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Treat you like a queen and like that’s just for me

Album: 07 Mistletoe could pull us closer
Data: 13 februarie 2020

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You say I’m talking like I don’t wanna wife, I just wanna fڡck, you damn right
۰7⁽ᵗʰ⁾Ẹp̣ịṣọḍẹ۽ ℭodeڮṆạṃẹ➲ ˓[ℭḤẠỌṬỊC̣]˒
Treat you like a queen and like that’s just for me
Looked at me like,  ⸎ “Damn boy, you brought everything but the truth”
Girl, you used to be cool,ؼ that’s why I started fڡcking with you

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