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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 10 februarie 2024

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                         account name: isihoney
ray of sunshine in my eyes
ray of sunshine in my eyes

Comentarii album • 8
KaileaManuwa 12 februarie 2024  
It feels like being back in high school biology class, it's all coming back, isn't it? The memories, the learning,—like a trip down memory lane.
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 13 februarie 2024  
Biology in high school is terrible :(((
Tintype 12 februarie 2024  
What's wrong with the baby? Is he related to Indra by any chance, cause then I might know.
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
He was born with a heart defect. :(((( this little baby didn't do anything wrong
AdderGavroche 12 februarie 2024  
~My insects do the same, they just don’t scream I do
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
How many things children and insects have in common
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Wow. You really said "f uck the patriarchy", huh?
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
I can be a bit of a fanatic about women.
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