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Collection of Tintypes

membru din 16 mai 2021

Collection of Tintypes

                    ˓❦Tintypeː a ʻsocial mediaʼ platform.
                     account name: Faye ᰔᩚ
from my favorite chapelier and person ꨄ
from my favorite chapelier and person ꨄ

Comentarii album • 2
RedMcIntosh 3 iunie 2023  
they sense when a soul is lily-white, and are drawn to the glow –– by-the-way, I will forever be grateful to you for ridding the orchard of powdery mildew... och the Calville Blanc dʼhiver you brought as a gift were nectarean, –– and this is coming from a cavillous McIntosh! –– kiss the crowns of your curly friends for me. ♡
FiadhDreoilinOak 3 iunie 2023  
No, no, lend me your hand!, you can’t be perching in the tree all by yourṥelf !
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