First name: Hanabi Last name: Koharu Age: 15 Date of birth: 10 Feb Gender: F Sexuality: Heterosexual Current residence: Tokyo,Japan Relationship status: She's in love with her butler,Erik Social status: daughter of wealthy parents,high school student
Traits of Voice
Accent (if any): Japanese Language spoken: Japanese Other languages known: A little English and Spanish Volume of voice:medium
Physical Appearence
Height: 1.60 Weight:65 Eye colour:turquoise Distinguishing features: D cup size monsters xD Build of body:chubby ,but not fat Hair colour: blonde-pink Hair style: many Tattoos: none Piercings: none Typical clothing:underwear, T-shirt and panties,panties and sweater Is seen by others as:sweet,polite,a good girl,childish,cute,pervert(by her close friends)
Likes: food,sleep,animals,dancing,Erik Erik Erik Erik Erik Dislikes:sport,diets,math Education:student at All Girls Boarding Schools,St.Elene,Tokyo Fears:being left alone in dark places Personal goals: professional dancer and mother General attitude: optimistic General intelligence:average General sociability: Highly social
Illnesses:none Allergies: none Eating habits:she's eating a little too much Memory:she can remember just the things she cares about,that's why Hanabi isn't the best student Any unhealthy habits:eating too much -.-
Parents:Kitty White-mother ,Koharu Yuuta-father Siblings:Koharu Sora-elder sister Any enemies (and why): none Friends:many Best friend(s):Erik,Jessika,Ayumi,Edward,Yoshito,Kamy Love interest :Erik
Occupation:Student Current home:Tokyo Favourite types of food:sweets Favourite types of drink:juice Hobbies/past times:dancing,playing viedo games Guilty pleasures:sex .____. Pets:none Talents:dancing Favourite colours: pink and blue
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ERIK O 3 O!!!
demne dar dor mi-o fost ; w ;
Lam facut din nou xD