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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 15 august 2024

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                     account name: theflyingdutch
His name is Leo. Leo the orange cat.
His name is Leo. Leo the orange cat.
I got the room with the nice view.
I got the room with the nice view.
Gotta start peeling.
Gotta start peeling.
V12 ☼
V12 ☼
@skylinedaddy I just found a picture from that night we met.
@skylinedaddy I just found a picture from that night we met.

Comentarii album • 21
KeonPhrasavath 21 august 2024  
Can I have a tiny little taste of your childhood?
JaceWillems 21 august 2024  
Like the muffin?
KeonPhrasavath 21 august 2024  
Exactly like the muffin.
JaceWillems 21 august 2024  
In that case you can have more than just a tiny little taste!
PixieaBorg 18 august 2024  
jacey can i catsit leo when you are busy ?
JaceWillems 18 august 2024  
Of course! Even when I am not busy, you are always welcomed to keep me and Leo company
DaneWestbrook 17 august 2024  
i wasn't invited to boys night? lame
JaceWillems 17 august 2024  
It was before the show. We can always have one now!
MarloDevreaux 17 august 2024  
I see you possess some Photoshop skills. or was I too drunk to even remember taking that picture?
JaceWillems 17 august 2024  
I guess you were. After the lighter we both went back in and you had a drink with me and my friends. Well, kind of. You down that drink down your throat pretty fast. Interesting 5 minutes.
MarloDevreaux 17 august 2024  
mate, you’re making me look bad… why didn’t you tell them how I bought that homeless guy in front of the club a brand new house and a ferrari? AND gave them €50.000…
JaceWillems 17 august 2024  
Maybe I wanna keep your good side for myself.
Or I am still pissed it was a Ferrari while you know my brother drives for RedBull. A Valkyrie would have been nice.
MarloDevreaux 17 august 2024  
why gatekeep?
and also I’m a ferrari fan and always will be, even if (hypothetically) my brother-in-law drives for ferrari;)
MarloDevreaux 16 august 2024  
www.sunphoto.ro/JaceWillems/Collection_of_Tintypes/116296148 this looks like it’s taken from my room…
JaceWillems 16 august 2024  
Are you suggesting I sneaked into your room?
MarloDevreaux 16 august 2024  
maybe, maybe not
KeonPhrasavath 16 august 2024  
www.sunphoto.ro/JaceWillems/Collection_of_Tintypes/116296247 I implied it once and I'm saying it yet again more clearly. You make me want to claim you and keep you to myself only. Won't you stop my possessive instincts?
JaceWillems 16 august 2024  
What makes you think I have any wish to stop you? Maybe I am yours for the taking.
KeonPhrasavath 17 august 2024  
"Maybe I am yours"... Maybe you are.
KeonPhrasavath 16 august 2024  
I thought it was a myth when they said cats resemble their owners. Leo?... Jace?
You have a very cute friend over there, by the way.
JaceWillems 16 august 2024  
We also like pets and to lay in the sun.
Thank you!
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