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shows AND appearances_ 2O15 xx

Aparițiile nu vor fi neapărat în ordine.
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
NYC’s 2015 Pride: Dance on the Pier
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
Arriving at Restaurant in Barcelona, Spain - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
The Honeymoon Tour ^ Lotto Arena - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15
Capital FM’s Summertime Ball - 2O15

Comentarii album • 1
TheWeeknd 10 iulie 2015  
Doamne,deci outfiturile ei sunt geniale,are un corp de-a dreptul superb . :3 Ai cel mai frumos cont cu Ariana . Tipa chiar are voce live,iar plus de asta,are un chip extrem de frumossss . <3 Te pup . XO . c:
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