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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 10 februarie 2024

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                         account name: isihoney
When a child is born, the entire Universe has to shift and make room. Another entity capable; of free will, and therefore capable of becoming God, has been born.
When a child is born, the entire Universe has to shift and make room. Another entity capable
When life gives you oranges...
When life gives you oranges...
make yourself a cocktail.
make yourself a cocktail.
doctors in 1700′s: why would i wash my hands before an operation that’s absurd; midwives since like. the dawn of humanity: remember to try and give birth in the cleanest possible place and use warm water to wash everything to keep the mother or the baby from falling ill
doctors in 1700′s: why would i wash my hands before an operation that’s absurd
I feel sad because the baby I'm midwifing is sick
I feel sad because the baby I'm midwifing is sick
finally ending midwifery school
finally ending midwifery school

Comentarii album • 8
KaileaManuwa 12 februarie 2024  
It feels like being back in high school biology class, it's all coming back, isn't it? The memories, the learning,—like a trip down memory lane.
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 13 februarie 2024  
Biology in high school is terrible :(((
Tintype 12 februarie 2024  
What's wrong with the baby? Is he related to Indra by any chance, cause then I might know.
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
He was born with a heart defect. :(((( this little baby didn't do anything wrong
AdderGavroche 12 februarie 2024  
~My insects do the same, they just don’t scream I do
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
How many things children and insects have in common
IndraBeaufort 12 februarie 2024  
Wow. You really said "f uck the patriarchy", huh?
IsidoraAriadnaHancar 12 februarie 2024  
I can be a bit of a fanatic about women.
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