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L O V E xoxo

You went on tour with the guys because well Zelo and you were a thing and the guys really loved having you around. You would make them food and sweets and you were basically the mother of them because of how much you did for them. You and Zelo were on his bed while you were reading to him. He loved to lay his head on your lap and listen to you read. Sometimes he would dose off and you would play around with his hair and listen to him talk in his sleep. He would often say small things like "I love you" or "Dont ever leave me." And it really made your heart melt because he would even dream about you. 
As you were reading Joey popped through the door holding his stomach. 
"Everything okay?" You asked
"I'm starving. Hey sis can you make us something?" He asked innocently
You smiled and nodded before closing the book.
"I'll be right back." You said to the Zelo that was laying on your lap looking up at you.
"Promise?" He said
You smiled down at him and nodded. He got up from your lap and planted a kiss on your lips before letting you go.
You cooked the boys a quick meal of spaghetti and kimchi. The whole time they would pester you with questions of how to do things and where some things were. They were annoying but hey they were your family so you didn't mind. Eventually they finally let you go and you went back to the room. Zelo was already fast asleep with his headphones in. He had one of your teddy bears in his arms and his laptop on top of him. You smiled as you started to clean up. As you were about to take the teddy bear from him he started to talk in his sleep like always.
"No. I don't  want her to know." He murmured "This is our secret..... Nobody can know." 
You wanted to stop yourself from over thinking it. It could mean many things right? Or so you thought until you heard him murmur an "I love you too." 
You felt a tear run down your face after he said that. What other explanation could there be? You ran to the bathroom and took a skin burning hot shower so that nobody could hear you cry. The rest of the tour you were depressed. You would smile as much as you could so that they wouldn't suspect a thing but to make sure they wouldn't say anything you would sleep all day and work all night. At night while they were sleeping you would cook meals for them to wake up to in the morning and clean up. And then in the morning you would sleep so they wouldn't disturb you. Luckily in concerts they were busy so you would just stand there to watch them sign autographs and perform. It killed you to see so many girls head over heels over Zelo. You wondered if one of them was the girl that he had a secret with. 
It was the last concert of the tour, the guys wanted to go out and celebrate but you were too tired so you stayed inside. When they arrived it was already late, but you pretended to sleep on Zelos bed. 
"Is she okay?" You heard Hunter ask
"I don't know. She's getting pale. She isn't acting like herself." Zelo said in a sad tone 
"Yea her food doesn't taste the same. When she made them you could feel the happiness she put into it." Joey said
"I know. Did.... Did I do something wrong?" Zelo said. You felt something wet hit your cheek follows by Zelo sniffling. His warm hand wiped off the year from your skin
"No. I'm pretty sure there's an explanation for this. Be strong." Himchan said
You held in the need to grab Zelo and comfort him. To have him in your arms and assure him everything was okay. 
When everybody was asleep you went into the living room and sat on the couch. You stared at the television, even though it was off.
"May I sit?" Zelo said 
It took you by surprise that he was awake so you said nothing. He took a seat beside you and turned on the TV. The light allowed you to notice how puffy his eyes were and his messy hair. 
"What did I do?" He suddenly asked
"Huh?" You said confused
"Please, if I did something just tell me. Cause it's really just killing me to see you like this. What did I do? Ill change it if there's something that you don't like. Are you not happy with me anymore?" His voice was breaking and tears fell from his eyes. He put his head in his hands. For the first time, you were seeing him breakdown. 
You grabbed his head so he could look up at you. Tears started streaming down your face. Seeing him cry hurt you more than anything else. 
"You did nothing wrong." You whispered before you pulled him into a hug.
He buried his head on your shoulder and cried. He held you as if you would disappear if he let you go. After a couple minutes you both calmed down.
"Why did you ignore me?" He asked
"I overheard you in your sleep saying something about loving someone and keeping things a secret. I just thought you didn't want me anymore." You said shyly
He pulled you into his lap and placed his hands on your waist.
"You're the only girl for me." He said before he kissed you.
You placed your hands around his neck and played with his hair as he deepened the kiss. When you two pulled away for air he went into his room to get a box. He gave to you and you opened it. Inside was a beautiful pink dress with a diamond necklace. 
"Whats this?" You asked
"The person I was talking to was my mom. It was supposed to be a surprise for tomorrow but it's bette if you see it now. Once we get back home I want you to meet my family." He said as his cheeks turned pink.
He pulled you close to him and laid you down on his chest. You two fell asleep together on the couch. His arms tight around you, and the beat of his heart in your ear.

Comentarii album • 2
biaprintesamizilului 9 decembrie 2014  
ce frumosssss
Debora 8 decembrie 2014  
Mss .....!!!!! :#
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