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Ámame naturalmente hoy - mañana

                      ໓ịṛẹc̣ṭẹḍ on © Ṣụṇp̣ḥọṭọ
                    A R O L E P L A Y P R O D U C T I O N
                        ꧁ ∎ ℋỵṣṭẹṛịạ ∎ ꧂
                         Ạịṛẹḍ: 30/12/2020

           ❛Beati i timidi                   ❛Anni, amori e
          perché abitanto la terra               bicchieri di vino. Non si
            in mondo delicato.❜                   contano mai.❜
                     ◤Ṭḥọụg̣ḥṭ   ♥  ℭọṇṭạg̣ịọṇ◥
                     ◣playing in the background◢

                        ━ noun: hysteria; plural noun: hysterias ━
             LỌC̣ẠṬỊỌṆṢ➲  (1) New York (2) Coney Island (3) Malibu Beaches
                      (4) Bora Bora (5) Geneva (6) Madrid (7) Lucerna
             [ℙạṣṣạg̣ẹ]  ❝And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how
                    you made it through,   how you managed to survive.
                     You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really
                     over.             But one thing is certain.
                     When you come out of the storm,  you won’t be the
                     same person who walked in.   ⋆ (a) H. Ṃụṛạḳạṃị
                             That’s what this storm’s all about.❞
                               Ḳạf̣ḳạ ̣Ọṇ ̣Ṭḥẹ ̣Ṣḥọṛẹ, 2002.
              ˚ ✦ + · ✧  WHO IS YOUR DOPPELGANGER? ✧ · + ✦ ˚
                 „It ain’t Kafka, to be sure! She is just my twin. Long
                    story short, the inheritance! She was cut off
                 the list. I felt compassion, felt bad about it. Was she
                   actually that bad? I wanted to help her out,
                 to sort things out with her and our parents, - well
                    she is that bad.”   სK E N D A L L about Ḳỵḷịẹ.   
               ∎∎  What’s  up  with  this  ḌẸṢṬỊṆỴ  girl?  ∎∎
                             „Are you guys, for real?
                 I have never been with a girl named Destiny, she
                 has nothing to do with me. It is just...  - sighs -
                 Being a Night Club owner does not really means
                 you f*ck everybody around.  Yes, I do have fun,
                           but who doesn’t?”, Z’s PP.

               Y O U D O H A I K U S W H E N E V E R Y O U A R E
                  I N T H E S H O W E R. I S E E W H Y DO
               Y O U H A V E  L O N G E R  H A I R T H A N ME!
                     ∎∎∎∎ ˓Ạịṛẹḍ: Dec, 2020˒ ∎∎∎∎

                  „Not even an entire Universe of flowers would
                      make me forgive him! He was a jerk!
                  He screwed me over twice, and just -because
                    those curls and kind eyes, I should give
                 up? No, no, my puppy! He will probably burn,
                      because that is what I want...”, Demi.
               ∎∎∎∎   ˓ℒive the memory ♥ Not the past.˒   ∎∎∎∎∎
          ʿIt has to be said, she will        C        ʿI was not that in love,
          never give up on her life, not       A       I-... I mean, I was having a
           this way.  She is my twin!          S          crush, but I won‛t ever be
          She won‛t back down, - ‛never.ʾ      T       a second choice. Lick your lips!ʾ
           — in Ḳẹṇḍạḷḷ‛s words.                — in Ḍẹṃẹṭṛịạ‛s words.
                  YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR BACK!
                      [BEHIND THE RED CURTAINS]
   ▂ ▂ ▂༺Ḳẹṇḍạḷḷ ̣Ṇịc̣ọḷẹ ̣J̣ẹṇṇẹr༻▂ ▂ ▂                ▂ ▂ ▂༺Ẓạỵṇ ̣J̣ạẉạạḍ ̣Ṃạḷik༻▂ ▂ ▂
   ▌ Melting ♥·s with her brown eyes   ▌               ▌ Charmful to his only babygal   ▌
   ▌ Keeping the hope with standards ▌               ▌ Born to love her ;till the End.   ▌
   ▌ Never let people go out’ of her life. ▌               ▌ He was once cold and lonely’   ▌
   ▌ Stopping the flow of time. Fragile ▌               ▌ But now hes tenderly flowing  ▌
   ▌ soul, powerful woman’ golden ♥   ▌               ▌ in passion offered by his bae’  ▌
   ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ♦ 3·Novemb·1995 ♦ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔               ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ♦ 12·Janu·1993 ♦ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔

  ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂༺Ḍẹṃẹṭṛịạ ̣Ḷọṿạṭo༻▂ ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂               ▂ ▂ ▂ ▂༺Ḷịạṃ  P̣ạỵṇẹ༻▂ ▂ ▂ ▂
  ▌ Made in the AM to protect & dedicate ▌              ▌ Alive to accomplish his destiny ▌
  ▌ herself to the last drop. She’s made  ▌              ▌ to change his low-self attitude’ ▌
  ▌ of steel and can hurt anyone that   ▌              ▌ and to never let his lover’ go  ▌
  ▌ destroys her perfect Future-Image·   ▌              ▌ cause the chaos he went thru▫ ▌
  ▌ Beloved girlf’ loaded ━♥━ with love  ▌              ▌ changed him in a dedicated boy ▌
  ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ ♦ 20·August·1995 ♦ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔                ▔ ▔ ▔ ♦ 29·August·1993 ♦ ▔ ▔ ▔ ▔ 
                   ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
                         ⋘P R E S E N T⋙
                            ˓Ṣẹạṣọṇ Ⅰ˒
                  Ⴭạỵṇ’s POV:   „How would I know? That every
                          gesture will count? She could
                          erase my very own existence
                          flipping the coin.  I was just a
                          pawn and   she played chess.
                          Not classy!  Hogwarts chess.”
                  ℒịạṃ’s POV:  „She played me too.    It was
                          pretty smooth, if you ask me.
                          Zayn was bragging   that he
                          messed her up,   but she was
                          the  dirty one  all this time!”
                  Ⴭạỵṇ’s POV:   „Yeah!    Li thought he had a
                          shot, but I’m not the one that
                          lost his   ca$h and sh!t, bruh.”

                  ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁  ∎ NewỴọṛḳCity ∎  ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
                „It is just an engagement. Your money will be back on
                the first of july.”   J U S T S O,  G E R A L D?
                 „I am not looking to have fun with any of you, maybe
                   I am just enjoying how beautiful new faces can be!”
                „He is super hitting on me, Demi, I’m telling you, and
                  H I T T I N G? H U H?, „-It’s not a Kylie-Kendall
                              situation, not anymore!”
                    „I wanted you to know how precious
                you were, how much I cared!”,   T O O F A S T
                 „Why are you so cold, Liam, because I represent
                 a number two?”  A B A C K U P, „Again?”
                    „Stop assuming what I am thinking,
                 please, just stop that. Maybe you are too much
                Maybe I don’t want to commit this way,”,  S A D
                 T R U T H     „...maybe I don’t want you.”
              „Kendall seems like a catch!”, Liam softly whispers to Zayn,
              Zayn glances a look, laughing, „Bro, I f*cked her everywhere,
                      name me one place you have in your mind
                       and I’ll tell you a position.”, he winks.
               Liam smothers a giggle, arching a brow, „You seem
             pretty fraud sometimes.”,  Zayn smirks in arogance, „Maybe
                    I am more than you think, Payno!”
     „I think it’s not fair at all. They seem pretty         „Demi, please, just shush your mouth
      happy and there... there is me. Why, God?”        and fill my flute with some champagne.”
                A R E   Y O U   S E R I O U S ?

                           ꧁ ·© Ṛịg̣ḥṭṣ· ꧂
                            ℋỵṣṭẹṛịạ  Season Ⅰ ˓Ḍẹc̣, 2020-2021.
                                 A Ṣụṇp̣ḥọṭọ ℭreation.
───── „She said to me... «Zayn, come quickly, my bra stuck! I know you are such a; handy man.», why do you make fuss about me getting the girl? You are not her type, just keep it in your pants, bro, look else where. There is no chance for you to come near her!”
───── „She said to me... «Zayn, come quickly, my bra stuck! I know you are such a
„Are you f*cking kidding me? She told me just yesterday that I have her full attention, that; you are just playing her and she is sick and tired of your games. I am more gentle, more capable of giving passion, what do you have to offer, mr. Malik? Just your p*nis?”─────
„Are you f*cking kidding me? She told me just yesterday that I have her full attention, that
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℙrivateℑṣḷạṇḍ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℙrivateℑṣḷạṇḍ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
─────  „Stop, Kylie! Just stop! It′s   absolutely outrageous. I′m sick and tired of watching; how people are treating me badly because of you. Demi is super pissed, just because there was a pinky promise involved and you broke it. You broke my trust! You deserve yourself!”
─────  „Stop, Kylie! Just stop! It′s   absolutely outrageous. I′m sick and tired of watching
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℐennerℳạṇọṛ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℐennerℳạṇọṛ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
„Nope, sis! You have the inheritance? Let me have my boys. I wanna play every single one; of them in your name. You′ll be known as a stripper, as a luxurious «lady», let′s call it this way and also, as a heartbreaker. I don′t care about your pity party. I′ll do whatever I want!” ─────
„Nope, sis! You have the inheritance? Let me have my boys. I wanna play every single one
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℭonneyℛẹṣṭạụṛạṇṭ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
˚ ✦ + · ✧ ℭonneyℛẹṣṭạụṛạṇṭ ✧ · + ✦ ˚
───── „Dem, I′m telling you... It′s bad! Liam crossed roads again with Kylie. He is so stupid,; I don′t get it, but he lost his bussines. Kylie just received one million euro in her account. I want you to talk to him. I know you′re dissapointed and all of that, but give him a chance!”
───── „Dem, I′m telling you... It′s bad! Liam crossed roads again with Kylie. He is so stupid,
„To be honest, I kinda hate him. He was mean, he did all those mean jokes and... I don′t know; if I should feel sorry or even pity about him, but... Count on me! I′ll get him on his feet.” - pauses with a sigh -, „Anywho, how is your process going? Is Gerald still giving you the look?” ─────
„To be honest, I kinda hate him. He was mean, he did all those mean jokes and... I don′t know
Ạịṛẹḍ: 30-12-2020 ♥   | ◤Ṣẹạṣọṇ ̣Ọṇẹ◢
Ạịṛẹḍ: 30-12-2020 ♥   | ◤Ṣẹạṣọṇ ̣Ọṇẹ◢
∎ ˓ℒive the memory ♥ Not the past.˒ ∎
∎ ˓ℒive the memory ♥ Not the past.˒ ∎

Comentarii album • 2
Hysteria 24 ianuarie 2021  
=)))))))))))) special am pus-o
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