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A Surplus - plante disponibileAaa DorinteAdenium obesumBrighamia insignisBrunfelsiaClerodendrumDioscorea elephantipesDiverseGardeniaHibiscus ArnottianusHibiscus FidjiHibiscus SchizopetalusHibiscus SurinamHoya carnosaHoya cumingianaHoya lacunosaHoya multifloraMurrayaPelargonium graveolensPelargonium odorataSinningia leucotrichaTagarVioleta Alan s Fallen AngelVioleta Anna s Harmony chimera frunzeVioleta Apache MidnightVioleta AV-Zheltiye RosyVioleta Balchug Excelsior chimera frunzeVioleta Bob s OmegaVioleta Bold Party Girl sportVioleta Buckeye Cherry ToppingVioleta Celery sportVioleta Cool mintVioleta DS-AlienVioleta DS-EndorfinVioleta DS-KhrizantemaVioleta DS-Lavandovaya Skazka chimera floareVioleta DS-Prekrasnoe DalekoVioleta DS-WisteriaVioleta EK-Chernaya MagnoliaVioleta EK-Izumrudnoe KruzhevoVioleta EK-Modnyi KutiureVioleta Fools GoldVioleta Frozen in timeVioleta Heavenly GirlVioleta Hunter s black talonVioleta Imp s Lil DeathcapVioleta Irish CreamVioleta LE MikadoVioleta LE Mon Sen MishelVioleta LE Usi PusiVioleta LE-Shotlandskiy Veresk sport chimera frunzeVioleta LE-Zoryane SyayvoVioleta LeV-Zimova Kazka chimera frunzeVioleta LF-DariaVioleta LF-LiliaVioleta Ma s Melody GirlVioleta Mac s Coral clackamasVioleta Mac s Pizzicato ParadiseVioleta Mac s rouge rogueVioleta Mac s Scorching SunVioleta Mac s TiamatVioleta Mac s Walkabout UluruVioleta N-favnVioleta N-NeytiriVioleta N-Tet-a-TetVioleta N-ThumbelinaVioleta NK Sofia RotaruVioleta NK-LimonVioleta NL Kniaginia OlgaVioleta noid alba frunze girl?Violeta Ocharovatel nyye GlazkiVioleta Ogo-Lituanika black chimera frunzeVioleta Optimara Chico sport?Violeta Optimara little moonstoneVioleta OS-Dikhanie vesnyVioleta OS-elfiyskiy tsvetokVioleta OS-InfantVioleta Painted SilkVioleta Pink pizazzVioleta Pony Ride - flower chimeraVioleta Ramblin DotsVioleta Ramblin SilverVioleta Rob s Copper CatVioleta Rob s Lucky Number chimera frunzeVioleta Rob s Lucky Penny chimera frunzeVioleta Rococo albVioleta Rococo violetVioleta RS izumrudnii gorodVioleta RUD-Green and White chimera frunzeVioleta RUD-Solodka SilVioleta Saintpaulia Diplotricha variegataVioleta Saintpaulia Velutina LiteVioleta ScalesVioleta Senk s AnemoneVioleta Senk s BaloonsVioleta Senk s Green GoddessVioleta Senk Snowy EgretVioleta Shaleniy Bemby chimera frunzeVioleta ShN-Kosmitcheskaya FeyaVioleta Sim sim magic bellsVioleta SV Gorod SevastopoljvVioleta SV Gorod VeronaVioleta TaK-Arbuzyk chimera frunzeVioleta Toy CastleVioleta Tser DoinaVioleta Tser DragonflyVioleta Tser Sbylas MechtaVioleta Two-w SandellenVioleta Vi ExclusiveVioleta Vi NiagaraVioleta Wesley Forest DancerVioleta Wesley s Depth of ReasonVioleta Wesley s Little MonsterVioleta Zenovia chimera spontana frunzeViolete frunze si rozeteViolete Mini NOID alb mov roz albastruViolete viespi

membru din 7 iunie 2023

Sinningia leucotricha

ENGLISH: Brazilian edelweiss

Description: Sinningia leucotrichaSN|22905]]SN|25359]] is a tuberous herbaceous perennials with silvery-white furry foliage and large, powerfully fragrant tubular red-orange flowers. Plants upright about 30 cm tall and 35 cm wide. This species is one of several South American gesneriads which are borderline succulents, caudiciforms, or waterplants with large fleshy tubers and is often cultivated by cactus and succulent enthusiasts as a caudiciform.
Tuber: Perennial, flattened spherical, apex sunken, 6-10 (or more) cm in diameter with light brown bark, fleshy but solid and partially exposed above ground. The tuber is a storage organ that allows the plant to survive periods of drought, cold or other conditions inhospitable to growth.
Annual stems: About 10 cm tall, completely deciduous, stumps remain on tuber. The stem growth habit is determinate (the branch stems ends with 2 or 3 leaf-pairs or flowers and is unable to grow further )
Leaves: In whorls of 4(-6), ovate, up to 15 long and 10 cm wide, silvery-white densely covered bay silky hairs.
Flowers: Bright salmon red in clusters of 3-5 in leaf-axils or at the ends of stems, growth similar to Sinningia cardinalisSN|25359]]SN|22905]] but sometimes sends up a central stalk with leaves and flowers in terminal cluster on top. Flowers nodding, short-lived. Calyx-lobes tapering from a triangular base. Corolla-tube narrowly tubular to cylindric, variously whitish hairy. Calyx 3 cm pink to orange to red, dark purple with brown-black lines at throat: lobes almost equal. Disc-glands 2.
Blooming season: Spring to early summer. Despite their tubers these plants, under ideal conditions, are capable of blooming off and on all through the year. Tubers may flower without planting.

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