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membru din 7 iulie 2016

Loving you is the greatest pleasure

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            I didn’t plan on falling in love with you and I doubt if you planned on falling in love
  with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening. And I loved that.
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  ℒove is something everyone has their own definition of. It could be, giving someone everything you have inside of you and hoping, praying that they give you that too. For her, love is loving someone, no matter what she chooses to do, no matter where she goes in life, no matter what life throws at her. It is everything, all of the definitions put into one. Love is falling without the landing. For her, love is him. He was an unexpected surprise, one single defining moment. He’s the last thing her heart expected. He gave her passion and madness at the same time, and the only thing her heart wanted, was to be the friend he falls hopelessly in love with. The one that he takes into his arms and into his bed and into the private world he keeps trapped in his head. She wanted to be that kind of friend, the one who will memorize the things he says, as well as the shape of his lips when he says them. She wanted to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of his body. She wanted to convince him to design a smile just for her. And yet, the most important thing that she was dying for was the fact that...she wanted him. The only thought, the only need her
 heart had... Despite all, in spite of all... All her heart has ever wanted was him. She wanted him in every way.
      ✱ S̮̮ḫ̮e̮̮ ̮̮i̮̮s̮̮ ̮̮d̮̮e̮̮l̮̮i̮̮g̮̮ḫ̮t̮̮f̮̮u̮̮l̮̮l̮̮y̮̮ ̮̮c̮̮ḫ̮a̮̮o̮̮t̮̮i̮̮c̮̮,̮̮ ̮̮a̮̮ ̮̮b̮̮e̮̮a̮̮u̮̮t̮̮i̮̮f̮̮u̮̮l̮̮ ̮̮m̮̮e̮̮s̮̮s̮.̮ Do you know what it is like to love someone so much...that you can’t see yourself without picturing her? Or what it’s like to touch someone, and feel like you’ve come home? What they had wasn’t about being with someone just to show off what they have got, the way it was for others their age. Some people spend their whole lives looking for that one and only person, but they were lucky enough to have each other. When he saw her, he felt like there is nothing on earth more beautiful than her smile, no sound sweeter than her laughter, no pleasure greater than holding her in his arms. Every time he saw her he realised the reason why they always said humans are made of stardust. It’s you. It’s all about you, stubborn little hellion that you are.
 There was something about him too since the moment they two’ve met. She did not know if it was love, but it was definitely something. Her love for him formed gradually. His personality, his voice, his hair, his humour, the way he looked away and smiled, even the way he was rolling his eyes, gradually it all came clear to her. He was exactly what her heart was looking for. But beside all those bad little things he also played this foolish heart. He brought so many disasters to her mind and to her fragile soul, but even so, his arms were, and still are, the only place where she feels secure and safe. He left a mark on her, since the day he came into her life. He was like a song she had heard once in
 fragments but had been singing in her mind ever since. Ḫ̮e̮̮ ̮̮i̮̮s̮̮ ̮̮t̮̮ḫ̮e̮̮ ̮̮p̮̮e̮̮r̮̮f̮̮e̮̮c̮̮t̮̮ ̮̮b̮̮a̮̮l̮̮a̮̮n̮̮c̮̮e̮̮ ̮̮b̮̮e̮̮t̮̮w̮̮e̮̮e̮̮n̮̮ ̮̮d̮̮a̮̮n̮̮g̮̮e̮̮r̮̮ ̮̮a̮̮n̮̮d̮̮ ̮̮c̮̮ḫ̮a̮̮r̮̮m̮.̮
He didn’t believe in love. At least that is what he always told everyone who managed to cross his path, and gave him the time of day to speak freely. No one, could resist his pull, after all. He told stories of heartbreak and 3 AM vodka breakdowns and betrayal but never of real love, never the feeling. He said that it had never happen. But then he got lost in those blue eyes, and crinkled smiles, and those moments of laughter, and red lips. And, God, no he still didn’t believe because denial was his best subject, but if love wasn’t real...this was pretty damn close to it. What happened after? He began to tell tales of fast heartbeats and warm chests. Stories of dancing in the kitchen at midnight and kissing in the rain because he lived them now. And I guess that after a while he did. You know, fall in those beautiful hands of love. He fall for her, for that tornado with blue eyes, that tornado of roses from divine. Both of them are in the hands of love, and both of them have something even more rare, and even more meaningful... She can’t change him because she loves him, he changed himself because he loves her. See? It’s all about their love.
        ✱ Now, after those words... If you ask them what love is, they would not know the perfect answer. They don’t know what love is, and maybe they never will. All they know is that there are some smiles, they never get tired of seeing, some hands they never want to let go of, and some lips they’d kiss forever. The connection they have isn’t going away, it’s only getting stronger, because the more time they spend together the closer they’d want to be. Love is not something you go out and look for. Love finds you and when it does, ready or not, it will be the best thing that has ever happend to you. At least, that’s what happened to them. Him and her are completely different but in a way
    they complete each other. Even if all started like a game, they fallen for sure in the divine hands of love.
  data.whicdn.com/images/255244229/large.gif     ▪ ▪ ▪  data.whicdn.com/images/246634019/large.gif
╱╲╱╲╱It all started with a b·e·t...
╱╲╱╲╱It all started with a b·e·t...
—"Fii serios, omule, nu cred că îţi merge cu asta."; Îşi întoarce privirea în direcţia blondei care tocmai păşea timid pe malul apei, trăgându-şi instinctiv nasul în timp ce-şi trece cu o mână peste el, frecându-l uşor astfel.
—"Fii serios, omule, nu cred că îţi merge cu asta."
—O analizează preţ de câteva secunde pe fata cu pricina, urmând ca mai apoi să-şi; întoarcă la loc privirea în direcţia prietenului său, lăsând la iveală un zâmbet maliţios. “Pare mai mult decât uşor pentru mine, de fapt.. Aş putea s-o fac să se îndrăgostească de un străin.”
—O analizează preţ de câteva secunde pe fata cu pricina, urmând ca mai apoi să-şi
—Pufneşte scurt, amuzat la comentariul lui Zayn, însă când îşi dă seama că acesta nu; glumea, îşi arcuieşte o sprânceană, stând câteva clipe înainte de a rosti următoarea întrebare. “Dacă eşti atât de sigur pe tine, ce spui s-o punem de un pariu?”
—Pufneşte scurt, amuzat la comentariul lui Zayn, însă când îşi dă seama că acesta nu
—"Nu ştiu ce să zic... Nu vreau să-ţi iau banii atât de uşor, nu e genul meu."; Ridică scurt din umeri în timp ce se întinde după scrumiera de pe masă pentru a-şi scutura ţigarea de scrum, coborându-şi astfel privirea în direcţia acesteia.
—"Nu ştiu ce să zic... Nu vreau să-ţi iau banii atât de uşor, nu e genul meu."
—"Rămâne de văzut dacă vei face asta. O să pariez pe, să zicem, zece mii că n-o poţi face pe; Gigi Hadid să-ţi cadă la picioare." Întinde cu titlu de încercare mâna spre el pentru a oficializa astfel pariul, având totodată un zâmbet relaxat pe faţă.
—"Rămâne de văzut dacă vei face asta. O să pariez pe, să zicem, zece mii că n-o poţi face pe
...He accepted ̤w̤̤·̤̤i̤̤·̤̤t̤̤·̤̤h̤̤·̤̤o̤̤·̤̤ṳ̤·̤t̤ even thinking...
...He accepted ̤w̤̤·̤̤i̤̤·̤̤t̤̤·̤̤h̤̤·̤̤o̤̤·̤̤ṳ̤·̤t̤ even thinking...
—"S-a făcut."
—"S-a făcut."
    ╲But when you bet on l·o·v·e...
    ╲But when you bet on l·o·v·e...
╲╱Truth will ͍A̸̸͍͍·L̸̸͍͍·W̸̸͍͍·A̸̸͍͍·Y̸͍·S͍ come out╲╱
╲╱Truth will ͍A̸̸͍͍·L̸̸͍͍·W̸̸͍͍·A̸̸͍͍·Y̸͍·S͍ come out╲╱
...When you ̤l̤̤·̤̤e̤̤·̤̤a̤̤·̤̤s̤̤·̤t̤ expect╱     
...When you ̤l̤̤·̤̤e̤̤·̤̤a̤̤·̤̤s̤̤·̤t̤ expect╱     

Comentarii album • 7
christophrWood 2 ianuarie 2017  
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