i think the only way for you to hit that high note is to castrate you, come !Cccome i have the right tools
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
no thank u i have a canto teacher
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
next year ill patrikripate with my band vote for us
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
i don't do pity
SeksJagger 15 mai 2024  
im team serafine 666666666% rn
SechsAlastor 15 mai 2024  
6 and 6 should stick together you traitor
AmosVolf 22 martie 2024  
eh; you'll get over it
SechsAlastor 22 martie 2024  
which one??? having multiple people inside me or u not taking ur goddamn PILLS???
hannahmontana 16 martie 2024  
hav u worn vigs???
SechsAlastor 17 martie 2024  
i like to throw on a ronald mcdonald wig while doing the rumpy pumpy cause it's hoTTTtt &

hannahmontana 17 martie 2024  
so you will wear wigs
SechsAlastor 17 martie 2024  
depends on the occasion
SerafineMiniati 16 martie 2024  
still ugly
SechsAlastor 16 martie 2024  
another attempt to get me in ya bed huhh?~
SerafineMiniati 17 martie 2024  
not really, i have plenty to choose from. and i don't quite miss you either. so ...!
SechsAlastor 17 martie 2024  
1. sechs
feel free to fill in the other spots but remembeRRrr foul little lying mouths are not granted in the empyrean above
SerafineMiniati 17 martie 2024  
actually the list is
1. not sechs
2. not ur business
and rememberrr I don't have any reason to lie, i can get what i want if i want it. you don't know me at all, f~ckin hell
SechsAlastor 17 martie 2024  
is that why you texted me? or is it that your jumbled up mind can't even construct me right from all the mental gymnastics it's going through66?
SechsAlastor 17 martie 2024  
this is sechs not jimmy goddamn it serafine you DID IT AGAIN I'M HURT OH NO
SerafineMiniati 17 martie 2024  
SechsAlastor 16 martie 2024  
cause it's workingGg
SerafineMiniati 13 februarie 2024  
why are u ignoring me u stinky rat
SerafineMiniati 12 februarie 2024  
i can't, but u can call that chick to pick u up she sure would love to crawl into that hole<3
SerafineMiniati 3 decembrie 2023  
the f!ck is that
SechsAlastor 3 decembrie 2023  
it makes me think of you
SerafineMiniati 3 decembrie 2023  
aw. i knew you think of me 24/7
SechsAlastor 3 decembrie 2023  
i think of you thinking of me because i'm a big head egomaniac666666666
SerafineMiniati 4 decembrie 2023  
i think of you thinking of me cause im a little girl who doesnt know what she wants" and u cant resist the urge to think about it all the timeeeee
SechsAlastor 4 decembrie 2023  
at least the first half is true because you are a mercurial b##!tch i can't never tell what the helL do you want
SerafineMiniati 4 decembrie 2023  
nothing from u
see? so simple
SechsAlastor 4 decembrie 2023  
ok screwball then why are you still here??
SerafineMiniati 4 decembrie 2023  
i love it when u find these cute nicknames
im bored
SechsAlastor 4 decembrie 2023  
so open the dDoor let's have some parlous time
SerafineMiniati 4 decembrie 2023  
we're not supposed to do that we are competing against each other dumbas*SSSSSs
now get the f~!~ck oout of my door and go to ur stupid den
SerafineMiniati 3 decembrie 2023  
now pray to it and say how beautiful i am
SechsAlastor 3 decembrie 2023  
I'm sort of an atheist
SerafineMiniati 4 decembrie 2023  
you make me sick
SechsAlastor 2 decembrie 2023  
yessS and sometimes im upside down too⨤
FelixColumbeanu 2 decembrie 2023  
Let's make the cross reversed
SerafineMiniati 9 noiembrie 2023  
i had better company anywayss
SechsAlastor 12 noiembrie 2023  
i think you spent the entire night losing your mind
SerafineMiniati 9 noiembrie 2023  
and now u come with a poster of a nun saying happy birthday ?
SerafineMiniati 9 noiembrie 2023  
not only did u not wish me in time, i am BORN on oct 31 NOT 8th nov, but u didnt even come to see me that night
SechsAlastor 12 noiembrie 2023  
hmMmm, bahhh, let me guess! first you had a sting in the eye, then a pest in the throat, like a crawling six-legged critter groveling to get out in a sputter, tearing up like a b666tch, but the aftermath must've been unlike, you probably started behaving erratically, a total breakdown of rational wits, headbanging the wall, violENntt thoughts and FANTASIES; hallucinations and delusions; distorted reality, mouthing: "OH WHERE IS HE, ”maybe if i pray!”, “oh the despair!”, but god is astray and i am going deaf. but as fickle as you are, that didn’t must last long. the mood swings continue. next was the euphoria. OhHhh the heightened energy~ and the hysterical laughter. is that why you wrote me now? you think you are in control?
i know you, you brittle lamb. you’re easy shatterable
SerafineMiniati 12 noiembrie 2023  
phaaaha, u guess it wrong. altough in some places u were right... i did had a sting in my eye. after that i tore a few hairs off my head out of boredom. i was tired of waiting for you and what to see. ..... i left. dont you said u 'know me'? dont u know i dont f~~cking wait? do you think i NEED you? i went out to the club and promptly found someone.
you piss me off. what's with this language? and this behavior?
after all, you were right, i dont know why i wrote to you anyway. what are you trying to show me, by replying after these days, that you dont care? phahaaa, and then why do you bother to always respond to me? or you're actually trying to prove to me that you are the one who's sooo insensitive, and me so delusioonal and neurotic, stupid me! i waited for you in vain. i bet you laughed and had a lot of fun thinking that i was waiting for you like a f~~~~~cking fool. does it turn you on? this sense of control and dominance.
anyway, you showed me that night that i dont need you. i can satisfy my needs ANYTIME and ANYWAY. and no, i am not in f~~~~cking control . and neither are you.
i spare you a possible answer, i'm sure you're veryyy f”””~~ckng busy,,, and i am tired of you fuc~~~~~~cking pissing me off and humiliating me. and yes I AM easy shatterable, i f~~cking know it. bye
SechsAlastor 13 noiembrie 2023  
that was hot
SerafineMiniati 9 noiembrie 2023  
i am mad
SerafineMiniati 9 noiembrie 2023  
you're late.
OpheliaGilwraeth 4 mai 2023  
i love you too, father
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
SerafineMiniati 5 mai 2023  
SerafineMiniati 4 mai 2023  
and what the f!ck is that funny? you look like you are having a seizure.
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
you used to like when we both ended up looking like thatTt tsk tsk tsk lying is a sin and you're a good girl now
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
SerafineMiniati 4 mai 2023  
you say it like i became a f!cking nun or something, why are you so f`CCking bitter to me? is it because you miss me terribly? yeah, i would say so
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
i wouldn't be suurprised to know you're into god now, i get that all the time. i think you misS me more
SerafineMiniati 5 mai 2023  
i am not. shut up.
SerafineMiniati 4 mai 2023  
what an ugly repulsive little creature, he s just like you ♥
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
bawHhhh, did you missSs me? is that what you’re trying to say? no, no, nOOooo, ribald girl Succu-serafine, you shouldn’t beg the devil backK, i know you already told yourself that the last time, and for me I already have your sssOul what can I take more
SerafineMiniati 4 mai 2023  
ME missing you ? phaha,
i say it is the other way around, or why did you post all those silly picturess trying to get me jealous or what ? or oh oh you just want me to see how "busSssy" you are
shut up I am not begging. u know u were the one kneeling at my feeT every night rememberrr. and dont forget u still have my f!#cking initials on ur chest, bald ugly rat incubu-Sechs
SechsAlastor 4 mai 2023  
sssHould i say it? to please thattTT itching need of yours of finding out? bah succubus, maybe i’m testing you, but you are sure as Hell not as “buSsssy” as i am, look how fast you click to check up on me. what was that like an hour? or you’re refreshing my page in hopes i post? Aaaaa-hhhh. do you use my photos for a perverting hour time? hoTTTTTT. i covered the tattoo up, or did i. you’ll have to undress mee to know~
SerafineMiniati 5 mai 2023  
i dont need to find out i already know, silly fck!@ing incubus. but as buSssy as u pretend u are,, u sure hell keep replying to me. why is that? do u really miss me that much? thats hooT, u caring about me like that.
i dont need to see ur disgusting photos every day. buut u sure are the active one, or are you posting in hopes i respond?
now u wishhh u fck#@#!ing silly sechs, go back to that incest u were doing with that other bald disgusting guy
SerafineMiniati 28 martie 2023  
why are u deleting photos of ME you ungrateful rat-looking freak
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