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Anticipating my face in a red flushBustling crowds or silent sleepers

membru din 24 septembrie 2020

Anticipating my face in a red flush

                     ꧁She’s just a Ṭẹṃp̣ṭṛẹṣṣ꧂
                     ..can you not see it? ს24ᵗ̣ʰ̣Ṣẹp̣ṭ.
                    ∎∎∎∎ ˓ⅠˢᵗჴṢẹạṣọṇ˒ ∎∎∎∎
                    Just a bunch of annoying and
                    sexually desperate kids. Why
                    are they even famous anywa
                    y? It’s not like they did some-
                    thing good to the society. Th
                    ey just are and destroy it wit-
                    h those snooty ass attitudes..
                    The tabloid online newspaper
                ℳainly New York, United States of America.
                   What about ṬṂẒ reporting live?
       “He’s just another dumb kid who can’t handle the fame and got dragged into the dark side of
          the Hollywood life.” ...why do you always have to annoy them so much, Zayn?
              ❛Good thing, the two, Bonnie&Clyde, the money and who?❜
                   ★▬▬▬ T.Ṣc̣ọṭṭܭCoffeeℬẹạṇ ▬▬▬★
             Do you know that saying „when a tornado meets a volcano”?
               So cliché, but it happened. Literally. It really happened.
                    Spotted at: ܌ℒạṿọ Ṇịg̣ḥṭc̣ḷụḅ.
           „Come on, just a few shots and I’ll strip off of my secrets in front of you.”
             „I would’ve liked you to strip off something else, but that’s fine.
                We make Heaven out of what we have, I guess.”
         w h e n  t h e y  f i r s t  i n t e r a c t e d
         At first, it seemed like a typical night out for Zayn Malik, but little did he knew he
         was going to meet his own tornado casually dressed up as a blonde-haired girl
         with a pair of mystical blue eyes and long legs. Gigi Hadid. The one who fޅcked
         him up. But he was just a part of her foolishly evil plan. At least for the moment.
                   Plan: ܌ℳạḳẹ ḥịṃ ḷọṣẹ ịṭ ạg̣ạịṇ.
              „Malik! What the hell you think you’re doing here, asshole?!”
         „Is there something you wanna say, dude? Cause if you haven’t noticed already,
                you’re kind of bothering us. Get lost, Jordan.”
         „Oh, that’s kinda funny.. am I bothering you? Who exactly am I bothering, Malik?
                let me guess. You and.. oh right, my girlfriend?”
            w h e n  h e r b o y f r i e n d   s a w
            One kiss and that’s when their worlds collided. The lust was there,
            inside the both of them. In every word, in every touch they shared,
            but mostly, so much bigger when they kissed. He wanted her, she
            wanted him. Badly. Instantly. But it wasn’t that easy, at least for her.
                   ★▬▬▬ ⋞ℐọụṛṇẹỵޔℬẹg̣ạṇ⋟ ▬▬▬★
            ❛How would you feel if I had you? Trust me, you’d be mad too.❜
         He was played. Zayn Malik was played by a 23-year-old girl. But that’s not whe-
         re this story really ends. Even though he got his revenge back, he couldn’t stop
         thinking of her. The blonde woman was constantly in his mind, him in hers too.
         ...They kept bumping into each other like they were part of this magnetic field...
                 ◤❛Have you ever been to Disneyland?❜◥
                 Like.. In Europe? Zayn! Oh my God, you’
                 ◣re insane!  ˓♥ẒạỵṇᴬᴺᴰG̣ịg̣ị➲EP4,SE1˒◢
         Still.. Zayn Malik’s life, although he has everything he ever wanted starting from
         career, to money, fame and girls drooling over him, can be turned upside down
         by one little secret coming from his teenage years. A secret that can ruin every
         thing he ever worked for. One that he’s not even guilty for, but that’s so big you
         can’t even imagine what’s under it.  ══ An ụṇẹx̣p̣ẹc̣ṭẹḍ turn of a ℳụṛḍẹṛ ══
              t h e n t h e f r i e n d s c a m e
              „You’ll get burned, Malik. I dated Hadid. I know her better
              than I know myself. She’s straight out of Hell. My advice?
              Stay away from her, that’s the smartest thing you can do.”
         “Brooklyn Nets, just drop him already! He’s a total waste of time and money!”
                        ...are they telling the truth about you, Ṛọṃẹ F̣ḷỵṇṇ?...
              t h r o u g h  a n d  c h a n g e d
              „You took her to Paris? Zayn! What the fޅck is wrong with
              you? Like, seriously. Why? What was the reason? Did you
              forget what she did to you? You were suspended from the
              team because of her! You almost lost everything because
              of her game. Are you in love with her or what? Be honest.”
         “What is she even famous for? Parties and rappers? Or posting on Instagram?”
       ...miss Ḳỵḷịẹ, it looks like you’re really unbearable...
              n o t h i n g  a t  a l l  r e a l l y
              „Y’all worry too much, you know me. I’m everything but an
              idiot. Least thing I can do is just.. playing a little with her..”
                  ∎∎∎∎ ∎˓Ṣṃụḍg̣ẹḍڑṆạṃẹṣ˒∎ ∎∎∎∎
                   ❛I know they told you I’d be bad for you,
                  ∎∎ don’t worry, I’ll be back for you.❜ ∎∎
              “Who is that again? What is she trying to be? An Instagram
          model? No. Sorry, she’s just another gold digger drooling over athletes. Now
       she’s dating Michael B Jordan, but who’s next in line? Someone more famous? Richer?” 
                 ...you thought you’re playing it safe, G̣ịg̣ị?...

             ▬▬▬๑۩ ˓I’m just bad newsފBad-bad for you˒ ۩๑▬▬▬
I miss her in ways I didn’t know were that possible. Like the warmth of the bed when I; crawl into it late at night. Or waking up to the sound of the shower running in the morning. Or her silent presence as I wrote and she worked on weekends.
I miss her in ways I didn’t know were that possible. Like the warmth of the bed when I
Or her decisiveness in the grocery store when I can’t decide between cereal or oatmeal.; I miss her most in all the little moments I never learned to appreciate her in before.
Or her decisiveness in the grocery store when I can’t decide between cereal or oatmeal.
„I’m in love with you, Gigi. Or at least.. I was. Until I found out the real you. Vain, self-centere; Yeah, maybe I was idiot enough to think that you’ll realize all that I said were lies, only because I wanted the best for you. But I don’t regret that anymore. I knew that whatever happened,
„I’m in love with you, Gigi. Or at least.. I was. Until I found out the real you. Vain, self-centere
♪ Long walks on the beach in April, yeah I promise, darling, that I’ll be faithful
♪ Long walks on the beach in April, yeah I promise, darling, that I’ll be faithful
Michael would be there for you any time. And I only had to get used to the idea to carry; something on without you. Without the woman I truly desired.”
Michael would be there for you any time. And I only had to get used to the idea to carry
„I fell in love with you ’til the point I was ready to give up on everything for you. I would’ve; picked you anytime, anyway. I was seeing myself beside you. In a real relationship, not just hidden under the sheets. And I expected you to pick me too. Instead, you broke my heart.”
„I fell in love with you ’til the point I was ready to give up on everything for you. I would’ve
We are verily not smart with our hearts. We love and we lose and we break but we never learn.; We do not give up on love because that would mean giving up on finding someone to share our lives with, to support us and hold us and be there for us. And that idea simple idea keeps
We are verily not smart with our hearts. We love and we lose and we break but we never learn.
us running for more. We drown ourselves swimming through the river of tears from; countless heartbreak due to this hope. And it’s this hope that makes us stupid. Because we do not love with our brain. We do not listen when it tells us not to trust or love again.
us running for more. We drown ourselves swimming through the river of tears from
We only hear our hearts whispering the stories of a life long lived with the person of our; dreams. And even if it is the faintest sound, it provides enough hope to make the risk worth it.
We only hear our hearts whispering the stories of a life long lived with the person of our
♪ Give me your body and let me love you like I do
♪ Give me your body and let me love you like I do
Come a little closer and let me do those ♪ things to you
Come a little closer and let me do those ♪ things to you
My biggest mistake will always be loving you more than I ever loved myself.
My biggest mistake will always be loving you more than I ever loved myself.

Comentarii album • 15
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
mai dati fa si voi episoade pe public ca mi am terminat toate serialele de calitate...
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
iti propun how to get away with murder si from dusk till dawn atunci:*
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
am vazut htgawm cam juma de sezon? si dupa am zis pas ca era prea dark si aveam o perioada foarte proasta si ma intrista rau, si fdtd nu vreau sa vad ca e wilmer si ma enerveaza ma apuca dracii daca l vad :) =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
eu zic mai bn doar sa ma apuc de anvatat
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
nu stiu cum sa ti zic sora mea da yo zic sa te bagi pe dusk ca la sf sez 2 apare si demi:***
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wtlrraMsHw adevaratul serial, cel mai de calitate si cel mai bun nu se termina niciodata .
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
e r a m s i g u r a
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
hai pa ca ma uit
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
stiu ca apare bytha da apare cu prst ala
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
e gagica lui aia badass
..parca moare oricum
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
mrg ce e... neinteresant e cu vilmer vallhala nu vreau
da mi fa ceva comedie ceva sa ma destreseze
Maktub 22 ianuarie 2021  
uita te la filmele lui tyler perry cu madea.. e ca un serial aproape
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
le.am vaz hihi
Temptress 22 ianuarie 2021  
5gang un altfel de craciun
Hysteria 22 ianuarie 2021  
adevarat ce atat ma chinui

breatheme 18 ianuarie 2021  
i miss jo
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