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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 4 august 2021

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                     account name: thedam_ofCashew.
  My dashing and ravishing Cashew
  My dashing and ravishing Cashew
            A head bends...
            A head bends...
   hair and thoughts are wind-blown
   hair and thoughts are wind-blown
...unbound and undulating.      
...unbound and undulating.      
   Blue blue Azulejo sky
   Blue blue Azulejo sky
ℒured by the radiant darkness..      
ℒured by the radiant darkness..      
 Cashew's footprints ♥
 Cashew's footprints ♥
Crimson of Amaryllis
Crimson of Amaryllis
Bumped into him.
Bumped into him.
motionless Eyelashes      
motionless Eyelashes      

Comentarii album • 9
AxelVaughn 13 august 2021  
So here's Rodion, —I've been looking for him for almost an hour.
InezdeOliveira 13 august 2021  
That's what they do when you write them off.
NasrinOnyango 10 august 2021  
A touch of a pleasing ingénue along with comely Cashew! Your feed has a plushy-lovely theme, sweetheart.
InezdeOliveira 10 august 2021  
Just like a Scarlet flower.
FelixColumbeanu 10 august 2021  
Singura domnișoară normală din sezonul ăsta.
InezdeOliveira 10 august 2021  
Riding a horse doesn't make me a princess.
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