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A Craving for Darkness   The Story Unfolds

membru din 13 septembrie 2019

A Craving for Darkness

                        dᴜɈĸɒM¸ مكتوب
                        A̲ S̲u̲r̲v̲i̲v̲a̲l̲˒s̲ T̲r̲i̲a̲l̲
                     Open ℜavenwood ُs doors
                     ⸺only one gets out⸺ 
¹ EthanƜ̣ạḷḳẹṛ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℛ̣ạḅḅị︡ (Ad. Brody).
¹ EthanƜ̣ạḷḳẹṛ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℛ̣ạḅḅị︡ (Ad. Brody).
∎ ˓Welcome to ṚẠṾẸṆẈỌỌḌ, guests!˒ ∎
∎ ˓Welcome to ṚẠṾẸṆẈỌỌḌ, guests!˒ ∎
² ℒeanderC̣ṛọf̣ṭ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℛel. Art C̣ụṛạṭọṛ︡ (N. Alexander Chavez).
² ℒeanderC̣ṛọf̣ṭ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℛel. Art C̣ụṛạṭọṛ︡ (N. Alexander Chavez).
³ Isabellaℳ̣ọṛẹạụ◟ ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℒ̣ịḅṛạṛịạṇ︡ (Vika Bronova).
³ Isabellaℳ̣ọṛẹạụ◟ ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℒ̣ịḅṛạṛịạṇ︡ (Vika Bronova).
⁴ Charlℬ̣ṛọẉṇ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠Sci-Fi Ẉṛịṭẹṛ︡ (Inanna Sarkis).
⁴ Charlℬ̣ṛọẉṇ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠Sci-Fi Ẉṛịṭẹṛ︡ (Inanna Sarkis).
⁵ ⲊelahC̣ạṿẹṇḍịṣḥ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℋ̣ẹịṛẹṣṣ︡ (Sydney Sweeney).
⁵ ⲊelahC̣ạṿẹṇḍịṣḥ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℋ̣ẹịṛẹṣṣ︡ (Sydney Sweeney).
⁶ ℳiloẠṛc̣ḥẹṛ◟ ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠Ṣṭụṇṭ Actor︡ (James Marsden).
⁶ ℳiloẠṛc̣ḥẹṛ◟ ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠Ṣṭụṇṭ Actor︡ (James Marsden).
⁷ TristanⲊc̣ḥẉạṛṭẓ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠F1 Ḍṛịṿẹṛ︡ (Dylan O’Brien).
⁷ TristanⲊc̣ḥẉạṛṭẓ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠F1 Ḍṛịṿẹṛ︡ (Dylan O’Brien).
⁸ AaroẈạṭẹṛṣ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℬ̣ạṛ Owner︡ (Lorenzo Zurzolo).
⁸ AaroẈạṭẹṛṣ◟ᵀᴴᴱ♥︠ℬ̣ạṛ Owner︡ (Lorenzo Zurzolo).
⸻ The participants have now arrived. The butler, with a solemn expression, gathers them in the; grand dining room. A long, polished table stretches out before them, set with gleaming silverware and crystal glasses. A single candle flickers at the center of the table, casting long shadows that
⸻ The participants have now arrived. The butler, with a solemn expression, gathers them in the
seem to dance on the walls. The guests exchange uneasy glances. They’ve all been invited for; different reasons, none of which they fully understand. Before anyone can ask about the mysterious host, the butler steps forward with a sealed envelope. With deliberate care, he breaks the seal and
seem to dance on the walls. The guests exchange uneasy glances. They’ve all been invited for
reads aloud:⸺“Welcome, my esteemed guests. By now, you must be wondering why you’ve been; summoned here. Tonight is not merely a gathering—it is a test. A test of will, of intellect, and of survival.  Before the night is over, secrets will be revealed, alliances will be forged, and
reads aloud:⸺“Welcome, my esteemed guests. By now, you must be wondering why you’ve been

Comentarii album • 20
xBarbieLandx3 acum 11 ore  
Milo si eu
LiebesFraulein acum 13 ore  
Am să zic şi eu Milo pentru că e destul de reţinut în vorbire şiiii pare că are lucruri de ascuns.
Seductress acum 14 ore  
Ok hai Milo ca sunt prea multe diferente
Complicated acum 15 ore  
Milo e suspicious
Seductress acum 15 ore  
Eu zic ethan ca e prea chill
iMysticFalls acum 15 ore  
Ce mistoooo eeeee!!!! Asa dupa ce am citit, I d say Selah too
solivagant acum 15 ore  
bella me așa fricoasă leșin =))))
io-s cu milo că e așa zen idk, sus ._.
crawlingback2me acum 15 ore  
okay first of all??? I LOVE THIS

trecand peste asta, hear me out. in primul rand, ne batem capul aici cu niste carti de tarot, that's not 'not a big deal' pentru ca, basically, din secunda in care cartile alea au fost atinse, universul si energiile au inceput sa lucreze pentru fiecare-n parte, right? my point is, Selah se poarta suspicios intr-o astfel de conjunctura si, chiar daca poate nu e ea the bad guy pentru ca poate-ar fi prea obvious, it's a tarrot game, sa te eschivezi asa si sa transpiri de frica ca-ti afla astia secretul, mai rau ca Isabella... mmm, asta nu da bine, missy.
deci o votez pe Selah for now, in speranta ca orice secret murdar ar avea, tot o sa se afle, mai mult ca oricand acum, cand da de banuit atat de grav
Maktub acum 14 ore  
I love it when you give reasons hihi
Maktub acum 17 ore  
           Who won’t make it beyond the doors of Ravenwood?
             Dive deep into the story at the below link:
           then return to this album to cast your elimination vote.
           (Your decision can be explained—after all, you’re the judge)
Maktub acum 20 ore  
                A̲r̲r̲i̲v̲a̲l̲ a̲t̲ R̲a̲v̲e̲n̲w̲o̲o̲d̲ M̲a̲n̲s̲i̲o̲n̲
  As the guests drive up the winding road toward Ravenwood Mansion, the air grows heavy with fog.
  Trees stretch out their twisted branches like skeletal fingers on either side of the narrow path, and
  the sky above is an ominous gray — the sun barely visible behind thick clouds.
  The mansion looms at the top of the hill, its gothic spires reaching into the sky like claws.

  The building is vast and ancient, its stone walls dark and foreboding, covered in ivy that clings des
  -perately to the structure, as if the mansion has a life of its own.

  The driveway is lined with flickering lanterns, casting a dim, amber glow that barely cuts through the
  creeping mist. At the base of the grand entrance, two enormous oak doors stand closed, with brass
  knockers shaped like snarling wolves.

  A butler in an immaculate black suit opens the door as the first guests arrive, his expression unrea-
  dable, his movements silent as a shadow. Without a word, he leads them into the grand foyer, where
  marble floors gleam under flickering chandeliers. The room is cold.

  But there’s something unsettling about the quiet, the way the air seems too still, and the faint creaks
  and groans of the mansion’s old bones.

             The clock strikes dusk. The game is about to begin.
xBarbieLandx3 acum 20 ore  
Lorenzo Zurzolo as Aaron Waters
Bar owner
HappyPill acum 21 ore  
Dylan O’Brien as Tristan Schwartz, f1 driver
LiebesFraulein acum 21 ore  
Young James Marsden/ Milo Archer, stunt actor.
Seductress acum 21 ore  
Sydney Sweeney, Selah Cavendish, heiress.
iMysticFalls acum 22 ore  
Inanna Sarkis as Charlotte Brown / Sci-Fi writer
solivagant acum 22 ore  
Vika Bronova as Isabella Moreau, librarian
crawlingback2me acum 22 ore  
Nicholas Alexander Chavez as Leander Croft, religious art curator.
Complicated acum 22 ore  
Adam Brody/ Ethan Warner, rabbi.
Maktub acum 23 ore  
                A̲n̲ I̲n̲v̲i̲t̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲ t̲o̲ R̲a̲v̲e̲n̲w̲o̲o̲d̲ M̲a̲n̲s̲i̲o̲n̲
         As you open the envelope sealed with a deep red wax crest—you read:

         ¸ You are cordially invited to a most exclusive gathering at Ravenwood
         Mansion — estate shrouded in mystery and reserved only for the most
         select of guests. Within these walls, stories of wealth, power, and trea-
         chery entwine. But beware, for not all stories end well. Your presence
         has been requested for a night unlike any other — a night of discovery,
         deception, and, perhaps, danger. Come prepared for challenges of wit
         and nerve, for only the most cunning will survive the evening unscathed.
              The stakes are high, but so too is the reward.
                     Arrive at dusk.
                 Ravenwood Mansion awaits you. ¸

         Make up your character (m/f) — face-claim, a new identity and their job.
             Now wait your part in Ravenwood’s lands to unfold.
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