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HunterSteele portrayed by ThJs

                   Hunter C͎h͎r͎i͎s͎t͎i͎a͎n͎ Steele. ໄ Theo James
       . . . 36 years old . . . Captain of Homicide Unit . . . Gemini . . . heterosexual . . . ISTP . . .
                Vicodin                  addiction
              negligent father               divorced man
              solitude              drinking problem
            unpredictability               guns
             police badge              sports cars

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/JYasH ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:                Hunter Jonathan Steele was born into a wealthy family, but his upbrin                         ging was far from idyllic. As a rebellious child, he constantly went ag                           ainst his parentsʾ wishes, choosing to live life on his terms. Despite his                           tough exterior, Hunter deeply loved his three-year-younger sister, tho                          ugh he rarely showed her affection. In high school, he fell for Karen Do                           nahue, a self-centered and mean-spirited girl. Their tumultuous relat                           ionship led to an unplanned pregnancy when they were 18, resulting in                          the birth of their daughter, Sophie Steele. Despite Hunter’s desire for                            Karen to abort the child, their parents forced them to keep the baby an                          d get married. This traumatic experience contributed to Hunter becom                          ing a negligent father, focusing primarily on his career and struggling to                          show affection for Sophie. Though he loved her deeply, his way of                            expressing it was limited to financial support and occasional outings.                           His marriage to Karen crumbled, leading to a bitter divorce.

            Seeking control in his chaotic life, Hunter joined the Police Academy
            after Sophie was born. He excelled in law enforcement and quickly r
            ose through the ranks. However, an incident early in his career left a
            lasting impact. During a robbery response, Hunterʾs ambition led hi
            m to act without backup, resulting in a near-fatal gunshot wound. T
            he powerful painkillers prescribed during his recovery led to a Vicod
            in addiction, which he embraces daily.

Hunter’s family life was further strained by his sisterʾs                     :Ƒa̲m̲i̲l̲y̲ ̲S̲t̲r̲u̲g̲g̲l̲e̲s̲
abusive relationship during their teenage years. When
Hunter discovered the abuse, he brutally beat her boy
friend, who later died from his injuries. Although his pa
rentsʾ money and influence kept him out of prison, his
sister never forgave him, severing their relationship. H
unter firmly believes in meting out harsh justice to crim
inals, never regretting his actions.

                   ᖇe̲l̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲h̲i̲p̲ ̲w̲i̲t̲h̲ ̲K̲i̲m̲i̲k̲o̲ ̲Y̲a̲m̲a̲d̲a̲:
           After becoming the Captain of the Homicide Unit, Hunter hired Kimiko
           Yamada as his secretary. Despite his complex and difficult nature, Kim
           iko managed to tolerate and adapt to his behavior. Their relationship d
           eveloped into a cat-and-mouse dynamic, marked by mutual respect an
           d a deepening connection. Both troubled by their pasts, Hunter and Ki
           miko share a bond that hints at a slow-burn romance, although their p
           ride and complexities prevent them from acknowledging it.

↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲:                   At 36, Hunter Steele is a complex figure, accepting his addiction to                          Vicodin while balancing his responsibilities as the Captain of the                           Homicide Unit. His relationship with his daughter Sophie remain                           s strained, and his unresolved feelings for Kimiko add another la                           yer of complexity to his life. Despite his flaws, Hunter’s dedicate                           on to his work and his belief in justice drive him forward. His jo                           urney is one of resilience, marked by a struggle for control and a                           search for redemption in the shadows of his past.

. . .  moody   . . .  stubborn   . . .  spiteful   . . .  tenacious   . . .  cruel   . . .  arrogant   . . .             confident   . . .   cynical   . . .   disrespectful   . . .   forthright   . . .  

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