2417 poze   81105 vizite

lumea cealalta - wonder ___ XD

Love is crying on my heart..
Love is crying on my heart..
Stars are fading down tonight..
Stars are fading down tonight..
Hard to say this last "goodbye"..
Hard to say this last "goodbye"..
Hurts me not to tell you why..
Hurts me not to tell you why..
I promise everything is gonna be alright..
I promise everything is gonna be alright..
Now it is time for me to set all things right..
Now it is time for me to set all things right..
Goodbye my love, goodbye my friend..
Goodbye my love, goodbye my friend..
We will meet someday for a more "happy-end"..
We will meet someday for a more "happy-end"..
I am gonna hold every tear you shared..
I am gonna hold every tear you shared..
Rivers passing though my heart..
Rivers passing though my heart..
Washing sadness from my mind..
Washing sadness from my mind..
I am not ready for the night..
I am not ready for the night..

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