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I don t wanna lose myself luving uIn the middle of my chaos I found u

membru din 8 august 2019

I don t wanna lose myself luving u

         Ỵọụ’̣ṿẹ ̣g̣ọṭ ̣ṭḥẹ ̣ḍẹṿịḷ ̣ịṇ ̣ỵọụṛ ̣ẹỵẹṣ
          They about to see us shine                 Cabana Dramei Totale … Done ✓
            ’cause we’re ġȯl̇ḋėṅ                 Orașul Dramei Totale … In progress.

            Let’s just go and see the world and just show them what it really means to live life golden.
Aceleași persoane / sentimente diferite. Peisajul e diferit dar totuși vechi pentru noi, știm cine suntem și știți și voi. ;)
Do we know what we are doing? Probably not. Are we gonna keep going and don’t care about others? Absolutely.
                                    5 persoane / 8.08 / Un ∞ de amintiri.
              LuvingU squad. N-avem nevoie de alte introduceri, suntem și vom rămâne o familie.
Bandă. What’s that called when characters resemble human traits and you can actually see the things that they do in the real world? It’s called Art. Pure Art of writing, not just role-playing. Putting so much soul and effort into some-
thing and actually putting yourself through the character’s shoes, it’s something so rare these days that you have to cherish it when you see it. It’s not simple living a life, but how about living multiple lives? It is indeed a paradox, but with the right persons by your side, I can simply say that writing becomes another form of living. Maybe that’s what we are doing here, maybe we are just playing with you, you will never know. We love the drama but we’re not dra-
matic, we enjoy making things complicated but we love keepin’ it simple.
             Now, enough with the sweet-talking, here we are:
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̷♡̷ ⍮αιηяσʇιƖαɔ⑇eyes٦̷ I aint asking you for space just some room to fucking breathe (3540)
̷♡̷ ⍮αιηяσʇιƖαɔ⑇eyes٦̷ I aint asking you for space just some room to fucking breathe (3540)

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