1494 poze   85292 vizite
1-DESPRE MINE   acasa la Freddy si Jaques Vandenheede   acasa la Albert Derwa   acasa la Alfons si Helmut Klaas   acasa la Chris si Bart Hebberecht   acasa la De Vroe-Van Gaver-Vandeputte   acasa la Dirk van DICK   acasa la Eric LIMBOURG   acasa la Eros CARBONI   acasa la familia EIJERKAMP   acasa la Flanders Colection   acasa la Gaston van de Wouver   acasa la GERARD KOOPMAN   acasa la Herman si Dennis Beverdam   acasa la Hugo Batenburg   acasa la Jan Hooymans   acasa la John si Anja Aarts   acasa la Jos THONE   acasa la Klaus Stieneker   acasa la Leo Heremans   acasa la Marc de Cock   acasa la Peter Veenstra   acasa la Pipa Elite Center - Belgia   acasa la Rudi de Saer 2014   acasa la Sebastian Casaert   acasa la Vincent van de Kerk   Adreas DRAPA in vizita la Bucuresti   articol aparut pe PIPA BE   Dr Hans Peter Brockamp in vizita la Bucuresti 2014   Eros Carboni la BUCURESTI- februarie 2015   EXPO Bucuresti 2012 - prieteni columbofili   Expo CANARI BUCURESTI 2013   GyoSport   in vizita la Bardos Istvan vicepresedinte FCI   in vizita la CAMPIONII EUROPEI   in vizita la PiPa Elite Center Belgia 2014   intalnire pentru unificarea bucurestiului 2013 part 2   intalnire pentru unificarea bucurestiului 2013 part 3   intalnire pentru unificarea bucurestiului 2014 part I   Jan HOOYMANS - vizita la Bucuresti   Klaus Stieneker si Alfons Klaas in vizita la BUCURESTI   Marcel SANGERS in vizita la BUCURESTI   Nicolas Gyselbrecht in vizita la BUCURESTI   Nikolaas Gyselbrecht si Bart Geerinckx la BUCURESTI- ianuarie 2015   semnare protocol de zbor intre ACPB si Asociatia As Bucuresti decembrie 2013   semnare PROTOCOL FOND Bucuresti Dambovita Giurgiu 2014   TANDEM 2012 fiul meu Florea SORIN      invitat special la columbodromul Balkanik Fair Play 2013      invitat special la columbodromul Black Sea One Loft Race 2013      invitat special la columbodromul CORABIA 2013      invitat special la columbodromul Honest Race 2013      invitat special la columbodromul SuperStar 2013      TATA si FIUL         alte pasiuni         cupe medalii diploma castigate in concursurile de cantec la canar slavujar         articol aparut pe pigeonsplanet ro         articol interviu publicat pe magazincolumbofil part I         articol interviu publicat pe magazincolumbofil part II         articol interviu publicat pe magazincolumbofil part III         familia FLOREA - nepoteii         lansare CANDIDATURA la FUNCTIA de PRESEDINTE al FCPR alegeri 2014         de vorba cu membrii columbofili din MURES         intalnire pentru unificarea bucurestiului 2013 part 1         produsele BROCKAMP in ROMANIA   vizita in Belgia si Olanda februarie - martie 2014   vizita VEST europeana la BUCURESTI2-VOLIERA   interior voliera3-LOT DE ZBOR   Sezon extraordinar cu Puii GyoSport 2012 articol aparut pe RRP RO   Tandem columbofil Burdusel si Florea Sorin inregistrat la Federatia Columbofila Belgiana 20144-MATCA   cel mai scump porumbel din ROMANIA 21400 EURO   Matca 2012 articol aparut pe pigeons ro   NOI ACHIZITII 2014 part 1   NOI ACHIZITII part 1   NOI ACHIZITII part 10   NOI ACHIZITII part 11   NOI ACHIZITII part 12   NOI ACHIZITII part 13   NOI ACHIZITII part 14   NOI ACHIZITII part 15   Noi ACHIZITII part 16   NOI ACHIZITII part 17   NOI ACHIZITII part 18   NOI ACHIZITII part 2   NOI ACHIZITII part 3   NOI ACHIZITII part 4   NOI ACHIZITII part 5   NOI ACHIZITII part 6   NOI ACHIZITII part 7   NOI ACHIZITII part 8   NOI ACHIZITII part 9   VIDEO porumbei MATCA 20145-CONTACT-florea ion   famous pigeons   LOC 1 pe lansare ACP Bucuresti FNCPR 2017 VIDEO interviu cu Florea Ion Mazare   Noile voliere Team Florea Ion si Sorin 2017   NOUL site Team Florea Sorin   VIDEO

membru din 29 decembrie 2009

articol aparut pe PIPA BE

Sorin Florea
Telefon : +40 732 222 201
E-mail : sorinflorea@slavujar.ro

Florea Ion - zis- MAZARE
Tel.: 0740.111.125


PIPA visits Romania (October 2013)

During the weekend of 19 and 20 October, Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, CEO and founder of PIPA, was invited by his friend Mr. Florea Sorin to come to Bucharest. The reason for this visit: support Mr. Sorin's candidacy for president of the FCPR and select offspring for Mr. Sorin's future auction on PIPA and discuss about more business plans.

What at first was a broker-buyer relationship has turned into a beautiful friendship in a relative short period of time. As from 2014, Team Colors (Mr. Sorin's loft) and PIPA Elite Center (headed by Nikolaas Gyselbrecht) have plans to collaborate.

Mr. Florea Sorin and Nikolaas Gyselbrecht

Nikolaas Gyselbrecht has held thousands of exceptional up to now, both from Belgium and Holland as well as from the rest of the world. Nevertheless, he was impressed by the quality of the birds owned by Mr. Sorin. He stated publicly that Mr. Sorin has one of the most valuable breeding lofts in Europe at the moment. Mr. Sorin currently now houses pigeons descending from the following lines: Alfons Klaas , Klaus Stieneker, Herman Beverdam, Marcel Sangers, Diego Wouters, Braad-de Joode, Erik Limbourg, Eros Carboni, Dr.Brockamp and many more. In addition, he also acquired direct offspring from pigeons bred by Jan Hooymans, Gerard Koopman, Peter Veenstra, Chris Hebberecht, Gaby Vandenabeele, the Janssen brothers, Dirk Van Dijck, Ad Schaerlaekens, Mark van den Berg, Batenburg-van de Merwe, Gaston van de Wouwer and Freddy and Jacques Vandenheede. Furthermore, one of the most valuable colonies of De Rauw-Sablon birds are housed at Mr. Sorin's lofts in Bucharest! Nikolaas Gyselbrecht states that Mr. Sorin was one of the best clients of PIPA in 2012 and 2013.

Mr. Sorin's candidacy for president of the FCPR strikes Nikolaas as something obvious. He stressed that Romania needs a strong president who has a strong character and many financial means, and especially one who maintains good relationships with fanciers from Western Europe. He also tried to explain that Romania needs to find a solution in which the three current federations can coexist, abiding by the same rules which are inspired by the FCI regulations. Given the friendschip between Mr. Sorin and Nikolaas Gyselbrecht and once Mr. Sorin is elected president of the FCPR, PIPA will hold a charity auction each year, the proceeds of which will be donated fully to help support fanciers of the FCPR by investing in transport, new clocks, refurbished offices, technology, etc. For this auction the greatest champions of Europe, good friends of Nikolaas and Mr. Sorin, will each donate two to three pigeons.

Nikolaas's website has now been up and running for ten years. It is the largest pigeon website in the world with over 100,000 visitors a day, meaning it is currently the 3rd most visited site in Belgium, after two mobile sites. He has successful clients and friends around the world and is familiar with pigeon racing in Europe, China, Japan etc. He definitely knows what he is saying when his friend Florea Sorin is the best candidate for the presidency of the FCPR!

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