16799 poze   122194 vizite
0-0 __ x - x Official me00 __ x - x 2 ANI x - x00 __ x - x 20000 de vizite x - x00 __ x - x 24 Days - 2NE1 x - x00 __ x - x 3 ANI x - x00 __ x - x 30 Days - ZE A x - x00 __ x - x 31 Days - ZE A x - x130929 MinWoo - Marathon Festival140416 Sera - Daegu Inter Optical140502 UEE - Incheon Airport140512 HyoSung - Showcase140514 Siwan -Triangle Drama BTS140515 JiYeon - Talk Show140519 JiYeon - Never Ever Press Conference140622 ChoA - MTV The Show4th Anniversary _ forever with them5th Year with the BEST schoolA - 1 ------------------------------------ A - 1A - 1 Ailee - HyungSik - KevinA - 1 Ailee _ Next BeyonceABC __ x - x After School x - xABC __ x - x Ahn Jae-Hyun x - xABC __ x - x Alone x - xABC __ x - x BLOOD x - xABC __ x - x Breathe 1 min ver x - xABC __ x - x BREATHE x - xABC __ x - x Catallena x - xABC __ x - x CHEMATI POLITIA x - xABC __ x - x CL - Lee Chae Rin x - xABC __ x - x Concubina SukBin x - xDEF __ x - x De la voi x - xDEF __ x - x Dinastia Joseon x - xDEF __ x - x Fiance x - xDEF __ x - x FOREVER MINE x - xDEF __ x - x Free Imagination x - xDEF __ x - x From SoseonoLove x - xDEF __ x - x Funny FACTS x - xDEF __ x- x Faces of 2013 x - xGHI __ x - x Game x - xGHI __ x - x Game _ 01 x - xGHI __ x - x Game _ 02 x - xGHI __ x - x Game _ 03 x - xGHI __ x - x Game _ 04 x - xGHI __ x - x Game _ 05 x - xGHI __ x - x Ghost of The Wind x - xGHI __ x - x Gone Not Around x - xGHI __ x - x Guilty x - xGHI __ x - x Hanbok Dress x - xGHI __ x - x Happy 1st Anniv ZEA 5GHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Ailee x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Allen x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day BoA x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Bom x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day ChoA x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day CL x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day DongJunGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Ely x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day GNA x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Ha MinWooGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day HeeChulGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day HyunA x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day HyungSikGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day JiWoo x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day JiYeon x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day JoJo x -xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Jung AhGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day JunYoungGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Kevin x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day KHC x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day KwangHeeGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Lizzy x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day MinWooGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Minzy x -xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day M_HyunAGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Nana x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Sera x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Siwan x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day STAR EMPIREGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day TY x - xGHI __ x - x Happy B-Day Yull x - xGHI __ x - x Happy-B Dadoong x - xGHI __ x - x Heo Ga Yoon x - xGHI __ x - x Heo GaYoon x - xGHI __ x - x Il dedic x - xGHI __ x - x Il dedic2 x - xJKL __ x - x Ji Soo Yang x - xJKL __ x - x JungAddicted x - xJKL __ x - x JungHi x - xJKL __ x - x K Fan Meeting 2013 x - xJKL __ x - x Keep Calm x - xJKL __ x - x Kim HimChan x - xJKL __ x - x Kim HyunA x - xJKL __ x - x Kim HyunA _ 2 x - xJKL __ x - x Kim Jung Ah 3 x - xJKL __ x - x Kim Jung Ah x - xJKL __ x - x Kim Sung Kyu - Another Me Unboxing AlbumJKL __ x - x KISSnCRY x - xJKL __ x - x Korean Pictures x - xJKL __ x - x La multi ani 9Muses x -xJKL __ x - x LEDApple live in ROMANIAJKL __ x - x Lee Hi - Teaser x - xJKL __ x - x Lee Hi x - xJKL __ x - x Lee Ji Min x - xJKL __ x - x Lee Ji Woo x - xJKL __ x - x Lee Se Ryeong x - xJKL __ x - x Logos x - xJKL __ x - x Love Story x - xJKL __ x - x LunaFly - Fly to LoveMNO __ x - x Mirror of the witch x - xMNO __ x - x Moon Chae Won x - xMNO __ x - x Moon Chae Won-2 x - xMNO __ x - x MR MR x - xMNO __ x - x My Copycat Game x - xMNO __ x - x My Creations x - xMNO __ x - x My PNG with STAR x - xMNO __ x - x My PNG x - xMNO __ x - x My Soul My Breath x - xMNO __ x - x New Year _ 2014 x - xMNO __ x - x Nice Photos x - xMNO __ x - x Nine Muses - GLUE x - xMNO __ x - x Nine Muses - GUN LiveMNO __ x - x Nine Muses - GUN x - xMNO __ x - x No Minwoo x - xMNO __ x - x NU EST IN ROMANIAMNO __ x - x Only One x - xMNO __ x - x Orange Caramel x - xPQR __ x - x Park Ji Yeon x - xPQR __ x - x Park Min Young x - xPQR __ x - x Park Shi Hoo x - xPQR __ x - x Pentru HuiBin Unni x - xPQR __ x - x Pentru HuiBin x - xPQR __ x - x Photos with MW x - xPQR __ x - x PNG for You x - xPQR __ x - x Poze speciale x - xSTU __ x - x PMY x - xSTU __ x - x Royal Family x - xSTU __ x - x Seriale x - xSTU __ x - x Simple x - xSTU __ x - x SoReal x - xSTU __ x - x Stories   1 _ Courage is my second name      Courage is my second name II   1 _ The Return   2 _ In the footsteps of Danil   3 _ The Poison s TroubleSTU __ x - x TaeYeon x - xSTU __ x - x Taiwan Sweet Girl x - xSTU __ x - x Touch x - xSTU __ x - x URL Playlist x - xSUPPORT JUNG HEECHULVWX __ 00 Who are you School 2015 00VWX __ x - x Vremuri Apuse x - xVWX __ x - x W - Two Worlds x - xVWX __ x - x Wild and Young x - xVWX __ x - x Wild x - xx 0 --- Filme si seriale --- 0 xX02X - Deceased   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o1 l   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o2 l   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o3 l   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o4 l   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o5 l   D - l Deceased l - l Episodul o6 lX03X - GOD AND GODDNESS   lo GnG - Episodul 01 ol   lo GnG - Episodul 02 ol   lo GnG - Episodul 03 ol   lo GnG - Episodul 04 ol   lo GnG - Episodul 05 olX04X - My Boss is a Playboy   lol MBIADP __ 001 lol   lol MBIADP __ 002 lol   lol MBIADP __ 003 lol   lol MBIADP __ 004 lol   lol MBIADP __ 005 lol   lol MBIADP __ 006 lol   lol MBIADP __ 007 lol   lol MBIADP __ 008 lol   lol MBIADP __ 009 lol   lol MBIADP __ 010 lol   lol MBIADP __ 011 lol   lol MBIADP __ 012 lol   lol MBIADP __ 013 lol   lol MBIADP __ 014 lol   lol MBIADP __ 015 lol   lol MBIADP __ 016 lol   lol MBIADP __ 017 lol   lol MBIADP __ 018 lol   lol MBIADP __ 019 lol   lol MBIADP __ 020 lol   lol MBIADP __ 021 lol   lol MBIADP __ 022 lol   lol MBIADP __ 023 lol   lol MBIADP __ 024 lol   lol MBIADP __ 025 lol   lol MBIADP __ 026 lol   lol MBIADP __ 027 lol   lol MBIADP __ 028 lol   lol MBIADP __ 029 lol   lol MBIADP __ 030 lolX05X - GANGNAM STREET   H - GangnamStreet Episodul 01 - H   H - GangnamStreet Episodul 02 - HXo1 - The Shadow Book   The Shadow Book _ 01   The Shadow Book _ 02Xoo1 __ We Work TogetherXoo2 __ DONTYZ ------------------------------------ YZYZ __ x - x Yim Si Wan x - xYZ __ x - x Yoo In Na x - xYZ __ x - x Yull x - xYZ __ x - x ZE A - AngelsYZ __ x - x ZE A - Story x - xYZ __ x - x ZE A Ghost Of The WindYZ __ x - x ZEA - First HommeYZ __ x - x ZEA - GAYO DAEJUN x - xYZ __ x - x ZEA - ZOGO x - xYZ __ x - x ZEA -Shadow Hunters City Of BonesYZ __ x - x ZEA n NineMuses x - xZ -------------------------------------------- ZZ3Z ___ 3Peace Lovers ___ Z3ZZ3Z ___ BOYS REPUBLIC ___ Z3Z   qp ____ MinSu ____ qpZ3Z ___ DAL SHABET ___ Z3ZZ3Z ___ GIRLS DAY ___ Z3Z   qp ____ Yura ____ qpZ3Z ___ INFINITE ___ Z3Z   qp ____ SungKyu ____ qpZ3Z ___ Jewelry ___ Z3ZZ3Z ___ NINE MUSES ___ Z3Z   qp ____ Erin ____ qp   qp ____ EunJi ____ qp   qp ____ HyeMin ____ qp   qp ____ HyunA ____ qp   qp ____ KyungRi ____ qp   qp ____ Lee Sam ____ qp   qp ____ MinHa ____ qp   qp ____ Sera ____ qp   qp____ SungAh ____qpZ3Z ___ ZE A ___ Z3Z   qp ____ Dong Jun ____ qp   qp ____ HeeChul ____ qp   qp ____ HyungSik ____ qp   qp ____ JunYoung ____ qp   qp ____ Kevin ____ qp   qp ____ KwangHee ____ qp   qp ____ MinWoo ____ qp   qp ____ SiWan ____ qp   qp ____ TaeHun ____ qpZZZ ------------------------------------ ZZZZZZ Obsession of Power ZZZ   Obsession of Power-Episodul 1   Obsession of Power-Episodul 2   Obsession of Power-Episodul 3   Obsession of Power-Episodul 4   Obsession of Power-Episodul 5   Obsession of Power-Episodul 6   Obsession of Power-Episodul 7   Obsession of Power-Episodul 8   Obsession of Power-Episodul 9   Obsession of Power-Episodul10   Obsession of Power-Episodul11   Obsession of Power-Episodul12   Obsession of Power-Episodul13   Obsession of Power-Episodul14   Obsession of Power-Episodul15   Obsession of Power-Episodul16   Obsession of Power-Episodul17   Obsession of Power-Episodul18   Obsession of Power-Episodul19   Obsession of Power-Episodul20   Obsession of Power-Episodul21   Obsession of Power-Episodul22   Obsession of Power-Episodul23   Obsession of Power-Episodul24   Obsession of Power-Episodul25   Obsession of Power-Episodul26   Obsession of Power-Episodul27   Obsession of Power-Episodul28   Obsession of Power-Episodul29   Obsession of Power-Episodul30   Obsession of Power-Episodul31   Obsession of Power-Episodul32   Obsession of Power-Episodul33   Obsession of Power-Episodul34   Obsession of Power-Episodul35   Obsession of Power-Episodul36   Obsession of Power-Episodul37   Obsession of Power-Episodul38   Obsession of Power-Episodul39   Obsession of Power-Episodul40   Obsession of Power-Episodul41   Obsession of Power-Episodul42   Opening

membru din 6 august 2011

1 _ Courage is my second name

..╟█▒█╢..Un cimitir la miezul noptii..
..╟█▒█╢..Lumina lunii cade pe pietrele de mormant..
..╟█▒█╢..Este o liniste de moarte, in adevaratul sens al cuvantului...
..╟█▒█╢..Unor oameni li se pare curajos faptul de a intra aici in aceste momente.
..╟█▒█╢..Dar vom intalni 2 viitori prieteni, care gasesc parasitul cimitirului la ora spiritelor ca fiind cel mai curajos lucru...
..╟█▒█╢..V`am facut curiosi in privinta acestui lucru?
..╟█▒█╢..Inseamna ca am ajuns in punctul pe care vroiam sa.l ating..
..╟█▒█╢..``Courage is my secoun name`` este doar una din seria "Stories about courage" [Povesti despre curaj]

HyoYeon -> Cho Irma
TaeYeon -> Hwang Ema
Park Dara ->Lee Mina
Yoon Bora -> ..Nu vom stii niciodata...
Lim So Hyang -> Min Adena
HyunA -> Mina [varianta 2 :))]
Tiffany -> Hwang Hanel
Im Jin Ah - > Destiny [Des]
Wang FeiFei - [figuranta care spune si ea cv pe acolo..:))]
Ailee - [alta figuranta..:))]

P.S.!!! In loc de 11.50 am pus 11.30 ca nu.mi iesea faza..:))
†. Un cimitir la miezul noptii... Lumina lunii cade pe pietrele de mormant...
†. Un cimitir la miezul noptii... Lumina lunii cade pe pietrele de mormant...
†. Este o liniste de moarte in adevaratul sens al cuv. ...
†. Este o liniste de moarte in adevaratul sens al cuv. ...
†. Unora li se pare un lucru curajos sa intri aici in astfel de momente...
†. Unora li se pare un lucru curajos sa intri aici in astfel de momente...
†. Dar chiar asa sa fie?
†. Dar chiar asa sa fie?
†. Doua prietene care au intrat aici au crezut ca parasirea cimitirului la miezul noptii..
†. Doua prietene care au intrat aici au crezut ca parasirea cimitirului la miezul noptii..
†. Este cel mai curajos lucru posibil!
†. Este cel mai curajos lucru posibil!
†. De ce? Pentru ca aici nu e un simplu cimitir...
†. De ce? Pentru ca aici nu e un simplu cimitir...
†. Aici e o adevarata lume... o lume a fapturiilor de Dincolo...
†. Aici e o adevarata lume... o lume a fapturiilor de Dincolo...
†. Si acestea fiind spuse... sa incepem povestea...!
†. Si acestea fiind spuse... sa incepem povestea...!
░▒▓█Courage Is My Second Name█▓▒░
░▒▓█Courage Is My Second Name█▓▒░
:`: Era o zi obisnuita...ca oricare alta...
:`: Era o zi obisnuita...ca oricare alta...

Comentarii album • 23
aleeeeee 19 februarie 2013  
Decii...OMG...:o - Oricine as fii...voi muri in seara asta...dar ..nu singura.. cat de direct:-?:)))
oKorea 18 februarie 2013  
cum poti sa te opresti aici ?:)) am intrat pe telefon sa.ti vad flmul :)) :x Il ador
Odise 18 februarie 2013  
Pai am limita de la sun 8-|
aleeeeee 17 februarie 2013  
.x.Seerios iti bati joc de mine.:|
.x.E atat de wow..si tu te opresti la partea WOW!:|
Odise 17 februarie 2013  
;)) Continui...dar mai incolo..:))
oKorea 17 februarie 2013  
<3 O sa moara ???:O
oKorea 17 februarie 2013  
Trebuie sa dea la actorie :))
HuiBin 16 februarie 2013  
Ce tare ~ In sfarsit a disparut Mina :-" >:)
Si sper sa nu dispara si bunica Emei :-" :x
oKorea 16 februarie 2013  
Oh da sa scriu acum romane pe aici <3 Ador filmul si actiunea si ca sa zic ;)) ? Este foparte reusit:) o actiune complexa :* felicitari
oKorea 16 februarie 2013  
<3 A aparut si blondiina in film :* Ma bucur mult :X Stii,e super povestea .. num.as fi gandit la asa ceva :)
oKorea 13 februarie 2013  
- |isi da o palma| Huoo mah..:-L Ca a trecut 2012 -_- :)) next
HuiBin 13 februarie 2013  
Irma e ff curajoasa :O Sa se duca in cimitirul ala aproape de ora 12 noaptea :-ss
Eu as fi facut atac de cord :]]] :-s
HuiBin 13 februarie 2013  
Ema e așa strange :-ss
203 ani .. :-s :]]] Continuăă ~ :] :x
oKorea 13 februarie 2013  
:)) ce putini ani :)) next
HuiBin 12 februarie 2013  
Si pe mn m-ai facut curioasa :]] :x <33
Abia astept ~
oKorea 12 februarie 2013  
Da m.ai facut curioasa <3
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