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NickMorgan portrayed by NicGtz

                 Nicholas ❝N͎i͎c͎k͎❞ Morgan. ໄ Nicholas Galitzine
         . . . 20 years old . . . lawyer . . . Pisces . . . heterosexual . . . INFP . . .
                Rubik cube                  weed
               baseball                 contagious laughter
              kind smiles                starry nights
             designer suits                 3 AM talks

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/4IuMi ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Being the son of Electra Nox and Hayes Morgan, he was raised to not                      break the law and to do good. Since one of his parents works in the law                      enforcement and the other in a national intelligence organization, he w                      as taught to always be honest and learned how to lie by himself. Even t                      hough his parents always gave him affection and tried their best to be p                      resent in his life, the pressure to be a model kid made him to act like one                      and also do whatever he wanted behind their backs.

                      Ɠr̲o̲w̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲u̲p̲:
         At around 9 years old, he showed signs of a remarkable ability to
         remember things. Reading or seeing something made it easier fo
         r him to encapsulate the information in his brain. Many teachers to
         ld him that he was a genius, and after seeing a specialist, it was d
         iscovered he had a photographic memory. It was easy for him to g
         o through school with perfect grades without any effort, but he nev
         er dreamed of anything big.

In high school, he became friends with Eric, who introduced                  :Ͳe̲e̲n̲a̲g̲e̲ ̲M̲i̲s̲t̲a̲k̲e̲s̲
Nick to partying all night and the use of marijuana. He mana
ged to keep it a secret from his parents, God knows how. Af
ter he finished high school, he moved in with Eric and went
to law school at UCLA. He didn`t get to finish his first year s
ince Eric pulled him into his mess, convincing Nick to help h
im pay off his debts and sell drugs with him.

                    Ꝉi̲a̲r̲ ̲L̲i̲a̲r̲,̲ ̲P̲a̲n̲t̲s̲ ̲O̲n̲ ̲F̲i̲r̲e̲:
        After agreeing one last to sell drugs for Eric, he met Karen Donahue
        as he was running from the cops. The woman was interviewing for a
        new position at the law firm she was working. Impressed by Nick`s c
        apability to remember things, she hires him, thus beginning the web
        of lies.

↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲:                   He works as Karen`s associate and cuts all ties with Eric. There                         fore, he moved back to his father`s house. For the first time, h                         e feels he`s about to succeed and be someone important.

  . . .  creative   . . .  open-minded   . . .  compassionate   . . .  intelligent   . . .  witty   . . .       goofy   . . .  opinionated   . . .   loyal   . . .   factual   . . .   lenient   . . .  

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