14 poze   667 vizite


It's over for you, but I won't forget!
You are Cabbage! Stay home!
Nostalgia and Irony - 1234 you do everything like at THEATER!
Nostalgia and Irony - 1234 we do everything like at THEATER!
■ ● ♤ ♡ ◇ ♧ ● ■
(Ps: And if someone still forbids the new ones on his page, come to me, you are welcome. I will not discriminate ... and as long as you come peacefully, I will really welcome you with open arms. I am not like that I am bad only when I am provoked. But with the man who knows what it means I feel, he has all my respect :))
Thank you!
Now coming back!

Nostalgia and Irony - and I want visits like no other


Nostalgia and Irony!

Give me that I don't have!
Give it to me!
But even if I ask, I am a victim!
Give me what I need!
Give it to me! That's how I want it and that's why there is irony!
Nostalgia and irony, see how it is?
How does man pay attention only to get what they want!
Do you want more ?
Too bad I'm not your only tank!
Meww uu ha. I want visits like no other
Yes, I also want to have my image stained on my accounts ... they were slandered, pointed the finger in vain ... to be visited. (Visits) Like others as it is unjustly on my back. correct to be in the center of attention if we keep getting so big, at least if we are still to make a name for ourselves, at least to be on the right thing! Others make visits behind others and for what? Is that how they want it? Well, get ready to visit me from now on :))))

Maaa at least have something to attack if still =))))

If you're after sabotage, I'll tell you right now! LEAVE YOUR JOB! ●
See how bad it is to suffer
out of stupidity ?????
Like how many stops I was given for a liar from here ... so from now on READY.
- -
■■ Stay with the nonsense

Stay with the nonsense and get your catrafuses
Stay with everything you want, but leave me alone!
Don't look, don't stain me, in your dirty game,
Because I will not play your game and it will be in vain. ■■


By the way!

Click on the inolovesasu account that is in collaboration, as that account is especially worth it, that's how my muscles want it, yes ???? If so can some and I want!
Ps: don't forget me !!! ✅☑✔

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