- Cat s-a terminat meciul cu Steaua - Dinamo ?
- 3-1 pentru Steaua :(
- Lasa nu fi trist .. Bei o cafea ? :>
- Beau , ca nu mai pot de nervi .. :( ..
- Ospatar !!! Vreau si eu o cafea si...un 3 in 1 !!! =)))
Sunt momente care ai vrea sa dureze toata viata si sunt oameni pe care ai vrea sa-i ai alaturi mereu , momentele astea sunt cele in care imi esti alaturi , cele in care te stiu langa mine , numai a mea ! Nu pot sa mi te imaginez in bratele altui baiat stiind ca in bratele mele iti sta cel mai bine si acolo e " casa ta " . Vei conta pe mine si DA voi avea mereu timp pentru tine fara minciuni , promisiuni si scuze ! Nici distanta nu mi'a distrus sentimenetele fata de tine si nimeni si nimic nu o va face ! Te ador mult mult puiuuuu ` ♥ ...
'day mate, names Masen Fox! I was born into a relatively normal suburban lifestyle in a small town not too far out from Sydney, Australia. Up until the age of 17 I resided there with my dad, mum, and my twin brother. Things were relatively normal growing up.. Brother and I were quite a bit different though. I found out I was Pansexual two years before he decided that he was gay. I had guys over all the time sleeping around with them and whatnot. I wasn't really a relationship type and he was. He was like the perfect catch for someone and when it came to me I perfered pleasing several people and tasting every flavor. Our dad was a drunk and sometimes would get a bit physically abusive with myself, mum and bro. Not until my brother moved out did the tables turn even worse.
One night I came home from skateboarding with friends to find my father with a knife to my mum’s neck because she was misbehaving according to him. I snuck into the kitchen found the gun I had stashed in the buffet and aimed it at him. “Leave her alone!” I demanded. “Drop the fucking knife or I’m going to drop you.” He ran towards me like he hadn’t even been worried about the gun. I armed it and pulled the trigger. This is when I began to regret doing that.
The fucker took the bullets out of my gun. He tackled me and started whipping me with his belt. He pulled me back into his bedroom and threw me onto the bed like a rag doll. Stripped me of my clothes and penetrated me. Yes.. my father raped me over and over nearly all night. After being raped I ran into my room and curled up into a ball. There was nothing I could do but run away. And fucc no I wasn’t leaving my mum there with this asshole.
You'll notice I'm pretty rough around the edges. Well I do have a soft side. One for dogs. They're my absolute favorite animal. When I left Australia I had to leave my old dog there. He was about 12 years old and wouldn't have been able to handle the flight or climate change. He's in good hands until his time though. Once here in the states I adopted a pup nearly right away. A dogs a mans best friend right? I needed one, especially since I didn't know anyone except my cousin Charlie. I name my new pup Lucky. He's such a sweet boy. I'm teaching him some tricks too even as we speak.
I have commitment issues.. Don't ever ever mention the m word around me. If you're hoping for that you're wasting your time. I've seen too many failed relationships in my years. To be honest I've never been in a relationship myself that lasted longer than a month. And what really is marriage anyways? A piece of paper from the State that says you're legally allowed to take half of your spouses things if you split? Yeah.. I hope someday I have enough trust in someone not to need that. I prefer to do things my way.
Music is one of my biggest passions in life. Whenever I have free time you can find me in the garage playing my guitar. Soothes the soul. My grandpappi taught me how to play before he passed away. He believed in me and thought someday I'd become a famous musician / vocalist. My dad always discouraged my playing of the guitar.. He said I wouldn't make it anywhere in life. I'm going to prove him wrong. I plan on Majoring in music in college here in America and teaching music to high schoolers.
Below is the start of a Hit list. Basically everyone who's fucked with myself or my family or friends will be on this list. Once I'm rich enough to hire someone to carry out the job it'll be done. Or if I ever go off the deep end it'll be taken care of personally. Don't fuff with my people.
1) My Father.
2) Ringo's hoe fuchhh bag ex Jeremy.
3) To be determined. ......
Something I picked up back in Sydney was smoking. Yes, I know it's killing me but doesn't everything kill you? My life's been so rough that I honestly wouldn't mind it being a couple years shorter than it should have been. Is it a form of suicide? I'd say no. It relaxes me when I'm an emotional wreck. I've been abused for many years and even the smallest little things will trigger a flashback.
First off I am NOT Madix but I'm surely awesome still! Well i got her playby from a Maggie a few day's back but she changed. All my siblings beside my brother must be red headed. Also I am not Madix nor do I claim to be her nor do I claim to be Nida. My story I created but it has to deal with the twilight saga written by the goddess Stephanie Meyer. Jocking from my page which is also known as stealing will be not allowed and if you do you shall be blocked from my pages and the team pages.
So what If I still watch cartoon's? It makes me happy and makes me feel like a kid again it is beyond fun to wake up at 12 on saturday's to watch Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and winx club I may be almost 17 but I am a kid at heart. Avatar the last air bender is one of my favorites and so is Pokemon growing up i lived for these shows.
I may not be old old but I still watch these when most people my age don't I never miss a episode never have never will i wake up early so I can watch them on television. Me and Keegan used to watch these all time as children it one way we bonded and became so close to one another.
peaceful and in my happy place I draw people and animals and just about anything that pops in my mind. I have had people pay me to draw them or relatives and it's quiet fun to do I must say if my photography business never turn our Art will be my second option for a job.
So what If I still watch cartoon's? It makes me happy and makes me feel like a kid again it is beyond fun to wake up at 12 on saturday's to watch Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and winx club I may be almost 17 but I am a kid at heart. Avatar the last air bender is one of my favorites and so is Pokemon growing up i lived for these shows.
I may not be old old but I still watch these when most people my age don't I never miss a episode never have never will i wake up early so I can watch them on television. Me and Keegan used to watch these all time as children it one way we bonded and became so close to one another.
art is a huge hobby of mine I can't go a day without drawing or doodling on paper's, as a child I would draw also but it became a everyday thing as a teenager now I love it more than anything. It my way to express my self to others and to relax and focus on it and not on others nor myself and it works it is my happy place you could say.
if ever need time alone to be peaceful and in my happy place I draw people and animals and just about anything that pops in my mind. I have had people pay me to draw them or relatives and it's quiet fun to do I must say if my photography business never turn our Art will be my second option for a job.
job for people, I love doing people's photos I even do my own and it's a fun things to spend your day doing.
What is that big word that is 8 letter word mean? I Love You? I never have had a boyfriend in my whole life nor have i been kissed I'm completely innocent and never truly loved a guy nor girl before. I truly don't know how It feels to be In love nor what it feels like to love another in a relationship way, so yes I am a virgin of course I haven't even had my first kiss.
That is beyond weird for me to say, I have never even had a crush on a person before not even a celebrities.
photography is my favorite hobby beside drawing and painting, I love how i can show others my point of view and how i express myself it truly puts you in another shoe and shoes you what they see. It shows everyone sees things different than others and everyone is different. I take scenery and people photos and I must say I truly love doing this.
I hope to one day have this as a job for people, I love doing people's photos I even do my own and it's a fun things to spend your day doing.
HABITS; Distracting people with a nice cup of tea.
FEARS | DISORDERS; Crossing over, being pullled through her door. | None.
PETS; None.
PERSONALITY; Serene until provoked
BIRTH NAME; Annie Sawyer
NICKNAMES; Delicate Whisper. {give me more.}
GENDER|SPECIES; Female. | Ghost.
DATE OF BIRTH | AGE AT DEATH; 13/04/1989. | 20.
BIOLOGICAL PARENTS; patience is a virtue
SIBLINGS; Unknown.
e gata jocu' , ai face bine s'o uiti nu fii bou ca poate pe maine te suna si'ti spune ca vrea te vada din nou ;;) si sti ca nu o poti refuza . se joaca cu tine , tu stii ca nu tine la tine da' iti place asa >:)
Un baiat de 16 ani il intreaba pe tatal sau:-Tata,ce cadou imi faci cand voi implini 18 ani? Tatal raspunse:-Fiule,inca mai e timp! Trece un an,baiatul face 17 ani...intr-o zi lesina,iar tatal sau il duce la spital.Dupa cateva investigari doctorul ii zise tatalui:-Domule,fiul dumneavoastra are grave probleme la inima! De pe patul
de spital,baiatul ii zise tatalui:-Ce ti-a spus
doctorul? Tacut tatal incepu sa planga.... Dupa ceva timp baiatul a inceput sa isi revina,exact in ziua cand implinea 18 ani se intoarce acasa.Intors acasa,gaseste pe pat o scrisoare de la tatal sau.Scria : " Fiul meu,daca citesti aceasta scrisoare inseamna ca totul a mers bine.Iti amintesti ziua in care m-ai intrebat ce cadou iti voi face la 18 ani ? Iata cadoul:TI-AM DONAT INIMA MEA! La multi ani,fiule " . :o3
mi place când îmi dati like-uri la poze , deşi mă credeţi fake ;) .
Îmi place când vorbiti aiurea despre mine , deşi nu mă cunoaşteti .
Îmi place când ma întrebaţi : ai păţit ceva? , dar de fapt vă doare-n cur de mine ;;) . .
I am not Dakota Fanning, nor am I claiming to be. I am a Role player, I am not Jane Volturi; Jane Volturi is a fictional character that was made my Stephanie Meyer who also belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I am the Official Jane Volturi Myspace. All the rest a just people who want to be Volturi, sorry you know it's true. I am a really awesome person to talk to if I do say so myself. Feel free to comment me! I try my hardest to reply to all comments.
Dance under the stars
Moon light walks
Swimming in the ocean
Kissing under our waterfall
Watching her hunt
Fighting along side her in the gaurd
Spending every moment I can with her in my arms
Şi totul începe cu un :" Bună "! Apoi intervin sentimente , intervin cuvintele :" Te iubesc "! Apoi apare dezamăgirea, minciuni , trădări etc . Şi se termină cu un : "Hai pa" !
♥ cu dedicatiiiee
Am incercat sa fiu cat mai buna pentru tine, Dar si-asa tie nu ti-a pasat de mine. Dar nu-i nimic acum s-a terminat, Tu ai fost cel care ne-a indepartat.
Chiar daca ne'am certat de foarte multe ori,si am incercat sa ne uitam nu am putut:* Cateodata a fost si vina mea ,si a ta dar dupa scurt timp ne'am impacat. Chiar dacaaa cateva fete s'au bagat intre noi tot am putut ramane impreuna. De aceea estiiiii un fraier pe care il iubesc :* . Si cu totusi sa dam cartile pe fata DA stiu am PIERDUT pariul cu steaua !:)))))=))))))))))))))) ♥♥
Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te
urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te iubesc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !Te urăsc ! Te urăsc ! te urăsc ! Te urăasc ! Te urăsc ! Te urăsc !
Ai găsit diferenţa ?
Aa da , aia simt când te văd pe tine ! :)
℘ - Babe don't say that you know about me,sure i'm all sexy and hot,but the thing what you don't know is that i'm a fucking stone,i don't really care about womans,why? because all are bitchs. just stop pretending that you love me,because is not true,you just like my sexy ass.I'm something like you dream always but you cannot have me. ok i will tell about me something,i love to travel , know people i don't really like to much i don't believe in friendship,i love ice cream,cigarettes DANHIL RED,and drink JACK DANIELS,my favorite candoms is DUREX,i love also sex so if you want to have something with me we need to make sex and i'm not kidding,anyways if you want more about me just ask me i don't like stupid girls and shy,anyway if you want more just ask me that's all for now bye bitchs <3
Se ofera cazare intr'un loc ferit de zgomote, cu vedere la statiunea voineasa, casa fiind asezata in mijlocul naturii avand in vedere faptul ca poti simti mirosul de brad si ciripitul pasarilor iar de dimineata poti simti un aer imbietor de racoros si linistit.
Camerele au un aspect rustic, cu dotari moderne.
-4 camere (+ pat matrimonial)
-Capacitatea maxima de cazare este de : 10 persoane.
-Total camere : 4
+ living + terasa + bucatarie + 3 bai + balcoane la fiecare camera.
+ televizor cu cablu in fiecare camera si accesarea internetului.
-Exterioriorul casei cuprinde : parcare + gratar + loc din belsug pentru diferite activitati.
" When you feel that is not way out love the only way. "
" When you say " i love you" just say it with your heart "
Full Name: Heaven Paradise || Full Age: 23 years old || Brithplace: South Korea ||
Species: Human || Hair Colour: Red - Brown || Eyes Colour: Brown || Taken by Nickholass
O2: " why do you have the same name? " come on go and f****yourself,show me where is been write that i cannot have the same name?! if i want i will have whatever name i want because is not your property .
O3: " why do you have similar look in your profile like mine? first at all don't come with " wow you copied me " blabla because let me tell you something i don't come here and copy other losers because i have brain too. if we have similar just is a stupid coincidence
I can be a nice person only if you are too with me,please don't take so seriously the R . P
I see many people that you guys take seriously,if you want to speak with me
Please don't come and make me such a big drama and i will tell you some points like this:
Her story is not a long one,she's a simple girl with big dreams. she was born in South Korea - Seoul she haves 23 years,and is a singer and model also is very famouse in South Korea. is a nice girl if you are too she doesn't like fake people or losers,if you want to be her friend just be you . but what she loves the most is music because makes her to be alive is her center,world everything .. is her life. the thing what she likes to eat a lot is ice cream and pizza her favorite juice is Coca ~ Cola and sometimes Pepsi. Loves to travel a lot and make new friends and know new people. loves to party and have fun with her friends. anyway if you want to know her better just ask her but no stupid questions like " hey how are you , let's do something like shopping " because is tierd of it. be smart and ask smart questions. and ... This is the END of STORY , kisses ♥
Perhaps I'll leave this place. I've far horizons to explore. The world is wider than my feeble vision, and echoes can not see. I feel a calling to depart from the commonplace and usual. My perception has been dulled by repetition. And so I'll leave, take up my hopes, and travel far, to that waiting destination until existence again bores me. Then I'll leave once more.
<br />
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<table bordercolor="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="448" align="center" bgcolor="" border="0">
<td valign="top" align="left" width="448" bgcolor="" style="word-wrap:break-word"><font style="font-size:17px;line-height:10px;font-family:jane austen;color:silver;letter-spacing:-2px;font-style:none">-{ I THINK I'LL MISS YOU FOREVER</font><br />
<div align="right"><font color="#4C3B33">| LIKE | THE | STARS | MISS | THE | SUN | IN | THE | MORNING | SKIES | <img src="i45.tinypic.com/t6ql1g.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic" /></font></div>
<table bordercolor="#FFCC99" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="300" bgcolor="transparent" border="0">
<div style="width:449px;height:121px;overflow:auto;border-color:B9BAA7;border-style:dotted;border-width:1px">
<h4><font color="#4C3B33"><big>You need to save me,</big></font></h4>
<font color="#4C3B33">FOR I'M LOSING MY SELF HERE This truth drives me into madness. <em>I know I can stop the pain,</em> <u>if I will it all away.</u> <strong>Don't turn away,</strong> <small><font color="#4C3B33">don't give in to the pain.</font> <em><font color="#4C3B33">Don't try to hide,</font> <em>though they're screaming your name.</em></em><font style="font-size:17px;line-height:10px;font-family:jane austen;color:silver;letter-spacing:-2px;font-style:none"><font face="Before the Rain">Don't close your eyes,</font></font> <u><font color="#4C3B33">God knows what lies behind them.</font> <strong>Don't turn out the light,</strong> never sleep,</u> <small>never die.</small> <big><font color="#4C3B33">I'm frightened by what I see,</font> <em>but somehow I know</em> <tt>that there's much more</tt> <em>to come.</em> <big><em>though they're screaming your name.</em></big></big></small></font></center>
Full Name ~ Scarlett Venus Mulciber
Real Name ~ Evelina Clara Tepes
Age ~ 578 years old.
Nicknames ~ Scar,V
Place of Birth ~ Transylvania, Sighisoara
Sexual Orientation ~ Straight.
Kind ~ Vampire
Parents ~ Vlad Tepes,Dracula ~ Father
Katarina Siegel ~ Mother
Eye Color ~ Blue
Hair Color ~ Dark blonde
Skin Type ~ Porcelain
<div><img src="" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#000000"><div class="widget_body">
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">O1: Don't ask me from where i'm ooc.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O2: If you don't like me just unfollow me from your followers.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O3: I don't want fake people around me.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O4: I'm nice if you are nice too.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#9932cc"><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O5: Let's be friends</span></span></span> <span style="color:red">♥</span> <span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"> </span></span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><strong>If you want to make a roleplay on YAHOO - xlolaaah.sexiicharisma@yahoo.com</strong></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><em>Sorry if i'm not online all the time on MESSENGER. when i'm i will accept you.</em></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><em><strong><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><em>And If i don't answer so fast even if i'm online maybe i'm not in the</em> P.C so wait because</span></span></strong> <span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">when i'm back i will answer for sure ... anyway take care and goodbye.</span></span></em></span></span></span></p>
<div class="widget_body">
<p><span style="color:#ff1493"> <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">THIS IS A PERSONAL BLOG. </span></span></p>
<center><div class="widget_body">
<p><span style="color:#ff1493"> <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">┊ xlolaah┊ lola┊ 17┊ romania - rm. valcea┊ loves Korea ♥ Japan. </span></span></p>
<center><div class="widget_body">
<p><span style="color:#ff1493"> <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">DISCLAIMER:
All pictures and gifs are mine mine even if I have my watermark on it because I just basically got it from the internet then edit it. You can't post my edits even without credit as long as you don't delete my watermark. Don't be afraid to talk to me. I won't bite.
I have flaws, I am not a perfect writer, I may have grammatical errors, I don't agree with everything so if you don't like it then just don't read it :)
As simple as that. </span></span></p></font></div>
Bamn.21.Loves Korea♥Japan.
Cloud. VIP. A+. Jaywalkerz. Shinhwa. LeeHyori. JinAkanishi. 2PM. Beast. KimHyunJoong. 2NE1. CNBlue. FTIsland. Se7en. 2AM. SuperJunior. Arashi. News. JensenAckles. ChadMurray. JustinHartley.
3 amazing ninjas
All pictures and gifs are not mine even if I have my watermark on it because I just basically got it from the internet then edit it. You can post my edits even without credit as long as you don't delete my watermark. Don't be afraid to talk to me. I won't bite.
I have flaws, I am not a perfect writer, I may have grammatical errors, I don't agree with everything so if you don't like it then just don't read it :)
As simple as that.
S I N G L E nu este un status, este un cuvânt care descrie cel mai bine o persoană care este suficient de puternică pentru a se bucura de viaţă fără a depinde de alţii!
<div class="widget_body">
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">O1: Don't ask me from where i'm ooc.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O2: If you don't like me just remove me from your friends.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O3: I don't want fake people around me.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O4: I'm nice if you are nice too.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#9932cc"><span style="color:#ff1493">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O5: Let's be friends</span></span></span> <span style="color:red">♥</span> <span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"> </span></span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><strong>If you want to make a roleplay on MSN - loveeebaby@live.com</strong></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><em>Sorry if i'm not online all the time on MSN. when i'm i will accept you.</em></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#8a2be2"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><em><strong><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><em>And If i don't answer so fast even if i'm online maybe i'm not in the</em> P.C so wait because</span></span></strong> <span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif">when i'm back i will answer for sure ... anyway take care and goodbye.</span></span></em></span></span></span></p>
Loving and destined to be lucky in love. I'm exceptionally dependable. I have great love affair with the finer things in life. I'm prepared to wait as long as it takes for the right moment to act and you seize the opportunity when it wanders anywhere. Simplicity is what appeals to me. Learning the art of contentments is one of my main life lessons.
<p><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-size:20px">- <span style="color:silver">NICKI MINAJ</span> -</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="color:#f9c">I AM NICKI MINAJ</span> , Hi u guys :-D</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:courier new,courier">you know me? , i'm the best female rapper alive xD</span></p>
<p><span style="font-family:courier new,courier">if u wanna talk w/ me ,u can comment on ma profile : )</span></p>
<p><span style="color:#333"><span style="font-size:12px"><span style="color:gray"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier">- I'M JUST AN UFO -</span></span></span></span></p>
so, haai. i don't care who you are, be nice to me and i'll be nice to you. i love talking to new people, so just hit me up whenever. i hate drama so don't drag me into it. i dont like you , if u tlk LYK diz. i don't give any reason for anyone to hate me. they create their own little drama out of jealousy. Wanna know more? Ask. So
OOC : i made every detail of my profile . i edited the photos , downloaded them from officials sites etc . please , do not take it since it took me a long while to make . want a layout similar to mine ? go to { www.dolliecrave.com } ; . also , i hate when people steal my roleplay character ideas . i wan't to make clear that i am not the first but i'm an original one to use lee joon , mir , kim jaejoong or anothers . i usually answer all my comments & messages . i won't say that i get a hundred everyday , so it's not hard , but that dosen't mean you'll get your reply that same moment . usually hate to answer those comments that all send to everyone , and don't even take the time to look at my profile , so if you'll send me one of those , do not wait an answer . you will not get it . And if you don't like me just delete me from your friends dude . kapeesh ? bye .
i'm fed up. Sorry loves but this place has changed and not for the best. All you people care about is being popular and showing your boobs online or simply bashing everyone. I did roleplay to escape from that in real life. Girls are bitches and guys are dicks on here. I'm sick of it. Roleplay has affected my real life but i'm not longer gonna let it take over. I'm gone for now. Who knows, i might make a new account or start over but i most likely won't. I have those times when i miss everything but then i realize how much roleplay has changed and I know what's best. Yeah, i had fun last summer but that's last summer. I've changed. I've matured. I'm now a sophmore in high school and I don't plan on spending my high school years on here. But if you're on my top, ask for my number because i've learned to love you guys and become close to you guys. I can't risk to lose you guys, ♥ . bye.
alex; oh hey lovely <3 i think you're the only person that i've ever became so close to in rl through roleplay. I mean we call, text, facebook and skype each other like we hang out every day. I love you so much<3 I mean we've been through hell and back and we still manage to stick by each other. You understand me and you never judge me. You give me great advice and make me feel better about myself <3 i love you bbydol. <3
tyler; I don't think enough words could describe my love for you . I mean we've been through a lot. I mean we were friends, best friends, a couple, best friends to now just friends. It's sad. I miss out close friendship cause you're amazing! We have such great memories that i comepletly miss. I still like you, probably always will. But you have moved on and I had my chance. We both know why we had to break up, but just know i didn't want too. You mean a lot to me and you always will. I will text you daily but i feel like i should just move on.
aiden; oh how lovely is my AIDENhaiden ! Serioulsy though, haha. You are awesome! I mean you can honestly make me laugh and we have so much in common. haha. And i think we must meet cause we would do some crazy shit, no doubt. (: You're like my older brother <3 you look out for me and you're always there. Thank you for that. You can make my day anyday, even when you try to be funny and fail. It's still adorable! haha <3 i love you my beautiful Aiden. I will text you my love (:
colbie; mega fega <3 you were my first friend on this account and name (: haha! And our rapping skills cause damn, we're good. but seriously though i love texting you cause our convos go on for a while. And i can talk to you about anything. You give great and amazing advice and you're always there when i need you and you always have been. Thank so much for that lovely. and now you're all grown up and going off the college. haha I love you darling !
i will miss everyone else on my top too. <3
Just don't get on my bad side and we'll get along just fine. I'll flirt with you but it doesn't mean anything. I have a little boy. Connor James. He means the world to me <33
I'm Jordan, I'm nothing more than average. What I do know is that I'm a baby in an adult's world. I know that I'm the epitome of confusion, and couldn't be more clueless as to what I want. I know that I've caught myself smack in the middle of moral hell. I know that I've lost most, if not all, my sanity in my weekends. I know I've found a life of misery in the notorious form of "fun". I know I've become immune to regret, disappointment, and guilt. I know I'm rather emotionless, and with good reason. I have a closet full of skeletons. Well, metaphorically speaking anyway. I know I'm completely incapable of taking anything seriously, including myself. And, well, I know that people are going to think what they want. So, I guess there's no use in telling you who I really am in the first place.
Alright alright, this is Audrey Dee ;) a.k.a Bry's bestfriend. so where do I start ? Bryant west i knew you since what seems like forrevaaa, ;) like waaaay back when you were skyler. &` I'm Glad we've stayed friends after all this timme , even tho i kno i'm hard to handle your there for me in the ups & downs , heartthrobs & heart racing momments. But you're my b e s t f r i e n d &` Mine ONLY >:| , no one can replace youuu ;) deadass, i'd like to see someone try . We'll We talk to each other like 24|7 when im on aim and when im not we're texting , H0llA ;) aha . Damn, I kno im a lazy ass &` its hard to find someone who's willing to deal with that :| <3 guesss im luckkyy ;) . Well this is long enough & im just babbling so byee ;) love yaa's <3
x0x0, Your bestfriend Audrey | Hazel <3
Laina Alondra Cortez; So here's the thing: You are the best friend anyone can ever have. You've been there for me through thick and thin and I can't imagine sharing crazy times with anyone else but you. I will always be here for you no matter what. Lean on me when times are rough and I'll lean on you. You are the peanut butter to my oreo. The icing to my cake. The Selena to my Demi. You are the oats to my honey bunches. You are an amazing person and don't EVER forget that. We are going to be best friends for life. Forever. I love you♥
My twin brother. My best friend. My rock. You are everything I could EVER ask for in a twin; a brother; a friend. You are the most amazing person I know. When you're upset, I'm upset. When you're happy, I'm happy. You are there for me, for a shoulder to cry on. You can put a smile on my face when I'm sad. Austin, I can't imagine anyone else to be related to. You are the sunshine in my life and without you, my life would be dull and gray. I love you♥
<center>-dau mancarea care a ramas mai incolo-
<center>-te mangai pe obraz-
<center>mergem si noi pe seara .. pe undeva ?
<center>-te sarut cu intreruperi-
<center>-te privesc-
» O2: If you don't like me just remove me from your friends.
» O3: I don't want fake people around me.
» O4: I'm nice if you are nice too.
» O5: Let's be friends ♥
If you want to make a roleplay on MSN - loveeebaby@live.com
Sorry if i'm not online all the time on MSN. when i'm i will accept you.
And If i don't answer so fast even if i'm online maybe i'm not in the P.C so wait because when i'm back i will answer for sure ... anyway take care and goodbye.
Real Name Of The Character : Dulce Maria ; Singer and Actress
Hey,friends ♥ my name is Kristinne Khan i have 21 years old . i'm from Mexico City - D.F. but now i live in Los Angeles. i'm a top model i work for many agents like Dolce & Gabbana,Armani,Channel etc. i like to make new friends and meet new people. i hate stupid people and fake . i love ice cream and pizza is my favorite. i like to have fun with my friends partys etc. anyway if you want to know me better just ask me . kisses take care *-*
i was supposed to be in here to do my sister about me , like her story and blablabla , and she thinks i'm doing this , but i want to do something different , something special . so bethany i'm here to write something for you , so i hope you like it . first think i want to say is that i love you so much , i can't even imagine my life without you , you have become an important piece of my life , you always make me feel better with the things you say and if i'm done you just gets me happy and laughing . i have to thank you for stay with me even after the pain ever put you through , i'm sorry for that , i really i'm , and if i could ever go back on time i would do anything to you don't go through it . i'm really sorry but i want you to know that i'm doing everything i can to make it stop , i can't take it anymore , every tear you let because of me , just take a part of me away .. you always understand me and i know you're me sister but seems more like twins you know ? always with the same problems and thinging about the same stuffs, we both like the same stuff , it's like we were meant to be friends and i'm really happy to have someone like you in my life . those people who don't like you because of me and try to take you down , they are kid of stupid you know ? because you're pretty amazing , perfect , everyone likes you , everyone with brain of course . :3 those who want to take you done , just want to say something - if you'll try again and again take her down you just can't , you most be closer , but i'll never let her down . :)) - i will always take you back up . look around girl you have so many people who love you and care about you , so many friends and family . everyone who cares about you never will let those people take you down , you're more important to me that those people . like steve , he love you , he really does and he needs you , he never felt so in love for no one like he is for you . you're special to him , he never stop speak about you , it's kidda weird but your like a princes to him , no one can hurt you and get out easily , you know appears who appear , blonde or brunette , redhead or skinny , model or bartender , he will always love you and with will be always you , no one but you . i can tell you that cause he always tell this to me . :3 see ? you're love everywhere , london , parís , roma , greece , china , africa , everywhere i go i will love you the same way , or more . cause everyday that passes it's one more we do something special , we say something sweet , and those moments i will never forget . because with you it's forever and i know that i will love you no matter what happen . and if time is hard or not , i will be here to you . everyday , every hour . like phineas and ferb will be sister forever . i love you sister . <3
<p><span style="font-family:arial black,avant garde"><span style="font-size:14px;color:red">Rules</span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color:maroon">» <span style="font-size:12px;font-family:courier new,courier">O1: Don't ask me from where i'm ooc.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:maroon">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O2: If you don't like me just remove me from your friends.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:maroon">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O3: I don't want fake people around me.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:maroon">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O4: I'm nice if you are nice too.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:maroon">» <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">O5: Let's be friends</span></span> <span style="color:red">♥</span> <span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"> </span></span></span></p>
<p> </p>
<p><span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><strong>If you want to make a roleplay on MSN - loveeebaby@live.com</strong></span></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><span style="color:#000"><em>Sorry if i'm not online all the time on MSN. when i'm i will accept you.</em></span></span></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:red"><span style="color:red"><span style="font-family:courier new,courier"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva"><span style="color:#000"><em><span style="color:red"><strong><span style="font-size:10px"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif"><em>And If i don't answer so fast even if i'm online maybe i'm not in the</em> P.C so wait because</span></span></strong> </span></em></span></span></span></span></span></p>
<p><span style="color:#b03060"><span style="font-family:helvetica">Hi ppl. <strong>my name is Alexiss Khan</strong></span> <span style="color:red">♥ <span style="color:#936">i have 22 years old . <em>i'm from Mexic - D.F.</em> <span style="font-family:courier new,courier">but now i live in Los Angeles. <span style="font-size:14px"><span style="font-family:trebuchet ms,geneva">i love to make new friends and meet new people. <span style="font-family:book antiqua,palatino;font-size:10px">i like to eat iace cream and pizza. is my favorite. <span style="font-size:16px;font-family:arial black,avant garde">i hate stupid people. and i like smart people. <span style="font-family:georgia,palatino"><span style="font-size:12px">if you want to know me better. <em><span style="font-family:comic sans ms,sans-serif">just ask me kisses and take care.</span></em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span> <span style="color:#b03060"><span style="color:red">♥</span></span><span style="color:#b03060"><span style="color:red"><br /></span></span></p>
M-am schimbat si pot visa acum, nu mai vreau sa cer, voi obtine oricum!
Bă. E o țară liberă, o platformă de socializare liberă. Fiecare face ce vrea. Și nu-mi spuneți mie ca voi sunteți ceva sfinți care n-au făcut mișto în viața lor de altcineva. Iar apoi, respectivul s-a făcut de râs singur, trebuia sa se aștepte la reacții de genul dacă a mers la ,,Românii au talent"'. Last but not least, nici unul din voi nu e în măsură să spună altcuiva ce poate și ce nu poate posta pe profilul său. Îndurați. 'nuff said.
Cum sa fi asa ma ... radem toti ne simtit bine, vine unu si ne strica tot chefu apoi vine toata gloata de oameni fara simt al umorului si se baga si ei in seama ca vezi doamne radem de unu fara dinti. Daca tine nu ti se pare amuzant stai si traieste-ti drama in continuare
Din tot ce'am facut am aratat ca distanta nu conteaza:X
Nu te`am uitat ! Dar...nu te mai astept :)
Fii elegant, nu te vinde pe nimic !! ♥
Doar in visul meu gasesc lumea perfecta !
Si stiu ca ve'i cauta privirea mea ,la fiecare ea din viata ta! ;)
Unde voi merge cand vei fi plecat?Ce voi face cand binele e rau?Si la cine ma voi intoarce?Si cum voi invata sa merg mai departe?Cum voi trece peste faptul ca-mi va fi dor de tine?:|
Toţi promitem să uităm,dar efectiv nu o facem..
Nu conteaza distanta cat conteaza ce simtim!:
Privirea mea nu sparge gheata, dar pe tine te face bucati!
Poate imi vei uita numele, dar niciodata ochii si buzele!;)
Am invatat sa zambesc chiar si atunci cand inima imi plange ... chiar si atunci cand sufletul mi-e gol, iar tristetea pare de neinvins. Cu cat rad mai mult, cu atat doare mai tare, insa mereu ma ajuta. Uneori mai mult ... alteori mai putin.
♥Inima ... niciodata nu vei gasi cuvintele potrivite pentru a descrie ceea ce-ti spune.
Caci ea ... inima ... e facuta sa simta, sa arate si sa dovedeasca.♥
"Promit" e un cuvant mare.
Iti poate da totul sau iti poate lua totul.
Toata lumea promite, insa putini isi tin cuvantul dat.
O promisiune tinuta iti mareste de o mie de ori increderea in cineva, in schimb, cand primesti multe promisiuni din care nu e tinuta nici una, esti ranit intr-un mod iremediabil. Iar increderea ramasa in cineva se face scrum.
Incearca sa promiti cat mai putin... de multe ori apar din senin alte necunoscute in ecuatie si desi vrei sa iti tii promisiunea nu mai poti.
Promite cat mai putin pentru a dezamagi cat mai putin!
Dragostea,nu este despre''cum ai putut?'' ci despre ''te-nteleg perfect''.Nu este despre ''as vrea sa fii aici!'' ci despre ''Iti multumesc ca existi!'':)
Hii everyone ; Welcome to my official tumblr . Here I post things dedicated for all the fans of : visual - kei ( j - rock ), k - pop and anothers .
The Credit : I made every detail of my profile . I edited the photos , downloaded them from officials sites etc . Please , do not take it since it took me a long while to make . Want a layout similar to mine? Go to {www.dolliecrave.com } ; . Also , I hate when people steal my playby ideas .
I wan't to make clear that I am not the first but i'm an original one to use Dulce Maria , Mblaq , The GazzeTE , BigBang , Superjunior , SNSD , U KISS , Alice Nine , Adriana Lima , Francisco Lachowski or more anothers as fansite . They were both my playbys before I used almost all kpop .
I usually answer all my comments & messages . I won't say that I get a hundred everyday , so it's not hard , but that dosen't mean you'll get your reply that same moment . I usually hate to answer those comments that all send to everyone , and don't even take the tame to look at my profile , so if you'll send me one of those , do not wait an answer . You will not get it .
♥ Breathless . Of The Angels ♥
Official Site .
OOC : My favorite korean band is MBLAQ and my favorite japannesse band is THE GAZETTE . My dark prince is Ruki (the gazettE) and my sexy king is Mir (mblaq)
I adore the asian boys and girls and their music , so for that i made this site with pictures and all these stuffs . I hope to enjoy this .
But wait , i have more then asian's . I like to listen and ' normal music '' xDD . I love Dulce Maria , Enrique Iglesias , Linkin Park , Breaking Benjamin , Muse , The Killers etc etc ..
'' we live and we learn ... it's not really what you wish to do in life but we really dont have a choice , we fall in love , we get hurt and forever live with the heartbreak . we alll make mistakes and have to deal with the pain we have caused ourselves . our screwups forever haunt us , never lettintg us forget . i forever long to be an asshole , forever long to be liam , and forever long to be myself . today i stand here living for my friends . life is about screw ups so i guess im the biggest one of all . '' ....
So , as friend I tell you , live your life , be happy and never stop living and smiling !!
♥ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴬᴺᴳᴱᴸ
Hii everyone ; Welcome to my official tumblr . Here I post things dedicated for all the fans of : visual - kei ( j - rock ), k - pop and anothers .
The Credit : I made every detail of my profile . I edited the photos , downloaded them from officials sites etc . Please , do not take it since it took me a long while to make . Want a layout similar to mine? Go to {www.dolliecrave.com } ; . Also , I hate when people steal my playby ideas .
I wan't to make clear that I am not the first but i'm an original one to use Dulce Maria , Mblaq , The GazzeTE , BigBang , Superjunior , SNSD , U KISS , Alice Nine , Adriana Lima , Francisco Lachowski or more anothers as fansite . They were both my playbys before I used almost all kpop .
I usually answer all my comments & messages . I won't say that I get a hundred everyday , so it's not hard , but that dosen't mean you'll get your reply that same moment . I usually hate to answer those comments that all send to everyone , and don't even take the tame to look at my profile , so if you'll send me one of those , do not wait an answer . You will not get it .
♥ Breathless . Of The Angels ♥
Official Site .
OOC : My favorite korean band is MBLAQ and my favorite japannesse band is THE GAZETTE . My dark prince is Ruki (the gazettE) and my sexy king is Mir (mblaq)
I adore the asian boys and girls and their music , so for that i made this site with pictures and all these stuffs . I hope to enjoy this .
But wait , i have more then asian's . I like to listen and ' normal music '' xDD . I love Dulce Maria , Enrique Iglesias , Linkin Park , Breaking Benjamin , Muse , The Killers etc etc ..
'' we live and we learn ... it's not really what you wish to do in life but we really dont have a choice , we fall in love , we get hurt and forever live with the heartbreak . we alll make mistakes and have to deal with the pain we have caused ourselves . our screwups forever haunt us , never lettintg us forget . i forever long to be an asshole , forever long to be liam , and forever long to be myself . today i stand here living for my friends . life is about screw ups so i guess im the biggest one of all . '' ....
So , as friend I tell you , live your life , be happy and never stop living and smiling !!
Hii everyone ; Welcome to my official tumblr . Here I post things dedicated for all the fans of : visual - kei ( j - rock ), k - pop and anothers .
The Credit : I made every detail of my profile . I edited the photos , downloaded them from officials sites etc . Please , do not take it since it took me a long while to make . Want a layout similar to mine? Go to {www.dolliecrave.com } ; . Also , I hate when people steal my playby ideas .
I wan't to make clear that I am not the first but i'm an original one to use Dulce Maria , Mblaq , The GazzeTE , BigBang , Superjunior , SNSD , U KISS , Alice Nine , Adriana Lima , Francisco Lachowski or more anothers as fansite . They were both my playbys before I used almost all kpop .
I usually answer all my comments & messages . I won't say that I get a hundred everyday , so it's not hard , but that dosen't mean you'll get your reply that same moment . I usually hate to answer those comments that all send to everyone , and don't even take the tame to look at my profile , so if you'll send me one of those , do not wait an answer . You will not get it .
If you’re ever alone and in bed at night, and the only thing that you can hear is yourself breathing heavily, try this: suddenly and randomly stop breathing. You’ll trip it up. Now you know it’s there. And now it knows too.
o we live and we learn.... its not really what you wish to do in life but we really dont have a choice, we fall in love, we get hurt and forever live with the heartbreak. we alll make mistakes and have to deal with the pain we have caused ourselves. our screwups forever haunt us, never lettintg us forget. i forever long to be an asshole, forever long to be liam,, and forever long to be myself. myself is liam castelar, im bisexual.. and currently single. if you fall for me prepare for heartbreak bc ur like a mirror and im holding the hammer. ive been in love a few times in my life but as u can see i screwed them up for myself and today i stand here living for my friends.life is about screw ups so i guess im the biggest one of all. ....
So, Nikki is basically the most perfect person in the world to me, also known as my girlfriend. Everything started out casual...friendly, I taught her how to swim, and I had a blast, not gonna lie. Something about her I really liked, I just couldn't put my finger on it. She was just, different from the others. She stood out to me for some reason. So I guess thats where the original feelings for her came from. Then one night, we were both kind of down, so she invited me over to her place. We were having a blast. We both couldn't stop smiling...I sort of blushed alot which is embarassing, but I'm used to it by now...and I even slipped a stutter. One of my old stutters. I hadn't stuttered in a really, really long time...and so when it kept happening, I knew what it had to mean. I liked her, and this feeling has only grown since I realized this. But I messed things up, big time, so I thought. By assuming what something someone else told me was true. Even if it wasn't their fault they said this, and it wasn't true...Nik just wasn't the same for a little while after I flipped. I couldn't even find a way to explain myself...but eventually we both sort of let it go. But right when she let me back in as her friend, and right when I thought it would stay this way for a long time...she took a "leap of faith". She admitted her feelings for me...and we decided to both take a little risk. And here we are. We couldn't be happier....the perfect combination of ice cream and pop rocks. Niks is everything I could want....and ask for.
kso, my name is Cameron. (: I'm 111% gay, and completely taken my Ethan.<3 I love music, and taking pictures. Smiley faces are used in everything I say. :D 'cause I like it that way. forealll. I suck at being gangster, but believe me, I try xD I'm really emotional, I love my friends. You should talk to me and get to know more ;D kay, comments? <3
i'm brody zumiez and i'm awesome. 18. single. i could use more friends. it's hard to find a real girl on here. my bestfriend is lex. i skateboard. i live off of vitamin water and energy drinks. i love making bets. i'm selfcentered. i complain. if i'm the shit then you can be my tissue roll kapeesh? bye.
<CENTER><a hr5js" target="_blank"><img src="i56.tinypic.com/2ega5js.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
<CENTER><object width= "420" height="25"><param name="movie" value="www.youtube.com/v/dfPtO32UgCU&autoplay=1&rel=0&fs=1&color1=0xFFFFFF&color2=0xFFFFFF&border=0&loop=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="www.youtube.com/v/dfPtO32UgCU&autoplay=1&rel=0&fs=1&color1=0xFFFFFF&color2=0xFFFFFF&border=0&loop=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="420" height="25"></embed></object>
<CENTER><div><img src="" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#A26DA8"><u><i><b><U>You are listening : ~~Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris - Tonight~~</U></b></i></u>
<CENTER><a hreg7" target="_blank"><img src="i55.tinypic.com/n4gjg7.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
<CENTER><div><img src="" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#9C59FF"><CENTER><SUB>My name is Park Hyung Seok but tell me Thunderr please,ok? Thanks</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>I was born in Seoul,South Korea..So,I'm KOREAN,not japonese or chinese fine?? But now I live in London..yeah,good life..</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>I am bisexual,,,so?? Why u judge me?? U don't know me,or not at all...I'm taken,,,sorry..</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>What I like?? The ICE CREAM!!! Yumii,yes I love the ice cream!!!</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>What I don't like?? The fake people wth many faces,the liars and of course,the COPIES!</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>ATENTION,I add and I accept only characters/roleplay's people!!!</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>I'm a shy boy..cute boy..sweet boy..Take it like u want,I really don't care!!!</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB>This is a part about me!! U wanna know more?? ASK!! But never stupids things or ilogicals..Bcz I will get bored..Take care!! BB.</SUB>
<CENTER><SUB></SUB> </font></div>
<CENTER><div><img src="" align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#B8B8B8"><a hrm" target="_blank"><img src="i54.tinypic.com/9gc7sm.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
<i><b>Contact me : R.ain-Baby@Hotmail.com</b></i> </font></div>
<CENTER><div><img src="i53.tinypic.com/10yqp07.jpg " align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#CE80D1"><SUB>Let's be some more clear ok?? Don't judge what I writted because I have feelings..LOL''..</SUB> </font></div>
{ hi5 Top Friends Maker - By Nuno Peralta - hi5tools.hi5profilegenerator.com/ }
.topfriendsmaker {
margin-right: 3px;
border: 0px none black;
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