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On my bookshelf of hours

membru din 21 iulie 2024

On my bookshelf of hours

 ღ ℬibliophile˛ /ˈbɪblɪə(ʊ)fʌɪl/˛
A soul gathering pages like treasures, finding solace in the rustle of paper,
bound in the silent embrace of a book ̒s spine.
⸻insight of past reads.
The Witches of New York, Ami McKay˛ If I could teleport back to 1880 New York and actually meet; these witches, I would in a heartbeat. The world feels gritty and alive, and you can smell the incense and herbs on every page. And the feminism in this story? Chef’s kiss! I loved it, ★★★★☆.
The Witches of New York, Ami McKay˛ If I could teleport back to 1880 New York and actually meet
The Little Friend, Donna Tartt˛ The Southern Gothic vibe is on point, and there’s this constant; sense of dread that really gets under your skin. Harriet? Iconic. But the book is so–so–sooo slow. This is one of those books where it’s more about the journey than the destination, ★★★☆☆.
The Little Friend, Donna Tartt˛ The Southern Gothic vibe is on point, and there’s this constant
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov˛ Lolita is… complicated. The book is from Humbert Humbert’s perspective,; so you’re basically in this guy’s mind, and he’s constantly trying to justify and romanticize what he’s doing. I could go on and on about this disturbing and uncomfortable read, ★★★★☆.
Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov˛ Lolita is… complicated. The book is from Humbert Humbert’s perspective,

Comentarii album • 6
Maktub 13 noiembrie 2024  
YESSSS miss girl, I couldn’t have said it better!!
LiebesFraulein 18 noiembrie 2024  
One of the favorites indeed. ♥
x7Captivate 10 octombrie 2024  
you should read white nights by dosto! e f scurta, cred ca ti ar placea, judecand dupa ce ai aici..!
LiebesFraulein 10 octombrie 2024  
Chiar mi-am propus să mă afund mai mult şi printre clasici, nu mă mândresc cu prea multe lecturi Dostoevsky, thank youu for the recommendation!
beourpower 9 octombrie 2024  
Când vad aceste cărți aici și după ma uit la ce citesc eu... cred ca încă s un copil în fantasy urile mele pline de smut.... când unii oameni citesc cărți cu un mare impact....
LiebesFraulein 10 octombrie 2024  
Să ştii că şi eu am citit o mulţime de genuri până să îmi dau seama ce e pe gustul meu cu adevărat. No judgement zone, fiecare citeşte ce îi face plăcere. ღ
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