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membru din 10 mai 2009

Power Rangers - Operation Overdrive


Comentarii album • 2
aumih16 21 noiembrie 2012  
power rangers introducere

go rangers go rangers, go! go! go!
go rangers go rangers, go! go! go!
power rangers, operation overdrive!
power rangers, operation overdrive!

watch five rangers reaching for the sky in five ways,
five heroes walking through the sun for five days,
dark forces lurking, leaving evil where they roam
five rangers lookin for the same five stones!


there's treasures to be found, there's some lives to be saved,
our planet to look after, there's a whole lot of space!
good vs evil, we got heroes on the scene,
power rangers overdrive is the number one team!

power rangers, operation overdrive!
power rangers, operation ooo-verdrive!
aumih16 13 octombrie 2011  
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