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Prima menționare documentară a satului Borșa este din 1216 sub denumirea de Bursa.

sau BOR - parte din jurul fesului FORMIND PALARIA - sha- ustensila de stat pe cal-

sau mai simpu - BORSA - estu o fiertura de MIRR- Phaseolus vulgaris-Many well-known bean varieties belong to this species, and none of the lists below are in any way exhaustive. Both bush and running (pole) varieties exist. The colors and shapes of pods and seeds vary over a wide range.

Black turtle beans[edit]

Black turtle beans
The Black turtle bean has small, shiny black seeds. It is especially popular in Latin American cuisine.

Cranberry and borlotti beans[edit]
Cranberry beans originated in Colombia as the cargamanto bean. Borlotti or Roman beans are a variety of cranberry bean bred in Italy to have a thicker skin. They are much used in Mediterranean cuisine.[citation needed]

Flageolet beans[edit]
Flageolet beans are often eaten in France. The seeds are small, light green, and kidney shaped. The texture is firm yet creamy if shelled and cooked when fresh but semi-dry.

Kidney beans[edit]

Kidney beans
Kidney beans, also known as red beans, are named for their visual resemblance in shape and color to kidneys. They are commonly used in chili con carne and are an integral part of the cuisine in northern regions of India. They are also used in New Orleans and much of southern Louisiana for the Monday Creole dish of red beans and rice.

Pea beans[edit]
A type of Phaseolus vulgaris called pea bean has been recorded in Britain since the 16th century.[15] In the US the name "pea bean" is also used to describe small white beans, and the same name is used for Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis, also called yard-long bean and cowpea.[16] The seeds of the British pea bean are bicolored red-brown and white. The plants are a typical climbing bean. The beans are either eaten in the pod like French beans or they may be harvested when mature and eaten as other dried beans.[17]

Pink beans[edit]
Pink beans are small, pale pink, oval-shaped beans also known by the Spanish name habichuelas rosadas.[18] The Santa Maria pinquito (Spanglish = pink and small), is commercially grown on the mesas above Santa Maria, California, and is a necessary ingredient in Santa Maria Style BBQ.

Pinto beans[edit]

Pinto Beans
Pinto beans are named for their mottled skin. They are the most common bean in the United States[19] and northwestern Mexico,[20] and are most often eaten whole in broth or mashed and refried. Either whole or mashed, they are a common filling for burritos. The young pods may also be harvested and cooked as green pinto beans.

White beans[edit]
Navy beans or haricot beans are particularly popular in the United Kingdom and the United States. Other white beans include cannellini, a popular variety in central and southern Italy that is related to the kidney bean. White beans are the most abundant plant-based source of phosphatidylserine known.[21]

Yellow beans[edit]
Sinaloa Azufrado, Sulphur, Mayocoba, and Peruano (also called canary) are types of yellow beans.

Peruano beans (also called canary or mayacoba beans) are small, oval, yellow beans about 1/2 inch (1 cm) long with a thin skin. They have a creamy texture when cooked. Despite the name (peruvian beans in Spanish), they are native to Mexico. Yellow beans are uncommon in the United States due to a controversial patent issued in 1999 to John Proctor, who selected and named a strain of yellow bean from seeds he brought back from Mexico. U.S. Patent No. 5,894,079 (the Enola or yellow bean patent) granted POD-NERS, LLC., exclusive right to import and sell yellow beans in the United States from 1999 through 2008, when the patent was rejected after reexamination.[22][23]


Climbing beans growing in DR Congo

Bush bean field in Laos
In 2010, total world production of dry beans was 23 million metric tons, harvested from over 30 million hectares.[24] World production of green beans in 2010 was 17.7 million ton, harvested from 15.1 million hectares.[24]

A fost reședința plasei Borșa. Printr-un document emis de regele Ludovic I (1326-1383), datat 1337, satul Borșa este donat familiei nobiliare Bánffy, care va rămâne proprietara satului până la sfîrșitul celui de-al doilea război mondial.[9] Numele Borșa, dupa parerea istoricilor, este de origine romano-slavă sau cumană. Datorită situației politice din Transilvania, denumirea localității Borșa a fost tradusă sub diferite forme în limba maghiară, însă a rămas rădăcina Borșa în orice traducere. Partea a doua a denumirii care apare în documentele maghiare este ,,horoszt’’ care în maghiară înseamnă pădurice, tufărie la genitiv adică ,,păduricea sau tufăria lui Borșa’’. Denumiri Satul Borșa din județul Cluj, pe parcursul istoriei a fost denumit în mai multe feluri. In 1216, Borsa este cunoscuta sub denumirea de Bursa. În 1322 Harasta Borza. Pentru anul 1315 Borșa este cunoscută sub denumirea de Villa Borsahrozta, în 1332 sub denumirea de sacerdos de Borsa, Borsa Horosta, în 1333 întâlnim satul sub denumirea de Borsa horozta, în 1334 Borsahorost. Mai târziu, satul este amintit în 1576, 1587-1589 cu numele simplu de Borșa sau Bors. În 1854 apare și numele românesc al satului Borșea. Denumirea oficială de Borșa este preluată în anul 1918 odată cu Marea Unire a Transilvaniei cu România.

Bibliografie[modificare | modificare sursă]
Simon András, Gáll Enikő, Tonk Sándor, Lászlo Tamás, Maxim Aurelian, Jancsik Péter, Coroiu Teodora (2003). Atlasul localităților județului Cluj. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Suncart. ISBN 973-86430-0-7
Dan Ghinea (2000). Enciclopedia geografică a României. București: Editura Enciclopedică. ISBN 978-973-45-0396-4
Liviu Stoica, Gheorghe Stoica, Gabriela Popa (2008). Castles & fortresses in Transylvania: Cluj County. Castele și cetăți din Transilvania: Județul Cluj. Cluj-Napoca. ISBN 978-973-0-05364-7
Note[modificare | modificare sursă]
^ a b Atlasul localităților județului Cluj, p. 94
^ „Rezultatele alegerilor locale din 2008”. Biroul Electoral Central. Accesat la 19 iunie 2008.
^ a b Populația satelor aflate actualmente în componența comunei, ea având la acea vreme (2002) altă componență.„Recensământul Populației și al Locuințelor 2002 - populația unităților administrative pe etnii”. Kulturális Innovációs Alapítvány (KIA.hu - Fundația Culturală pentru Inovație). Accesat la 6 august 2013.
^ a b Rezultatele finale ale Recensământului din 2011: „Tab8. Populația stabilă după etnie – județe, municipii, orașe, comune”. Institutul Național de Statistică din România. iulie 2013. Accesat la 5 august 2013.
^ x indică operatorul telefonic: 2 pentru Romtelecom și 3 pentru alți operatori de telefonie fixă
^ Rezultatele finale ale Recensământului din 2011: „Tab13. Populația stabilă după religie – județe, municipii, orașe, comune”. Institutul Național de Statistică din România. iulie 2013. Accesat la 5 august 2013.
^ Varga E. Statistică recensăminte după limba maternă, respectiv naționalitate
^ Structura etno-demografică a României
^ Liviu Stoica et all, p. 48.
borsa maramures transilvania romania; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
borsa maramures transilvania romania
borsa maramures transilvania romania; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
borsa maramures transilvania romania
borsa maramures; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
borsa maramures
rock club land domain; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
rock club land domain
rock club land domain; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
rock club land domain
cladiri pentru diferite cluburi- rock -; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
cladiri pentru diferite cluburi- rock -
spatiu de dezvoltare rock; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
spatiu de dezvoltare rock
1 km locuibil - rock club land domain; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjUIqrXe-GQ
1 km locuibil - rock club land domain
harta romania; 34 ha teren - agricol fineata
rock club land domain 
borsa maramures transilvania romania
30 km linga cluj
 alte terenuri in tara si strainatate multiple constructii 
harta romania
rock club land domain; 34 ha teren - agricol fineata
rock club land domain 
borsa maramures transilvania romania
30 km linga cluj
 alte terenuri in tara si strainatate multiple constructii 
rock club land domain
Borsa maramures transilvania romania; Borsa este situata in sudul Maramuresului istoric, la 81 km de Sighetul Marmatiei, pe DN 18. Orasul isi aliniaza casele pe 20 km de-a lungul vailor Viseului, Repedei, Cislei si Pietroasei. Bogatiile n
Borsa maramures transilvania romania
tineri maramures; Phoenix
tineri maramures

Comentarii album • 8

Anca10 22 august 2014  
foarte buna descrierea!Felicitari pt prezentare!
Răspunde Raportează
rockclublanddomain 23 august 2014  
Ultramarine - Dimbea

esti din zona ?
Răspunde Raportează
rockclublanddomain 27 august 2014  
nu - sunt bucurestean - crescut in moldova - alt domeniu al meu- n de suceava -
apoi bucale loco-
terminat iatc- teatru cinema - director de fotografie - facut 3-40 filme - la buftea- utilitatare - agricole - faceam misto de colegi - ca e nevoie de cadere in agricultura - si energie -

apoi - roiu-

inchisesem la baia mare cintarea romaniei- etc..

Răspunde Raportează
Anca10 23 august 2014  
voi fi?
Răspunde Raportează
rockclublanddomain 28 august 2014  

The land of Count Dracula, Gheorghe Hagi and Ilie Nastase, George Enescu and Nadia Comaneci, Constantin Brancusi and Hertha Muller, Lucian Bute and Daniel Negreanu, Stefan Odobleja and Nicolae Paulescu, Henri Coanda and Aurel Vlaicu and even George Pomutz, an American Civil War general. You may or may not have heard of the people I listed above but in their respective fields all of them have made a considerable impact throughout their lives.

And all of them come from a country in Eastern Europe called Romania.

Many of you have heard about this Eastern European country and with this thread I hope to shed a light on the beauty of Romania and hopefully help you to make a decision with regards to a possible visit.

To start off the thread, I will present a couple of quick facts and figures to give you a better idea about Romania.

The first remains of human activity in Romania are from 42000 years ago, from the "Cave With Bones", whilst the earliest known written evidence of people living in the area are from Herodotus's writings mentioning the local tribes called "Getae". The Dacian Kingdoms which controlled the area later under the reign of Burebista (82BC - 44BC) and later on Decebal were conquered by the Roman Empire and colonised in 106AD.

Later on in the Middle Ages, the first medieval kingdom in Romania was founded in 1330 and up until the Declaration of Independence in 1878 with a new Kingdom of Romania, the territories in modern day Romania have been either independent or under foreign rule.

The creation of the Kingdom of Romania in 1878 under the reign of King Carol (Karl) I ensured stability and prosperity that culminated with the creation of Greater Romania in 1918, comprising of Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania, Bucovina, the Quadrilater and Bessarabia. After World War 2, Romania was a Communist country, led by Gheorghe Ghiorghiu Dej and later on by the infamous Nicolae Ceausescu.

Since the fall of the Communist Revolution in 1989, Romania has made the transition to democracy using a system of bi-chamber Parliament and a unitary semi-presidential republic with the capital in Bucharest and under the guidance of the current incumbent Traian Basescu.

Romania celebrates on the 1st of December, since 1918, the Great Union Day of all of the main regions of the country. Since the collapse of Communism in 1989, 1st of December has been declared the National Day of Romania.


For those interested in Romanian mythology, check this post - Romanian mythology

For those interested in the Romanian monarchy, check this post - Romanian Royal House

And without further ado, here's some wonderful pictures, almost all of them taken from this wonderful Facebook group called "273 places you have to visit in Romania."


Răspunde Raportează
rockclublanddomain 24 august 2014  
te muti la borsa -
unde stai- caut manager-

iti dau un lot in arenda - si imi dai cit crezi-

nu-mi place - mai trimit - pina se umple totul -

Răspunde Raportează
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