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Correspondance February 6! 1950

membru din 24 decembrie 2023

Correspondance February 6! 1950

               matryoshka ! she/her ! selective.
     ❪ ཐི♥︎ཋྀ ❫ i am currently searching for long-term 1x1 rp partners. could also be a 2x2 if we click. in terms of plots i am interested in, i generally lean toward rl angst (totally down for smut, too!) but i’m happy to do cute fluff every now and then as well. gimme toxic co-dependent relationships, gimme roommates with sexual tension, give me long-term one sided pining- and that’s just off the top of my head, i love adding depth and discussing plots/headcanons/random ideas with my partners so if you do too, we’d probably be a great match!
     ❪ ཐི♥︎ཋྀ ❫ if you’re interested at all in building a beautiful world and fangirling over our faves together, you can message me and i’ll get back to you if i think we’re a good fit. thanks for taking the time to read!

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