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ElectraNox portrayed by MegFox

                     Electra M͎a͎r͎i͎e͎ Nox. ໄ Megan Fox
     . . . 38 years old . . . homicide detective (undercover)/CIA agent . . . Aries . . . bisexual . . . ISTP . . .
             red lipstick                  manipulation
           unread text messages               cold stare
           martial arts                   ankle heeled boots
           confidential files                black coffee
           acts of service                  horror movies

                 ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ t.ly/bTIV9 ‘゚⸺⸺⸺

ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:                Her father was a captain in the army, and her mother was a failed                        actress who became a housewife after she got pregnant with Elect                        ra. Since her father was away most of the time because of his job, s                        he grew up in her mother`s company. When she was 11, she witnes                         sed the breakdown of a deeply traumatized soldier who snapped an                        d attacked his wife. Her father got into an argument with her mother                         and pulled the gun on her. Before he could realize what was happen                        ing, the woman called 911 and decided to leave him.

                     Ͳe̲e̲n̲a̲n̲g̲e̲ ̲D̲i̲r̲t̲b̲a̲g̲:
         Electra and her mom moved to New Orleans and never saw her father again.
         Her mom got a new boyfriend, who already had a son from his previous relat
         ionship. The two eloped and two years later had their own child. Electra and
         her stepbrother had a complicated relationship in which they hated each to
         her but were attracted to one another. Her mother caught them making out,
         and their parents lost their minds, sending Electra to live with her maternal g
         randma until she graduated high school.

She was always fascinated by spies in movies and working                       :↻a̲r̲e̲e̲r̲
inside an organization. Having a more tomboy personality d
espite her looks, she followed this path academically and su
cceeded in getting into the CIA. Despite her rebellious and a
loof personality, she took her job seriously. She likes to work
on the field and was part of different operations where she w
ent undercover, including in other countries.

                     ᖇe̲l̲a̲t̲i̲o̲n̲s̲h̲i̲p̲s̲ ̲&̲ ̲P̲e̲r̲s̲o̲n̲a̲l̲i̲t̲y̲:
             Being a lone wolf, she doesn`t get attached easily to peo
              ple and always keeps her guard up. While preferring soli
              tude, Electra has no problem being part of a group, even
              if she`s the one to sit in the back and watch everything u
              nfold, remarking now and then. She only had one roman
              tic relationship that is complicated even to this day.

Ƒa̲m̲i̲l̲y̲ ̲P̲o̲r̲t̲r̲a̲i̲t̲:                She met Hayes Morgan when she was 17, and they fell deeply in love.                         A year later, she got pregnant with their son and decided to raise him                         together. Since both were working in the CIA, their superiors found o                          ut about their relationship and that they had a child and gave them a                          choice: either break up or leave. Hayes was the one who left the orga                         nization and moved to Los Angeles. The three of them are far from a                         typical family. They rarely have family dinners, and the relationship be                         tween Electra and Hayes is complicated. They loved each other and th                         eir son, Nick, but never got married or settled somewhere.

She goes undercover as a detective at the LAPD, her                       : ↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲
task being to keep an eye on Mark Abbott and anyone
involved with him. As she spends more time at the sta
tion, she notices things that don`t add up. Having the
FBI stick their nose in the situation doesn`t make it ea

  . . .  unpretentious   . . .  quiet   . . .  analytical   . . .  impulsive   . . .  adventurous   . . .         secretive   . . .  straightforward   . . .   commitment-phobic   . . .   insensitive   . . .  

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