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AlexandraJones portrayed by JC

                   Alexandra ❝L͎e͎x͎i͎e͎❞ Jones. ໄ Jenna Coleman
       . . . 27 years old . . . forensic specialist/blood splatter analyst . . . Virgo . . . bisexual . . . ISTJ . . .
                books                      lab coat
              chocolate pudding             staying up all night working
              work meetings               coffee
               psychological thriller movies        messy handwriting

                ⸺⸺⸺ ‘゚ shorturl.at/EelT3 ‘゚⸺⸺⸺
ßa̲c̲k̲g̲r̲o̲u̲n̲d̲:               Alexandra "Lexie" Jones and her sister Jade grew up in a household                      marked by instability and abuse. Their father, an alcoholic and often                      violent man, made their childhooda constant battle for safety and n                      ormalcy. Their mother, unable to cope with the turmoil, left them at                      a young age, leaving Lexie and Jade to rely solely on each other. Jad                      e, being the elder, took on a protective and parental role, shielding                      Lexie from the worst of their fatherʾs outbursts and providing the o                      nly source of stability and comfort in her life.
            Lexieʾs childhood was far from typical. Under Jadeʾs vigilant care,
            she managed to focus on her studies and develop a love for boo
            ks and learning. Jadeʾs protection allowed Lexie to escape into th
            e world of knowledge, fostering a curiosity that would shape her
            future. Despite the chaos at home, Lexie excelled academically,
            driven by a desire to build a better life for herself and honor Jad
            eʾs sacrifices.

Lexie is hardworking and detail-oriented, with a strong                      :φe̲r̲s̲o̲n̲a̲l̲i̲t̲y̲
reliance on facts and evidence. She is practical and res
erved, often keeping her emotions tightly controlled.
Her experiences have made her punctual and reliable,
with a sarcastic edge that serves as both a defense m
echanism and a tool for navigating social interactions.
Above all, Lexie is honest and loyal, traits deeply ingra
ined by the bond she shares with Jade.

            Inspired by her challenging upbringing and fascination with forensic
            science, Lexie pursued a forensic specialist career focusing on blood
            spatter analysis. Her meticulous nature and analytical skills make her
            exceptionally proficient in her field. Working for the police, Lexie is d
            edicated to uncovering the truth and bringing justice to victims, often
            working late into the night to ensure no detail is missed. Her career is
            a testament to her resilience and commitment to making a difference.

φe̲r̲s̲o̲n̲a̲l̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲:                  Lexieʾs professional and personal life was profoundly enriched by                         her friendship with Ethan Harris, a forensic pathologist. Their shar                        ed dedication to their work and their complementary personalities                         created a strong bond that evolved into a deep friendship. Over t                        he years, this friendship blossomed into romance, and they event                        ually admitted their feelings for each other, becoming a couple. Th                        eir relationship is grounded in mutual respect, shared experiences                        , and a deep understanding of each other’s values and aspirations.

Today, Lexie is a respected forensic specialist known                        : ↻u̲r̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ Ꝉi̲f̲e̲
for her expertise and dedication. Her life balances t
he demands of her career with moments of personal
solace found in books, psychological thrillers, and sm
all comforts like chocolate pudding. The bond with her
sister, Jade, remains a cornerstone of her strength, and
their relationship is a testament to enduring love and su
pport. Her romantic relationship with Ethan has added a
new dimension to her life, bringing joy and emotional ful
fillment. Lexieʾs journey from a tumultuous childhood to
a successful professional and personal life highlights he
r resilience and the profound impact of enduring love an
d friendship.

  . . .  hardworking   . . .  factual   . . .  detail-oriented   . . .  curious   . . .  practical   . . .       reserved   . . .  punctual   . . .   sarcastic   . . .   honest   . . .   loyal   . . .  

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