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flowers of fire blossom in me

       ⌜   ¹Have you ever loved a rose,         ²Have you ever seen her dance,  ⌝
          and watched her slowly bloom;           her leaves all wet with dew;
          and as her petals would unfold,          and quivered with a new romance—
        you grew drunk on her perfume.          the wind, he loved her too.
         ³Have you ever longed for her,         ⁴Have you ever loved a rose,
          on nights that go on and on;          and bled against her thorns;
          for now, her face is all a blur,         and swear each night to let her go,
       ⌞    like a memory kept too long.         then love her more by dawn.    ⌟
      ╼╾ Ⲋ: 17 Aug, 2024.        ৲ℚuoting: “Have You Ever Loved a Rose?”  ⤳  ᵇʸ‹Ạṭṭịc̣ụṣ.
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘29.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘29.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘30.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘30.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘31.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘31.08˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘01.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘01.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘02.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘02.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘03.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘03.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘04.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘04.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘05.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘05.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘06.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘06.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘07.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘07.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘08.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘08.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘09.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!
̗̀ ̖́Kendallℐ. ˘09.09˘ ∿ℑṇṣṭạg̣ṛạṃⳎọṣṭ!

Comentarii album • 7
xTheOriginalsTO 16 septembrie 2024  
Succes in continuare ❤️
QueenCyrusx 16 septembrie 2024  
crawlingback2me 25 august 2024  
mai pozele de ieri si azi, va rog eu!!!!
imma tell you a secret, but this might be my favorite challenge shhh, look how beautiful is everything, with the princessy on top :(( ♥♥♥
i wanna see moooooorrrrreee, please ~
QueenCyrusx 25 august 2024  
ah, I can keep this secret! also, the princess sends you all her love♡
come here every day, and you will see more! :D
crawlingback2me 25 august 2024  
i will, i will, pinky promise <3<3<3<3
Emptiness 22 august 2024  
ce frumosss♥♥♥
QueenCyrusx 22 august 2024  
mulțumesc frumosss, pupicei❤️❤️
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