2295 poze   23893 vizite


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
........ I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)
psychopsis; pictura de la fetita mea
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV; Good morning butterfly!
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV; Hello butterfly!
psychopsis papilio mariposa GV

Comentarii album • 4
doinabacau 25 mai 2023  
Mereu,cu admiratie!
doinabacau 15 mai 2022  
Intr-o glastra...confortabila,flori admirabile...
EpiFitze 17 mai 2022  
Multumesc pentru apreciere.
Am vizitat site-ul tau iar plantele tale sunt de asemenea foarte spectaculoase. Am multe intrebari dar o sa le iau pe rand si o sa le adaug la plantele care mi-au atras atentia. Sal
doinabacau 17 mai 2022  
Oricand,cu drag...doar ca ,din ce a fost candva,sa mai fie cam o treime!
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