30875 poze   161825 vizite
0 - A little game - memories!0 - Best qTVDBand quotes0 - Când e Fane lângă Fane - Fane de pe qtvd l-a întâlnit pe Fane Adevăratul no10 - Couples and Hook-ups0 - Esti din qTVDBand daca ____ xD - i love you all0 - FANE AFTER 1 YEAR IN VASLUI - LIVE remix0 - Our parties be like0 - Our videos0 - STEFAN ȘI DAVINA pe bune in 2019 - la noi OTP since 20140 - SUTA DE MII SI 10 ANI0 - United family on WhatsApp0 qTVDBand crack-humor xD0 TVD PE MANELE0 WE ARE SEARCHING FOR DAMON AND BONNIE0 WE ARE THE BEST FARA NR   adrianaLIMA - human   alaricSALTZMAN - vampire   amaraPETROVA - immortal   carolineFORBES - vampire   chrisPARKER - wizard   damonSALVATORE - human   davinaCLAIRE - witch   derekHALE - werewolf   elenaGILBERT - human   elijahMIKAELSON - original vamp   enzoLORENZO - vampire   ericaREYES - werewolf   ernestTAKACS - ghost   felicitySMOAK - werewolf   frankyDOYLE - human   frederickBEAUCHAMP - wizard   freyaBEAUCHAMP - witch   freyaMIKAELSON - immortal   hayleyMARSHALL - hybrid   kaiPARKER - wizard   katherinePIERCE - vampire   klausMIKAELSON - original hyb   kolMIKAELSON - original vamp   lydiaMARTIN - banshee   nadiaPETROVA - vampire   rebekahM - original vamp   reginaMILLS - witch   stefanSALVATORE - vampire   tatiaPETROVA - original vamp   tristanDeMARTEL - vampire   tylerLOCKWOOD - hybrid   zoeBENSON - witch0 WE WANT WAR10 ANI DE QTVDBAND - LA MULTI ANI NOUA1O OOO de poze - 36OO vizite - QTVDBANDvoi fi și trup și suflet alături de tinexq - List of our episodes   here - episode 01 - done   here - episode 02 - done   here - episode 03 - done   here - episode 04 - done   here - episode 05 - done   here - episode 06 - done   here - episode 07 - done   here - episode 08 - done   here - episode 09 - done   here - episode 10 - done   here - episode 11 - done   here - episode 12 - done   here - episode 13 - done   here - episode 14 - done   here - episode 15 - done   here - episode 16 - done   here - episode 17 - done   here - episode 18 - done   here - episode 19 - done   here - episode 20 - done   here - episode 21 - done   here - episode 22 - done   here - episode 23 - done   here - episode 24 - done   here - episode 25 - done   here - episode 26 - done   here - episode 27 - done   here - episode 28 - done   here - episode 29 - done   here - episode 30 - done   here - episode 31 - done   here - episode 32 - done   here - episode 33 - done   here - episode 34 - done   here - episode 35 - done   here - episode 36 - done   here - episode 37 - done   here - episode 38 - done   here - episode 39 - done   here - episode 40 - done   here - episode 41 - done   here - episode 42 - done   here - episode 43 - done   here - episode 44 - done   here - episode 45 - done   here - episode 46 - done   here - episode 47 - done   here - episode 48 - done   here - episode 49 - done   here - episode 50 - done   here - episode 51 - done   here - episode 52 - done   here - episode 53 - done   here - episode 54 - ONE DECADE OF QTVDz - T h i s - i s - our House   knock - Regina room   this is - bathroom   this is - game room   this is - kitchen   this is - roof   this is - terracezz - DisneyLand _ Californiazz - Our town - MYSTIC FALLS   buy from - mystic supermarket   come to - mystic forest   dance at - mystic club   drink at - mystic grill      drink at - mystic grill 01   drive on - wickery bridge   eat at - mystic shaormerie   find women - mystic centura   lose weight - mystic fitness   manele at - hanul drumetului   new look - mystic hairdresser   play at - mystic casino   RESTAURANT - LA FANE   swim at - the mystic lake   this is - mystic hospital   travel at - mystic garazz - Ravenswood cityzz - STEFAN E IN VACANTE PRIN EFORIE SUDzzz - Am sa ma duc prin tari straine sa-mi fac viata ca in filme   Dubai Dubai - viata ca-n RAI   Dubai Dubai - viata ca-n RAI 2

membru din 8 aprilie 2014

here - episode 41 - done

█ ▄→ - Klaus
♡ cσνєη ♡ - Zoe
♡❧`⇒. - Kath
☼ - REBE
┊deɴιι┊- Davina
✿ - hayley
ᵔᴥᵔ -- caro
》 - elena
↘ ; - bonnie
▬ ❝ - tyler
△▼ ❥ : Anna
;; *deschide ochii larg auzindu-le cantand*=))).
;; *deschide ochii larg auzindu-le cantand*=))).
シ.; #vine pe ușă cu arcul în mână și-l aruncă sub canapea. Nimeni, so....
シ.; #vine pe ușă cu arcul în mână și-l aruncă sub canapea. Nimeni, so....
▬ ❝[21.01]|intra in casa cantand melodia lu #Sam Smith - I`m not the only one|
▬ ❝[21.01]|intra in casa cantand melodia lu #Sam Smith - I`m not the only one|
▬ ❝I drew a broken hearth. Right on your window pane. Waited for your reply.[cl]; Here in the pouring rain. Just breathe against the glass. Leave me some kind of sign. I know the hurt won`t pass, yeah. Just tell me it`s not the end of the line.
▬ ❝I drew a broken hearth. Right on your window pane. Waited for your reply.[cl]
- I never meant to break your heart. Now I won`t let this plane go down...(cl); I never meant to make you cry. I`ll do what it takes to make this fly.
- I never meant to break your heart. Now I won`t let this plane go down...(cl)
▬ ❝Ohhh, you gotta hold on. Hold on to what you are  feeling...[cl]; That feeling is the best, The best thing, alright. I`m gonna place my bet on us. I know this love is heading in the same direction. That`s up.
▬ ❝Ohhh, you gotta hold on. Hold on to what you are feeling...[cl]
█ ▄→ -se dezb:racă de tot şi aleargă în cerc prin borcanul în care era închis-
█ ▄→ -se dezb:racă de tot şi aleargă în cerc prin borcanul în care era închis-
- da bine sunteţi naşpa. =(
- da bine sunteţi naşpa. =(

Comentarii album • 9
qTVDBand 9 ianuarie 2015  
brb ;3 #Kol.
qTVDBand 9 ianuarie 2015  
Intru maine cu Adriana ♥
qTVDBand 9 ianuarie 2015  
Ok cum vrei :*
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