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Combaterea melcilor din gradini


How To Kill Snails and Slugs - The Definitive Guide

How to get rid of snails:

1. Using Natural Snail Repellents:
- Make beer traps
- Use copper tape
- Sprinkle crushed egg shells
- Use coffee
- Encourage snail predators
- Use diatomaceous earth
- Use other deterrents: Powdered ginger, talcum powder, ashes from burnt wood or lime. Lint from a clothes dryer can be used to deter snails, in addition to animal hair or fur.

2. Changing Your Gardening Routine:
- Change your watering schedule
- Frequently till the soil
- Clear any debris from under plants
- Use landscaping materials like wood chips and gravel
- Grow plants that repel snails
- Hand pick the snails from your plants

3. Using Pesticides:
- Use metaldehyde. Metaldehyde is a natural compound which is used as a pesticide for killing snails, slugs and other gastropods. It is highly effective, however it is also toxic, so it should not be used in home gardens where pets such as cats or dogs are allowed to roam freely, or where it runs the risk of being consumed by small children.
- Use iron phosphate. Iron phosphate is a molluscicide used for killing slugs and snails. It is the main ingredient in commercial slug repellents (such as Sluggo Plus) and as it is only harmful to slugs and snails, it is a much better option for people with children and pets.
- Make garlic spray. Crush garlic and mix with water. Leave for a few hours to allow the garlic to "marinate". Add to a water spray can and spray your flowers, plants and herbs for a natural slug and snail repellent.


Comentarii album • 4
DDGarden 8 august 2020  
Am revăzut un episod vechi-vechi din Gardeners World cu un segment despre un cuplu britanic mari colecționari de Hoste (1.300 varietăți, cine știe câte mii de plante):

Orbit de frumusetea plantelor, mi-au scăpat doua informații:
1. Oamenii își tin Hostele in ghivece pt a le putea rearanja, astfel grădina nu arată mereu la fel.
2. Rețeta lor contra melcilor și limacsilor (in videoclip, de la minutul 4:07):
- curățenia stricta de toamna, cu îndepărtarea tuturor resturilor de frunze; astfel se înlătura mare parte din ouăle care ar eclozate in primavara.
- ‘Blue pallets’ primavara - nu știu exact, dar trebuie sa fie vorba de chimicale :(
- ‘Garlic Spray’ - stropire cu extract de usturoi; omoară ouăle și larvele mici și irita serios melcii adulti.
Arată și cum se prepara și folosește: se zdrobește o căpățâna de usturoi după care se pune la fiert intr-un litru de apa, timp de 5 min; după răcire se strecoară bine și se depozitează intr-un recipient ermetic in frigider. Se utilizează in diluție de 1 lingura / 1 litru de apa. Se aplica cu pompa de stropit pe ambele fete ale frunzelor.

La ce experiența au, ar trebui sa fie funcțională rețeta; oricum nu presupune nicio cheltuiala, iar prepararea durează cât faci un ceai... Cred ca se merita încercat.
sylvia 18 iunie 2016  
Din pacate nu cunosc suficient de bine limba engleza!
GardenPedia 18 iunie 2016  
In cazul acesta, este1:0 pentru melci...
Puteti recupera in repriza a doua folosind Google Translate
GardenPedia 13 iunie 2016  

D J Dunstan1 and D J Hodgson2
Published 15 May 2014 • © 2014 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Physica Scripta, Volume 89, Number 6



Many gardeners and horticulturalists seek non-chemical methods to control populations of snails. It has frequently been reported that snails that are marked and removed from a garden are later found in the garden again. This phenomenon is often cited as evidence for a homing instinct. We report a systematic study of the snail population in a small suburban garden, in which large numbers of snails were marked and removed over a period of about 6 months. While many returned, inferring a homing instinct from this evidence requires statistical modelling. Monte Carlo techniques demonstrate that movements of snails are better explained by drift under the influence of a homing instinct than by random diffusion. Maximum likelihood techniques infer the existence of two groups of snails in the garden: members of a larger population that show little affinity to the garden itself, and core members of a local garden population that regularly return to their home if removed. The data are strongly suggestive of a homing instinct, but also reveal that snail-throwing can work as a pest management strategy.


Ei, ce sa mai zici?! Studiu stiintific in toata regula, nu asa, chestii din strabuni...

Personal, daca i-am vazut nu mai apuca sa 'fuga', sunt executati on-site; exceptand situatia in care juniorul este pe langa mine si atunci, din motive educative, explic ca nu facem rau animalelor, ci le inlaturam / relocam pe cele care sunt daunatoare ;) In acest caz, melcii au parte de un curs rapid de zbor fara parasuta peste gard, ajungand pe un teren viran din vecini; cred ca reusesc sa le dau un avant mai mare de 6.1m, deci nu cred ca se mai intorc; dar, asta nu e stiinta... Am sa incep sa-i marchez inainte de expediere si sa fac un studiu statistic pe metoda Marco Polo asupra dorului de casa la melci ...

Daca nu ati inteles despre ce bat campii, cititi articolul ;)

Sau, pe scurt, melcii au tendinta sa revina pe taramul natal daca sunt indepartati la o distanta mai mica de 20 pasi (6.1m) ... sau ... "Moving snails just 20 feet (6.1 m) away from your garden has shown to be just as effective as termination."
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