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MarkAbbott potrayed by StAmell

                  Marcus ❝M͎a͎r͎k͎❞ Theodor Abbott. ໄ Stephan Amell
       . . . 32 years old . . . Captain of Narcotics Unit . . . Aquarius . . . heterosexual . . . INTJ . . .
              flannel shirts               cowboy boots
                  knives                 alcohol
                 drugs                  violence
                 death                 stacks of money

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/V2Iuz ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Marcus “Mark” Theodore Abbott was raised by his father, the sheriff of                      their hometown, after his mother ran away with his father’s best friend.                      This betrayal led Mark’s father to neglect him, choosing work over his s                      ons. Growing up, Mark was never academically inclined but excelled in                      sports, becoming the captain of the football team. Despite his distrust o                      f women, stemming from his mother’s abandonment, Mark fell deeply i                      n love with Jade when she was a freshman. His obsession with her grew,                      and he worked hard to win her trust, protecting her and her sister, Lexi                      e, from their abusive father. He isolated Jade, making her believe he was                      the only one she could rely on besides Lexie.

        Mark persuaded Jade to join the Police Academy with him after sh
        e graduated. His career trajectory seemed promising until Jade be
        came a detective and was partnered with Lucas Rhodes, triggering
        Mark’s jealousy and obsessive nature. He asked Jade to change p
        artners multiple times, but she refused, which further aggravated h
        im. During his years as a detective, Mark met Patrick Grimaldi, wh
        o bribed him with a substantial amount of money to act as his man
        inside the system, helping Patrick evade law enforcement.

Mark’s relationship with Jade became increasingly rocky,                       :Ꭰo̲w̲n̲f̲a̲l̲l̲
leading him to drugs and alcohol, primarily cocaine. His
aggressive and abusive nature surfaced more frequently.
When he discovered Jade was pregnant, he temporarily
calmed down and attempted to clean up his act. However
, his addiction proved hard to overcome. One night, after
heavy partying with Patrick and his friends, Mark came h
ome intoxicated. An argument with Jade escalated, and M
ark brutally beat her, causing her to miscarry and almost l
ose her life.

                     ටb̲s̲e̲s̲s̲i̲o̲n̲ ̲a̲n̲d̲ ̲D̲e̲s̲c̲e̲n̲t̲:
         After Jade recovered, she filed for divorce, driving Mark to insanity
         and rekindling his obsessive behavior. His jealousy of Jade’s relati
         onship with Lucas exacerbated his psychosis. In a fit of rage, Mar
         k killed their cat, Cobby, leaving its mutilated body for Jade to find.
         His desperation to reclaim Jade or ensure no one else could have
         her turned him into a dangerous stalker.

↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲P̲o̲s̲i̲t̲i̲o̲n̲:                Mark is now the Captain of the Narcotics Unit, making him more
                        valuable to Patrick Grimaldi. Despite working in a different depart
                        ment, Mark has access to crucial information, helping Patrick keep                         his criminal activities under wraps. Mark’s dual life as a law enforc                         ement officer and a corrupt insider reflects his manipulative and r                         uthless nature.

At 32, Mark Abbott’s life is a twisted amalgamation of                        : ↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲
professional success and personal depravity. As the
Captain of the Narcotics Unit, he continues to manip
ulate the system to protect Patrick Grimaldi’s interest
s while battling his demons. His obsession with Jade,
coupled with his volatile temperament and criminal a
ctivities, makes him a dangerous and unpredictable i
ndividual. Mark’s journey is one of corruption, obsess
ion, and a relentless pursuit of control, with a willingn
ess to destroy anyone who stands in his way.

  . . .  manipulative   . . .  assertive   . . .  arrogant   . . .  closed-minded   . . .  cruel   . . .       dishonest   . . .  greedy   . . .   selfish   . . .   neurotic   . . .   rude   . . .  

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