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Alice Cullen

Alice Cullen (născută Mary Alice Brandon) este fiica adoptivă a lui Carlisle şi a lui Esme, sora adoptivă a lui Edward, Rosalie, şi Emmett, şi soţia lui Jasper. Alice este descrisă ca fiind micuţă (1.50 m), graţioasă, şi cu păr scurt, ţepos şi negru. Are o fire optimistă, şi o iubeşte foarte mult pe Bella, comportându-se faţă de ea ca şi cum i-ar fi soră. Hobby-urile ei includ petrecerile şi cumpărăturile.

Abilitatea specială a lui Alice este aceea că poate prezice viitorul, o extindere a capacităţii ei premonitorii de pe vremea când era om. Această abilitate este însă limitată: ea nu poate prevedea implicaţiile unei decizii decât atunci când decizia respectivă este luată. Acesta este motivul pentru care deciziile luate pe moment nu pot fi prevăzute. Alice poate prevedea viitorul oamenilor şi al vampirilor, dar este incapabilă să prevadă viitorul vârcolacilor sau al fiinţelor precum Renesmee. În Zori de zi, Alice emite ipoteza conform căreia poate vedea viitorul vampirilor foarte clar pentru că şi ea este vampir, poate vedea viitorul oamenilor pentru că a fost om, şi nu poate vedea viitorul vârcolacilor sau pe al fiinţelor precum Renesmee pentru că nu le-a aparţinut niciodată. Abilităţile ei sunt ocazional sursă de amuzament, precum în scena în care îl provoacă pe Edward la un meci de piatră-foarfece-hârtie (rock-paper-scissors), la care ştia deja rezultatul.

Alice nu îşi aminteşte iniţial nimic din viaţa ei ca om; tot ce ştie este că s-a trezit singură, ca vampir. Mai târziu, anumite informaţii date de Bella o determină să înceapă cercetările. Ea află că s-a născut în 1901 în Biloxi, Mississippi, şi a fost închisă încă de mică într-un azil din pricina premoniţiilor pe care le avea. Cel care a schimbat-o a fost un vampir care lucra la azilul respectiv, şi care a făcut asta ca să o protejeze de James, un vampir care voia să o vâneze şi să o ucidă (acelaşi care încercase acelaşi lucru cu Bella, şi care sfârşise ucis de Edward). Într-un final, Alice şi-a descoperit mormântul şi a realizat că data morţii ei inscripţionată pe piatra funerară coincidea cu data la care fusese de fapt trimisă la azil. În paralel, ea a descoperit că avusese o soră mai mică, Cynthia, a cărei fiică trăia încă în Biloxi.

Personajul lui Alice reprezintă un sprijin puternic nu numai pentru Bella, ci pentru întreaga familie. Ea este cea care o ajută pe Bella să împiedice tentativa de sinucidere a lui Edward în Luna nouă, şi tot ea avertizează asupra pericolului reprezentat de Volturi în Zori de zi, în urma viziunilor pe care le are. În finalul seriei, Alice contribuie substanţial la finalul fericit, prezentând clanului Volturi dovada că Renesmee, fiica lui Edward şi a Bellei, nu este un copil vampir.

În adaptarea cinematografică, Alice este interpretată de actriţa Ashley Greene[5].

Comentarii album • 24
m@ry@ 1 mai 2012  
imi plac de toti inspecial de alice
rw453w45 10 iunie 2011  
1. atunci care e hi5 la iubitu tau sweetheart ??? muaaa nu exista am uitat
2 . Asa bine nu le mai copia ca ma enerveaza . Alta ??? =))) cum zici tu .. oricum nu esti normala
3. Da si ea pe tine pt ca te dadeai tot timpu la mine
4. Lai facut deja in caz ca nu ai obs . Si mereu pe mine cade pica si avem certuri sau il fac sa se simta aiurea numai din cauza ta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5.Nu iti mai trebuie ??? Ce vorbe viclene..Stii cum se zice,ai fata de minorosita da in in rest..sangele apa nu se face.
6.M-am convins oricum..la cate minciuni bagi,te incurci in ele.
7. El tea intrebat ooc bai..sau nu vezi sa citesti ? sau ce inseamna ooc?=))))

Si apropo am citit ''about me'' la tine .. Prieteni falsi ?
Pai bai fato uitete fratica mai intai la tine si apoi zii..tu esti acel ex de prieten fals..si ce experienta cu asa cev ai avut?
Ma scoti din sarite serios si nu o sa fie bine..te referi la mine si la angel nu ?? ai grija ce vb si sterge chestia aia neadevarata imd..
Zau ma faci sa trimit mesaj privat la toti pr mei din lista cu linku de la hi5 tau si stau chiar si 5 ore daca e nevoie si scriu acolo tot ce faci. si cum te prefaci. si stii foarte bine ca e tot adev ce zici.
Pt ca nu zic numai eu si si altii sunt de acord cu mne.
hhhh 10 iunie 2011  
~ma uit la tine si rad~
O sa te uimesti singura .. caci eu m-am saturat sa tot fiu uimit la fiecare 2 ore..wtf ?

In primu rad , de ce ai zis atunci caiti place de mine ?? Daca tot iti placea de Alex ?? Continua sa il placi pe el..adica il placi pt ca pe pr tau imaginar l-ai numit tot Alex nu ?? Nu nega am observat asta..

2 , statusu tau e pt mine si stiu foarte bine .. deci oricat ai nega nu poti minti

3 , se vede foarte bine cum vb cu mine si incerci sa te dai la me .. nu nega nici asta

4 , daca ai vazut ca nu ti-a mers cu exu Alex adica acum noul Angel ai incercat sa am desparti de multe ori de el..

5 , cand a fost Karen te-ai laut la bataie cu ea si mi-ai atras mie atentia.ce vroiai sa ma bag intre voi si sa iti iau apararea?

6 , tot ce spui e ilogic..tu esti ilogica..te comporti aiurea sa stii

7, asta e un caarcter..am un caracter,tu ai un caracter..toti avem..dupa cum vezi toti avem perechi REALE, adica pr meu e Angel si e real,este o pers..
Nu mai spune ca ai iubit..da,am vazut..dar el este real??? Nu vad ca are hi5 iubitul tau..tu crezi ca sa ai un iubit pe hi5 inseamna doar sal iei tu din nushu ce trupa si filme si sa spui ca e iubitul tau ?? trebuie sa fie si real si sa vb cu el,adica sa fie o pers in ooc..tu nu ai asa cev..la tine e imaginar..sincer nu team vazut vorbind cu el..are hi5?? nu..
Deci spune ca ai iubit cand o sa gasesti o pers ooc care sa aiba caarcter..
Ca asa pot si eu spune ca sunt cu alex,exu,,da el e de fapt angel acum..da pot pune si imi pot imagina chestia asta..

Deci in concluzie..esti praf.
dddddd 15 aprilie 2011  
<center><a href="www.completemyspace.com/myspace_page_counter.html"; target="_blank"><img src="www.completemyspace.com/counter/counter.php/372971.gif"; border="0" /></a><br /> Get your <a href="www.completemyspace.com/myspace_page_counter.html"; target="_blank"><u>myspace counter</u></a></center>
hhhhhhhhh 26 februarie 2011  
<div><img src="i56.tinypic.com/xnf9e9.jpg i55.tinypic.com/23j6cxw.jpg"; align="left" hspace="3" vspace="3" /><font color="#000000"><CENTER><i><b>Stage name:</b></i><SUB>:Jessica 제시카   </SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Real name:</b></i><SUB>Mickii Tae Yang</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Birtplace:</b></i><SUB>South Korea,Seoul</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Height:</b></i><SUB>165 cm</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Weight:</b></i><SUB>50 kg</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Blood type:</b></i><SUB>B.</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Kpop group:</b></i><SUB>Girl Generation(SNSD)</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Positions within the team:</b></i><SUB> lead singer</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Languages:</b></i><SUB> Korean, English, JapaneseEducation: Korea Kent Foreign School</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Hobbies:</b></i><SUB>Playing games,watching tv,writting stories and poems,playing piano and guitar,etc.</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Expertise:</b></i><SUB>sleeping, English, piano, singing, dancing</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Motto:</b></i><SUB>Follow My Heart </SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>The most annoying things:</b></i><SUB>cucumbers, melons, pumpkins (all melons), lemon </SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Character:</b></i><SUB> very shy, good or bad is clear, straightforward,dreamy,clumsy,etc.</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Lucky Number:</b></i><SUB>52.</SUB>
<CENTER><i><b>Favorite Food:</b></i><SUB>Ice Cream.</SUB></font></div>
bella 29 ianuarie 2011  
bella 29 ianuarie 2011  

|La Tua Cantante| Forever Eighteen|Human| Tthe Clumsy Spider Monkey|
bella 29 ianuarie 2011  
Bella ♥ Swan The Clumsy Spider Monkey™
bella 29 ianuarie 2011  
3. HIs secret wasn't anything like the original ideas I had, but it all made sense once I put it together. Edward Cullen is a vampire, but not in the traditional, Dracula sort of way. As it turns out, real vampires don't sleep in coffins (in fact, they don't sleep at all), they don't mind garlic or crosses, sunlight doesn't kill them (although they can't be seen in it, since it literally sparkles off of their skin), and they are irresistibly beautiful. The one thing that is the same from the traditional myth is that they do need blood to survive. However, Edward and his family live off of animal blood, jokingly calling themselves "vegetarians." Edward and I spent every moment together after that, despite the fact that my blood had a particularly alluring scent to him, and every moment we spent together he had to focus on trying not to kill me.At first, Edward tried to stay away from me "for my own good." I refused to accept this, and neither of us could resist the pull we felt toward each other. Edward was the only one who understood how my mind worked, which was ironic because my mind is the only one he can't read with his telepathic vampire ability. The rest of his family accepted me, except for Rosalie, who resented me for reasons I didn't then understand. Other than her they welcomed me with open arms, even inviting me to a field to play "thunderball" during a storm. Everything felt so perfect; I finally found a place where I belonged, even if it was with a family of vampires. Perfection can't last forever, and that day in the field others of their kind decided to join us. Even though they were the same species, there was something different about the three nomads. Their eyes were red instead of topaz, as they fed off humans instead of animals. There were three of them--James, Victoria, and Laurent. The moment James set sight on me I could see the evil in his eyes, and I knew I was no longer safe. I had to leave home that night, lying to Charlie so James wouldn't hurt him and escaping with Alice and Jasper while Edward and the others tried to locate James. We went to Phoenix, where I fell right into James's trap, finding myself alone with him the the ballet studio where I used to take lessons. With no way of defending myself I believed my life to be over, especially when James took that first bite out of my arm, causing more pain than I ever imagined possible.Edward and the rest of the Cullens arrived right in time to kill James before he took too much blood. I wanted to let the venom run its course; I wanted to be like Edward and his family. Edward refused to allow it, and he sucked the venom out of my system, using all of his strength to not kill me in the process. I awoke in the hospital the next day still human, and that was the day I decided I would eventually become a vampire, no matter what it took. My future was with Edward, and I wanted to spend eternity with him.
bella 29 ianuarie 2011  
2. There were so many kids and faces but I'll never forget that first day at lunch when I laid eyes on them--The Cullens. They were so stunning and beautiful that any model would envy their looks, and it took all my effort not to stare at them during the meal. Five strange pale skinned and gorgeous family, all dressed like they walked right out of a high-end department store, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were doing in a small town like Forks. Despite the strange amount of attention I received from the male population at the school, it was Edward Cullen who I was drawn to. The first time we met, in biology class, he seemed disgusted by my presence, moving as far away from possible like I had some deadly disease he didn't want to catch. He tried to switch out the class that day, and when that proved impossible, didn't show up to school for an entire week. I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with me; there was no reason I should have repulsed him so much. I tried to go on living as though I never noticed Edward or the Cullen's, but couldn't get them out of my mind. Edward returned to school after that week, surprising me by trying to make small talk during class. Saying I was confused would be an understatement, but I went with the flow, trying not to worry too much about what happened the prior week. The next day I awoke to find the roads covered in ice, and was grateful for my car that was able to survive any sort of weather. Unfortunately, Tyler Crowley's van wasn't as resilient as my truck. It all happened so fast, but I remember the truck spinning out of control in my direction, and a moment later Edward was there holding the truck above my legs. Yes, he lifted the van from the ground to prevent it from squashing me, holding it up like it was as light as a feather. That was the moment I knew there was something different about him, and I was determined to discover his secret.
Bella 29 ianuarie 2011  
I was born in the small town of Forks, Washington, but my parents soon got divorced, my mom leaving my dad in the town and taking me with her. We moved around a lot when I was younger, living first in California and later Phoenix, Arizona, especially how warm and sunny it was. I didn't have many friends at my large school there, but I never found that bothersome, as I was always busy trying to keep up with my mom. It was like I was the adult and she was the child, so I never found myself with lack of things to do. Then my mom married Phil, a minor league baseball player, and I could tell how wistful she was to enjoy life on the road with him, even though she never mentioned it to me. Wanting her and Phil to be happy, I made what I believed to be the ultimate sacrifice; I volunteered to move in with my dad, returning to the small town of my birth.The move took place in January of 2005, and the town was just as cloudy, rainy, and cold as I remembered. Living with my father, Charlie, was much quieter than living with my mom, but my dislike of Forks still remained. It was so green. I missed the sun against my skin and the busy streets of Phoenix. I was pleasantly surprised by the welcome present Charlie purchased for me: a red 1953 Chevy pick-up truck. While different, the car was perfect for me, and it also demonstrated Charlie's appreciation of my decision to move in with him. It wasn't long before I had to face what I dreaded possibly more than the dreary weather--my first day at Forks High School. All I wanted was to blend into the background, but the students adamantly tried to be my friend, especially the male population at the school. Mike Newton, Tyler Crowley, and Eric Yorkie vied for my attention, while Jessica Stanley and Angela Weber decided to become my new best friends. Jessica only befriended me because she had a crush on Mike, but Angela was nice, so I was happy for her friendship.
miley1destiny 20 octombrie 2010  
∗ αииα L ∗
miley1destiny 14 iunie 2010  
I love u alice
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