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0_Coming Back after 7 years13OOO De Vizite DAU PREMI1_ Cont Vs Cont - New Production1_ Din Perspectiva lui Kate-SP1_ Ghiceste Melodia - New Prod1_ My Xeroxes - New Production1_ You Know Facts About Me1_- Heii Said iixJazzyBChannelx4A AnuntzzzA __1OO Days With My Stars __A   B ____1OO Days With SG n ZM   B ____2OO Facts About 1D xDA ___OMG Mersii MULT xDAlege Filmul Sau SerialulA_- HalloWeek Cinema-_A   Love-o1- Blood Round - SFA_-Moviie- iixJazzyBChannelx4 - x   x_-O01 Vampire LOVE_-Real Story   x_-O02Cand Trandafirii Mor-LIFE   x_-O03Suflete De Copii - DRAMA   x_-O04 Demonul Iubirii -HORROR   x_-O06 True Lov3 - DRAMA   x_-O07 Noaptea Cristalelor-SF   x_-O08 Friends 4 Ever- LOVE   x_-O09 Vedeta Doar Noaptea-SF   x_-O10 Iubirea Doare- TREASON   x_-O11 Black Love - TREASON   x_-O12 My Babysiter Carla_-SFA_l New l_A   a_-My Covers-_a   a_-Thriller Criminal-_a   Forum   l - _o1 - Publicitate Cont_ - l   l - _o1- Demonul Iubirii Part ll_ - l   l - _o1- HalloWeek Cinema_ - l   l -_o1-Amprenta_-lA________SERIALE_________ABack To The Future - Series   X-Back to the F u t u r e -ThrillerBlack Love - Series   iixJBCx4 - BL - Thriller NOWBlestemul Iubirii l X l - Series   Oo Thriller oO      X_Blestemul Iubirii - EPIS O01      X_Blestemul Iubirii - EPIS O02      X_Blestemul Iubirii - EPIS O03      X_Blestemul Iubirii - EPIS O04      X_Blestemul Iubirii - EPIS O05Coltii Unui Vampir - Series   L_- Trailer - Coltii Unui Vampir -_L      O_o The Episode O01 o_O      O_o The Episode O02 o_O      O_o The Episode O03 o_O      O_o The Episode O04 o_O      O_o The Episode O05 o_OCriminal - Series   asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 008   xXx O1 - Trailer Criminal - xXx      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 001      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 002      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 003      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 004      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 005      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 006      asdfghjkl - Lets Go - Episode 007Dangerous Love - Seriesl-Povesti De Viata-l   l-Capitolul I- Intalnirea-l   l-Capitolul l- Mutarea La Bloc-l   l-Capitolul l-Nasterea Mea-lMesajul De Dincolo - Series   OO1_-Thriller Mesajul De DincoloNever Say Never - Series   iixJBCx4 - NSN - Thriller NOWOut From Town GIRL - Series   iixJBCx4- Out Of Town GIRL -thrillerProblemele fetelor   Oo-Temaa O1-oO   Oo-Temaa O2-oO      La 18 Ani - MoviieROBOTZII - Series   D-_ROBOTZII - Trailer_-DThe New Moon - Series   iixJBCx4 - TNM - Trailer NOWURGENT----- INTRATIIZ ________ STORIES _________ Z   My Story - Overboard - FanFic      OO1_-_Overboard - Series         OO2 Seasone OO1 - Epis 001   The Life Under The Influence Of Drugs -One Direction-FanFiction      Chapter 001 - From The Start      Chapter 002 - Niciodata UitatZ_Tombole-Irresistible Z   Oo__Tombolla OO1__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO2__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO3__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO4__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO5__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO6__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO7__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO8__oO   Oo__Tombolla OO9__oO      Oo__Tombolla O10__oO      Oo__Tombolla O11__oO      Oo__Tombolla O12__oO      Oo__Tombolla O13__oO      Oo__Tombolla O14__oO      Oo__Tombolla O15__oO      Oo__Tombolla O16__oO      Oo__Tombolla O17__oO      Oo__Tombolla O18__oO      Oo__Tombolla O19__oO      Oo__Tombolla O20__oO      Oo__Tombolla_O21__oO      Oo__Tombolla_O22__oO

membru din 3 martie 2012

B ____1OO Days With SG n ZM


███▓▒░░. 1OO Days With Zayn Malik & Sel . G. .░░▒▓███►

► New Album ;o3 . Nu pot sa zic ca.i Original ;o3 Pt ca aproape feicare fac 1D are un album d-asta ;o3 Ork Sunt mandra sa ma numesc fan si sa fac albumu ◄
❤ 。◕‿◕。 Sa spun poezia ;d - " Nu cred ca o sa ajung nici macar la 2o de zile" ;-?? Dar totusi , Nu risti .nu castigi ;o3 . Asta e invatatura de minte ;d

▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ iixJazzyBChannelx4 ๏̯๏ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄

ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ ☠ iixJazzyBChannelx4 ;ox Semneaza
☺Album creeat la data de; ☻ ╚» O6.O3.2O13 «╗

▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO1 - O6.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO1 - O6.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO2 - O7.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO2 - O7.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO3 - O8.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO3 - O8.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO4 - O9.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO4 - O9.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO5 - 1O.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO5 - 1O.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO6 - 11.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO6 - 11.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO7 - 12.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO7 - 12.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO8 - 13.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO8 - 13.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO9 - 14.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ OO9 - 14.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O1O - 15.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O1O - 15.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O11 - 16.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O11 - 16.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O12 - 17.O3.13
▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ๏̯๏ O12 - 17.O3.13

Comentarii album • 1
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