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Desbuquois Gebroeders

For Michel and Didier Desbuquois from Chapel On The Forest means the national victory Barcelona'06
a crown on the life work of the late father Fernand.

The name Fernand Desbuquois & Sons

He was for years associated with the queens flight from the most prestigious flight Barcelona Spain, for the number 96 in the Stroll On Mansfield Street to Chapel den Bos over 1086 km away. As a busy businessman, in windows and porch construction and passionate pigeon fancier, had for father Fernand little free time to play. A brood of five children, hard work of 'boosts in the morning till night and still want to play with the pigeons. But the choice was "hard workers" - pigeons against a hard punch can and who, like the family Desbuquois, not back to work denizen of the crack of dawn to the fall of the long distance racers who avond.Keiharde continues when others stop, it was his life's work which, like the now flourishing business, put more fully in family relationships.

The strain construction

The Crack Valere, originally a Huyskens Van Riel cock, obtained by Fernand's brother, Valere and winner of the 1 Prov.Argenton "de Jonge Crack Valère" son of the Crack Valère P.Debusschere x-hen (originally Gorin - Vanbruane) " The Gorin "- directly Gorin father and several top racers Barcelona" Peersman The pigeons' two brothers and two sisters of the 1 In.Nat.Barcelona Peersman "The Matterne pigeons": from the line of the 1 In.Nat.San Sebastian (Miel Matterne has probably one of the strongest Barcelona races in the world, Michel Desbuquois contacted him soon after the flight to the now more than 80-year-old master to warn of the arrival of their winner.) Some day later, a visit to the master from Overhespen. The Matterne pigeons are probably the most appropriate in order to cross. This ancient tribe is Cattrysse by master Matterne refined and inbred for several years. They are iron distance racers who have a never terminating mordant and grown in nature. "The princess" a true super racer Barcelona, ​​the "Sultan" ..... hits from the glory years of plenty father Ferand Desbuquois and bred from the above lines. "E.Limbourg the pigeons" - through breeding together with friend Limbourg there was already a positive group in the lofts. "R.Schauwens, Asse" - a fine long distance lover with the little basket and go to Barcelona several times Top 10 + National Golden wing winner. With the above basic birds makes it the true Chapel On The Forest, the base is still preserved through close inbreeding and then they try to cross it with new blood. Always go back to the old basis.

The type of long distance kite

What struck me in your hand when taking the long distance racers in the family is the real Desbuquois swallow type. Pigeons of the lower level with a small density, soft plumage and a very long wing. The swallow-type as Master Matterne also nastreefd for years.

Close to the natural

Spacious airy lofts ensure that the birds still have a mass of fresh air. Along the front, they can during the fifth period in the small run and during the season makes a window snap for more fresh air. There are shutters that in strong winds provide shielding from the wind and excessive heat from the sun into the loft. The pigeons are housed thin, so there are multiple widower pens, but on every cage of 12 nest boxes have at least 3-fold subsequently serve as additional motivation. The widow-hens behind the widowers, but separated by a separate working area and these have sufficient space and oxygen, neatly housed in a group pen. In preparation for the flight they move to the individual where she bakes calm and dark being prepared for their partner to motivate homecoming. During the dead season move the cocks also fly to the track behind the cage, here they are daily treated to an abundance of oxygen and they provide the structure of the resistance to the coming season.

The less medication the pigeon needs, the better they will perform at the long distance flights

This does not mean that there never was what in the drinking water comes from far away, because who wants to perform to do this with very healthy pigeons. But it is extremely important to having "fresh-pigeons" in preparing to start. So they are ahead of the season fairly regularly examined and if necessary to deal with that "what is necessary". During this period they receive regular products such as brewer's yeast, apple cider vinegar and tea. But it is the operator through observation should be able to determine what the birds need, through regular consultations with the vet is there a decision and need to treat trichomoniasis. End of March, the vliegrs linked and then after several days incubation is started with the preparation, from then on they fly a weekly short flight, then france flight middle distance flight, twice mid-distance, Vierzon and Brive as a final flight to Barcelona. This year however, this was Chateauroux and this because of the later start by bird flu troubles. The last ten days before basketing be treated against the Flyers Barcelona kopziektes and the respiratory tract and the last three days, some extra vitamins in the diet. In preparation for the Barcelona pigeons normally worn again for a few days, but in the current season, these aside as there is between the group of hens in unloading two excellent fly workers were killed. The condition was excellent with the cocks, they trained to their hearts content, ...... fly away .... back over the house ..... back and forth chatting ..... in umbrella form over the house shave ..... perching on the roof and at the slightest movement back into the sky ...... choosing such masters of the sky ....... The condition was good, the confidence was there and they went into battle with a group of Barcelona-pilots who previously had shown their business card. (See performance last three seasons!)

Good preparation is extremely important.

This would also their brothers Michel and Didier Philippe and Pascal, as well as sister Noëlla thank for the fact that Michel repeatedly relieved of the daily work to advance the care and preparation of the Barcelona team to perfection. After you run a family business here in porch and construction Please make sure it's extremely busy, and it is not forgotten female hey, agrees .... Michel. Indeed, from the end of March start the actual preparation of the Barcelona team, ensure that the pigeons are well bakvast. It is an extremely important task, the pigeons Michel tries to closely follow. If milker should see what they need, you try not to pass up and as soon as possible to intervene. That the long distance racers have no lazy life, but should listen when he brands them within calls. Within a short time every cock is on the right loft. This is the van with candy seeds and used the baton. A small tap on the floor or against the staartvan the pigeon makes them quite quickly in the right bucket down. They might be small things, but our sport has evolved so that the hard work for an up-to-date care is needed. Meticulous lofts, a very good ventilation, to ensure that every bird in the own boss teritorium, everything is perfectly executed. In addition, the pigeons, the inkorvingsdata performed well in the beginning, the mixture consists of a light diet, and slowly switch over to a good quality mix. Their eyes fell this year, on the advice of some long distance friends at the Olympia Fond of Beyers, according to Michel a pure rich quality blend of highly digestible fats. They will also receive a daily handful of energy mix. Ensure fat without overloading the liver, the small details but are extremely important for a long distance flyer. You should hear them eating, greedy, says Michel, if they do not then it is not good, and ..... if they no longer want to eat .... Just skip a meal, but do train the next meal is there a diet mixture back on the menu and then slipping back on itself, it does not look where it can not be found.

The motivation of the Barcelona team

Old houses and yearling cocks together, because once a box has acquired a cock, he retains it for his future sporting career. Now, the yearling cocks are a few days before basketing Barcelona removed from the loft, then they go to the aviary, where they briefly enjoy a short oxygen treatment. The Barcelona-men get the opportunity than a second or third nest box to take. In this way almost the whole team motivated, just about any cock had the opportunity to expand his domain and felt good in his "sheets - plumes." (The same scenario was performed for the yearlings that were are all gemand for St.Vincent) But over-motivation also exists, since the first was signed at our visit, just days after the flight has not yet returned from the Spain flight. After Barcelona will be the same ritual used in preparation of Perpignan. Between Barcelona and Perpignan, the pigeons get one or two short flights of 60 to 100 km, to get back to stimulate the "feeling at home to be" to experience. The yearlings will St.Vincent in 2006 a second time to fly, because participation in Perpignan by the adjustments no longer possible. "Good long distance fliers, they show what they have to offer and are subsequently used properly utilize experience.

The youngsters

These houses in an "open, but draft-free run" and are given every opportunity to grow into fully fledged long distance racers. Definitely know the basket is sufficient as possible to 300 km. But when they get all yearling an equivalent program, regardless of which school they walked in their birth.

Barcelona - it was the ultimate thrill

The national victory, along with his brother Michel Didier saw the dark klasbak from the sky alight, briefly on the roof and then instantaneously inside. It was 6:16 in the morning and despite the many contacts they had never heard even a mention. It had a few early bird, a winner, a winner. The blood bonste by two brothers in the veins. They immediately thought of their late father, Fernand (+ 02.02.97), it was the tenth flight Barcelona he was not allowed to witness ..... it was the first notification and for a distance of 1085 km ..... after fifteen minutes they were already phones, after an hour they had already confirmed the national victory ... only farthest distance one could still be beaten for the international victory, he went to the Netherlands with a 7:03 clocking in at 1186 km with Gerard Van Tuyl in the Netherlands. But it was a celebration party and stay tenhuize family Desbuquois with this glorious victory prove that the permanent, breeding strategies employed by the late father Fernand still profitable.
03-Julius Barcelona
03-Julius Barcelona
04-Schonen Dolle
04-Schonen Dolle
01-Roger Barcelona
01-Roger Barcelona
17-Channel no 5
17-Channel no 5

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